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The Astral Plane


Pull my finger
Thought provoked from oldboots' "Dimensions" thread.

I dont really know too much about this but we are supposedly about to move through it.

If you have any info or ideas about it....Please discuss, it intrigues me.


get you some spice swampy..it'll explain everything in a hot minute..:muahaha:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
The astral plane, also called the astral world, is a plane of existence postulated by classical (particularly neo-Platonic), medieval, oriental and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions.[1] It is the world of the planetary spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to being born and after death, and generally said to be populated by angels, spirits or other immaterial beings.[2] In the late 19th and early 20th century the term was popularised by Theosophy and neo-Rosicrucianism.

The "Barzakh" or inter-world in Islam, the "World of Yetzirah" in Lurianic Kabbalah, the "Spirit World" in Spiritualism and the "Fairy World" of Celtic spirituality are all related concepts.

from wikipedia


Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
The Astral Plane is where ya go when ya kick da bucket....the spirit world...I wonder if you can get high when ya dead?


all praises are due to the Most High
I'm no astronomer, but I think when in astronomy people refer to the astral plane, it is what we have mapped regarding the orbits of our solar system and surrounding systems, but I may be completely mistaken though...this is why people have so many theories on what is gonna go down on 2012, since on that day, the orbits of said astral plane will be such that many planets will align in a straight line with the earth, and this may have magnetic influence on the earth, who knows

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
I'm no astronomer, but I think when in astronomy people refer to the astral plane, it is what we have mapped regarding the orbits of our solar system and surrounding systems, but I may be completely mistaken though...this is why people have so many theories on what is gonna go down on 2012, since on that day, the orbits of said astral plane will be such that many planets will align in a straight line with the earth, and this may have magnetic influence on the earth, who knows

That's some crazy shit.


From an occult viewpoint, in the glossary of http://www.astralvoyage.com:
Physical Plane (Etheric Plane or Etheric/Physical Plane), Astral Plane (Emotional Plane), Mental Plane (Manasic Plane), Buddhic Plane (Intuitional Plane), Atmic Plane (Spiritual Plane), Monadic Plane, Divine Plane (Logoic Plane or Adi). Most people, when they die, will stay in the astral plane of existence. The level within the astral where they reside will depend on their individual vibrations.
Those interested in astral projection can find a forum at http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/ , plus a trove of other sites with related material all over the net via google.


all praises are due to the Most High
now that I remembered, it is not really called the 'astral plane' but the 'galactic plane', I thought this was what the OP meant since he said we were going through it...

this a definition of the galactic plane:

The plane in which the disk of the Milky Way Galaxy lies. By definition, one direction perpendicular to this plane is called above or north, and the opposite direction, also perpendicular to the galactic plane, is called below or south. From Earth, due galactic north is marked by the north galactic pole, which lies in Coma Berenices, near the bright star Arcturus, and due galactic south is marked by the south galactic pole, which lies in Sculptor.


So what are we moving through? :chin:
Thought provoked from oldboots' "Dimensions" thread.

I dont really know too much about this but we are supposedly about to move through it.

If you have any info or ideas about it....Please discuss, it intrigues me.


New member
Astral plane/dimension is a vague consept, on which you can find couple of definitions.

-Astral plane/dimension is the (part of the..) "otherside", some call it also the 4th dimension. So, in this consept astral plane and the 4th dimesion/plane are one and the same thing.
Astral plane is the "subconcious" part of our minds which we "go into" while (sleeping) dreaming. ...or the Bardo (of buddhism).

-Astral light is a means to communicate between to "physical dimensions/planes" like between our 3D plane and the 4Th dimension/plane. With this consept the "astral plane/dimension is a sepparate thing from 4th dimension/plane. the "astral dimension aka astral light" is like a "extra sensory telephone" for communication between two planes of exsitence (physical planes) ... spiritual planes Heavens/ Spirit realms still holds physicality, imo.

What ever you think the astral plane is for you, remember, or look for the various sources telling us that the "astral plane" is a plane of illusion, where nothing is real, but things morph into the next image etc.

Astral plane or the astral light is the thing you'll find yourself "in" while doing LSD of DMT etc. You can meet aliens, gods, angels and strange insects etc. but all these entities can be played/acted by a human-spirit for you, and you'd never know the difference unless you know that this can be the case ...and in this way cause anything can be anything in the "astral light" it is called a plane of illusion, and is not to be trusted in any way.

What ever you think your "new age" guru can teach about metaphysics (ESP, extra sensory perception) ..is more or less just conditioning (a belief system), cause that is how they were taught (in a mystery school, lamasery etc.) ..and because of this, many "ancient" esoteric linages are passing on false knowledge, mis-information, cause they think they know better ...they can't, if they say they can, they are conditioned fools and if you still follow them, you're fool also.

But, when a guru just tells you "It's an illusion, but now you know there is the "otherside"", he just taught you the best lesson on "astral" you can ever get.

if you wanna learn more about the astral light/ astral plane ...google:

-astral plane illusion
-astral light
-astral intermediate zone



I think people that smoke that salvia shit are trying to ascend to the astral plane via magic carpet ride


Pull my finger
Fascinating. I read a book a few years ago about remote viewing and the the secret govt spy project that utilized it. The author touched on the subject but I never really looked back at it until now.

Somehow I think the Astral Plane and our 3rd Eye and this whole 2012 thing tie together. I just find it funny how much shit there is on tv about 2012 and aliens and all that. Like the powers that be are conditioning the masses so everybody wont freak out when we are visited.


May be, but...

May be, but...

I just find it funny how much shit there is on tv about 2012 and aliens and all that. Like the powers that be are conditioning the masses so everybody wont freak out when we are visited.

I think it's more like the powers that be put all this 2012 shit on TV because it gets good ratings.


Active member
Is there a cosmologist in the house?

who can think about getting their makeup and hair done at a time like this?!

Somehow I think the Astral Plane and our 3rd Eye and this whole 2012 thing tie together. I just find it funny how much shit there is on tv about 2012 and aliens and all that. Like the powers that be are conditioning the masses so everybody wont freak out when we are visited.

I have a bad feeling "they" are going to take advantage of everyone's anticipation of disaster from 2012 and wipe the human slate clean or something fucked like that.

On the other hand, my less paranoid hand, I certainly believe there is going to be a universal awakening of the human races consciousness.

I guess my ideas fall somewhere between a universal mental awakening, a global shift in thought/action, and a unification of ALL people.

Maybe I spent too much time eating acid at rainbow gatherings these past few years, but none the less...I can say with a degree of certainty/faith that something is changing.


"And after calming me down
with some orange slices
and some fetal spooning,
E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose.
He said, "You are the Chosen One,
the One who will deliver the message.
A message of hope for those who choose to hear it
and a warning for those who do not."
Me. The Chosen One?
They chose me!!!
And I didn't even graduate from fuckin' high school."

"Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be the One
Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending,
To write it down for all the world to see.

But I forgot my pen
Shit the bed again ...


its the move towards transhuman beings, anew energy is pulsating throughout the universe and i presume it starts taking greater affect around 2012,

watched the sky for an hour tonight, countless planes, 11 ufos, the ufos were VERY high up,

as the conciousness shift happens within our reality, ets are understanding that they will finally be able to reconact us, they say there hasnt been contact before, but it doesnt take long looking into ufos in ancient drawings, some even depict the ets in drawings.