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My Buckets


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
^^^^ I think those 8 gallon squares are the same ones that are used in the UC system, except the UC ones are blue.


Active member
awesome man, thanks for answering my questions. That UC system seems very tempting especially the 4 site one or a 3x3x7 grow, but I can't find out how much they are or how to order them, or if i should just build my own.. ah the choices of life.

Nice aerocloner, cant wait to see that shots of the plants in the buckets. take it easy man


Devil's Advocate
Do you have any problems with water dripping out of that aerocloner? I see there are only 4 sprayers in there. I am thinking about building one, so I'll take a cue or two from you. Doo bee doo


wow there should be people who just come to your house and build your room,,,there are some real neat handy guys and gals on here, i am such a slob and not very handy at all lol,,,peace


Hey LB great thread and i cant wait to see those ak's take off when you finally putin your system.

Ive read through the whole thread and you said you had a prob with your lines getting clogged with roots. Well ive been thinking why not try Rash Vest material you know the shirts that surfers put on under thier wetsuits to prevent rashs. You also see people wearing them down the beach etc...

why not make a sock out of this material to cover the pipe and secure it on with a plastic tie im sure this will allow suffecient water to pass through material while stopping the roots penetrating through the material as well that would normally clogg up your lines.

Hope someone gets what i mean and understands my idea.
Well I made a pretty long post yesterday then IC went down for a few mins and it was gone. :fsu:

OK, WTF, now I am noticing that the post I made a few days before that is gone too, I answered some questions and posted pics of my aerocloner and veg room but that post is gone? Grrrrrr. :mad:

If ItsAllOver didn't have a post asking me about the aerocloner I might have thought I was fucking losing it here.:1help:

Oh well, guess I will repost the cloner and veg room pics below for those that missed them. If this post dissapears I don't know what the hell I will do. And moving on...

FlyingHigh, nice bucket links, love those 8 gals!

ItsAllOver, no probs with the aerocloner leaking, that rubbermaid brute works great for this. Yeah everyone says not to use those spinning sprayheads but they work fine for me and have never clogged. I think they produce a nice small droplet size and I just think they are cool. I found that only 4 heads covers the whole lid area good, all the stems get wet when fully loaded.

I also run this aerocloner on a 1 min on/4 mins off cycle timer, I think that helps. Got some root bumps today, won't be long now. :woohoo:

My tapwater sucks for cloning so mine are slow, just never took time to experiment with what I need to add to the water but I am going to fire up my bubble cloner on the side and do a few experiments, think I just need some micro nutes.

ido, I'm not really all that handy, I have found just paint everything white and/or wrap it in panda or reflectix and even a turd would look good LOL.

Funny you should say that though, I am helping a friend build a new room. I will document it on another thread but it will be a fun build as he can only afford a light or two and soil to start with and he is going to bootstrap his way up to a 5 or 6K hydro setup.

daemos, thanks and that is an interesting idea. Not sure about material or screening as I am afraid the roots would just grow into it and make a bigger problem. I do have some bulkhead strainers that I have never tried and I think I will use 1 in a bucket this time to see how it does.

Turbo - Finally got you a lid pic, I stuck a clone in there so you could get the full effect LOL. The flower room is a lil dirty, still haven't cleaned in there yet. Like I said before there have been some upgrades since those 1st pics I posted, as u can see the buckets are now wrapped in reflectix for insulation which I added with the chiller. The elbows in the lids are 1" like I thought:

Here's that aero attachment I was talking about earlier, it plugs in place of the sprayheads. Just checked it and I would have to run the water level in the buckets a lot lower to use it so I won't be trying one this run like I wanted to. I will save the experimenting after my stash jars are filled LOL. Poor man aero in a bucket anyone? Edit: I forgot how adjustable this thing is, I might run now that I think about it...

There is a jet on the bottom to keep the water in the bucket mixing:

Anyway, here's the pics from the earlier post that disappeared in case you missed them:
aerocloner loaded up:

plenty of air in the cloner this time:

clone/veg/mom area, veg system goes to the right on the floor:

shelf above veg area:

empty spot where veg sys goes, it's out for a scrubbing:

OK, if this post disappears I am going to be really pissed and if IC goes down after I submit it, I will know it is ME! :muahaha:


Devil's Advocate
Nice homie. I like seeing it all come together. Are you in an attic or are those knee-walls?
Just to throw in my :2cents:, I think I've figured out the cloning method that I'm settled on, so I figured I'd pitch it to you, because I think it would work for your purposes.
Try going to a hippie type food store around your area and seeing if they have RO water dispensers so you can just bring in a jug and use that water for cloning. I have recently started using RO only because I just love the idea of starting at 0 and building my nutrient solution piece by piece (actually it's mostly 1 piece, FloraNova Bloom)

Gotta remember to hit Ctrl+A (select all), Ctrl+C (copy) every once in a while as you're typing up an ICmag post. Sometimes I write up the long ones (tutorials, etc) in Word and then transfer over and format them.


I love my life
Well I made a pretty long post yesterday then IC went down for a few mins and it was gone. :fsu:

OK, WTF, now I am noticing that the post I made a few days before that is gone too, I answered some questions and posted pics of my aerocloner and veg room but that post is gone? Grrrrrr. :mad:

If ItsAllOver didn't have a post asking me about the aerocloner I might have thought I was fucking losing it here.:1help:

Oh well, guess I will repost the cloner and veg room pics below for those that missed them. If this post dissapears I don't know what the hell I will do. And moving on...

FlyingHigh, nice bucket links, love those 8 gals!

ItsAllOver, no probs with the aerocloner leaking, that rubbermaid brute works great for this. Yeah everyone says not to use those spinning sprayheads but they work fine for me and have never clogged. I think they produce a nice small droplet size and I just think they are cool. I found that only 4 heads covers the whole lid area good, all the stems get wet when fully loaded.

I also run this aerocloner on a 1 min on/4 mins off cycle timer, I think that helps. Got some root bumps today, won't be long now. :woohoo:

My tapwater sucks for cloning so mine are slow, just never took time to experiment with what I need to add to the water but I am going to fire up my bubble cloner on the side and do a few experiments, think I just need some micro nutes.

ido, I'm not really all that handy, I have found just paint everything white and/or wrap it in panda or reflectix and even a turd would look good LOL.

Funny you should say that though, I am helping a friend build a new room. I will document it on another thread but it will be a fun build as he can only afford a light or two and soil to start with and he is going to bootstrap his way up to a 5 or 6K hydro setup.

daemos, thanks and that is an interesting idea. Not sure about material or screening as I am afraid the roots would just grow into it and make a bigger problem. I do have some bulkhead strainers that I have never tried and I think I will use 1 in a bucket this time to see how it does.

Turbo - Finally got you a lid pic, I stuck a clone in there so you could get the full effect LOL. The flower room is a lil dirty, still haven't cleaned in there yet. Like I said before there have been some upgrades since those 1st pics I posted, as u can see the buckets are now wrapped in reflectix for insulation which I added with the chiller. The elbows in the lids are 1" like I thought:

Here's that aero attachment I was talking about earlier, it plugs in place of the sprayheads. Just checked it and I would have to run the water level in the buckets a lot lower to use it so I won't be trying one this run like I wanted to. I will save the experimenting after my stash jars are filled LOL. Poor man aero in a bucket anyone? Edit: I forgot how adjustable this thing is, I might run now that I think about it...

There is a jet on the bottom to keep the water in the bucket mixing:

Anyway, here's the pics from the earlier post that disappeared in case you missed them:
aerocloner loaded up:

plenty of air in the cloner this time:

clone/veg/mom area, veg system goes to the right on the floor:

shelf above veg area:

empty spot where veg sys goes, it's out for a scrubbing:

OK, if this post disappears I am going to be really pissed and if IC goes down after I submit it, I will know it is ME! :muahaha:

I want to look at this in more detail. None of my posts have vanished, and I really would like some of those stoned ramblings back. LB, you are a mad plumbing genius :yoinks:

Peace, :joint:

Stay Frosty

Wont be long now!! Everything looks TITS!! I got my modded waterfarms up and running, used alot of your ideaz in my setup. Ill post pics soon.
ItsAllOver the bubble cloner rafts are cool, I have seen dudes germ seeds like that on styro plates for mediumless systems. Your cloning form thread is a good idea too but stoners aren't going to fill all that info in LOL.

Really I think with temp,lighting, humidity etc. the same it all comes down to what is in the water. Your results with RO water & root juice are all I needed to hear and I am going to order some of that to speed mine up.

I usually don't mind the extra couple of weeks when I have stuff going, but starting from scratch again- the waiting sucks. :drum:

When under the gun I am always afraid to add nutes to a cloner from the start but with the bumps starting I went ahead and added some FNB and the roots are popping out now. I am going to let them grow some decent ones before I put them straight into the buckets since I am bypassing the veg system this time which is a little more gentle.

Turbo - yeah HD and Lowes carry the reflectix in the insulation section I think. Get really high and go in there and imagine all the possibilities LOL, I could spend all day there.

Frosty thanks and can't wait to see your setup, drop a link when you get it going.

daemos - I will get a tape measure in there and check, all 8 buckets plus my control fit under the 8' screen but you could move the control elsewhere and space the buckets out under an 8' area better than I did. Space issues for me.

On changing the endcaps, not sure if you mean the adding the sprayers or the foggers. The foggers look great but true aero like that is tricky and too high maint for me. I don't know where the TAG guys went to but they always made it sound too complicated for me LOL. My system is KISS^2.

If you mean the sprayers I am going to use that sprayer contraption I posted earlier in 1 bucket this run and expect to see faster growth on that one. If so I will add them quick to the other buckets and run them until the roots get long enough to reach the waterline and then ditch them for my endcap sprayheads. My rootmasses get too big to maintain with little drip aero sprayers and then it's souped-up DWC time. I used to call these turbo buckets back on my OG thread. I was thinking of changing it to the OVERCURRENT LOL.


First of all thanks for taking the time out to answer my Qs appreciate it LB!

I figured out i will space my buckets 2ft apart from each other as im gonna be growing under 2 x 1000W which should cover a 4ft x 8ft area easily i pressume? the controller will be piped/plumbed outside of the grow room to keep heat and humidity down in the grow room aswell.

Ive been looking at that you tube clip a few times and that sprayer/fogger aero bucket looks too complicated for me just gonna keep it simple like yours.

Overcurrent sounds good! how about lightning bugs THUNDER buckets? just thought i would throw that out there...

Speak soon LB



Active member
Turbo - yeah HD and Lowes carry the reflectix in the insulation section I think. Get really high and go in there and imagine all the possibilities LOL, I could spend all day there.

On changing the endcaps, not sure if you mean the adding the sprayers or the foggers. The foggers look great but true aero like that is tricky and too high maint for me. I don't know where the TAG guys went to but they always made it sound too complicated for me LOL. My system is KISS^2.

If you mean the sprayers I am going to use that sprayer contraption I posted earlier in 1 bucket this run and expect to see faster growth on that one. If so I will add them quick to the other buckets and run them until the roots get long enough to reach the waterline and then ditch them for my endcap sprayheads. My rootmasses get too big to maintain with little drip aero sprayers and then it's souped-up DWC time. I used to call these turbo buckets back on my OG thread. I was thinking of changing it to the OVERCURRENT LOL.

haha yeah thats what I always do, funny you mention that. You can always spot a grower at hd or lowe's, just look for the stoner staring up at the shelves like its the second coming of jesus, plumbing section gets me every time. all that pvc piping, just makes a mofo wanna build some shit! haha really tho I always think of building your system when I go there ;) btw what do you think of uniseals? and no chiller? external pump really doesn't add much heat to the water right???? fuckin' questions, i know.

turbo buckets suit's this system, its pretty much what they are, its rdwc and bio buckets on steroids.

have you thought about running with no endcaps at all? What if I built this system and ran no endcaps, what difference would it make? thanks 4 the info + good luck on your grow, very inspirational.

on a side note: I wonder if there are forums where people talk about all the diff ways to cook meth or make acid haha jw. or if its just for weed hmm.... newayoff to smoke some bubbledust, peace out. :abduct:
AK-47 Phenos

AK-47 Phenos

Thanks redspaghetti! Can't wait to get going, I got roots popping out everywhere. I am going to veg them a little in the aerocloner before they go in the buckets as I know they will do better but it's hard to wait!

daemos, Thunder buckets that's cool. I was also thinking Storm buckets but I don't worry too much about it, that's why I just named the thread 'My Buckets' LOL.

OK this post may be boring for some but I am trying to use IC to document stuff more since my notes tend to dissapear or get wet or some shit LOL.

Here's my descriptions of my Serious Seeds AK-47 phenos so far, anybody with experience in this strain (or not) feel free to chime in with your thoughts as to a potential keeper/dad or whatever you have to offer. I might post this in the strains forum to get more eyeballs on it too.

I tried to take pics to go with the descriptions but it was late and I started off good but then forgot about the pics as I was hacking them up for clones LOL. :fsu:

After I went thru them all 1 by 1, I looked back at the notes and found an interesting (to me anyway) coincidence that I will touch on after the descriptions:

SEX: female
HEIGHT: tallest
LEAVES: indica dominant with up to 11 blades
SMELL IN VEG: lemony
STEM: thick, hollow
SHOWS SEX: week 3 of veg
CLONES: a little slow

SEX: female
HEIGHT: average
LEAVES: sativa dominant up to 9 blades
SMELL IN VEG: fruity
STEM: average, not very hollow
SHOWS SEX: week 3 of veg
CLONES: very slowly

SEX: female
HEIGHT: tall
LEAVES: indica dominant up to 11 blades
SMELL IN VEG: lemony catpiss
BRANCHING: very little
STEM: average, hollow
SHOWS SEX: week 3 of veg

SEX: female
HEIGHT: shorter
LEAVES: indica dominant up to 9 blades
SMELL IN VEG: fruity smell
BRANCHING: little branching
STEM: average, hollow
SHOWS SEX: week 4 of veg
CLONES: easy

SEX: female
HEIGHT: tall
LEAVES: indica dominant leaves up to 9 blades
SMELL IN VEG: fruity (more cherry)
STEM: average, hollow
SHOWS SEX: week 3 of veg
CLONES: easy

SEX: female
HEIGHT: shorter
LEAVES: indica dominant up to 11 blades
SMELL IN VEG: lemony
STEM: thick, not very hollow
SHOWS SEX: week 3 of veg
CLONES: easy

SEX: female (hermis bad under heat stress)
HEIGHT: tall
LEAVES: indica dominant leaves up to 9 blades
SMELL IN VEG: fruity
STEM: average, hollow
SHOWS SEX: week 3 of veg
CLONES: easy

SEX: male? (just starting to show)
HEIGHT: tall
LEAVES: sativa dominant up to 9 blades
SMELL IN VEG: fruity, cherry
STEM: thick,hollow
SHOWS SEX: week 6+
CLONES: very slow

SEX: male
HEIGHT: tall
LEAVES: sativa dominant up to 9 blades
SMELL IN VEG: fruity
BRANCHING: very good
SHOWS SEX: week 5 of veg

SEX: male
HEIGHT: tall
LEAVES: indica dominant up to 9 blades
SMELL IN VEG: lemony
SHOWS SEX: week 3 of veg

SEX: male
HEIGHT: very tall
LEAVES: sativa dominant up to 11 blades
SMELL IN VEG: fruity, cherry
BRANCHING: stretchy, ok
SHOWS SEX: week 3 of veg, autoflowered & wouldn't stop so I killed it but am wondering now if that was smart or not?
CLONES: we'll never know

So looking back at these notes and trying to glean something from them, I noticed a pattern. Out of the females, the 3 that have the funky looking 11 bladed leaves all smell lemony. One of them smells lemon-catpiss, and it just so happens that this 1 plant quit drinking a few days ago. Looks like Ca def to me, I haven't done anything about it yet but I found that strange, never had a prob growing this way before. I suspect it will be a cal-mag hog if I run it.

The other females all smell fruity to me with one smelling a little more cherry.

I am going to run different phenos this time to sort them out. #2 is just starting to put out root bumps so it may not make this run which might be a good idea as it appears to be a more sativa pheno that might not finish with the rest.

Should I bother running the one that hermi'd under heat stress? It quit throwing nanners after the heat issue was resolved. I know sometimes it's the finicky ones that end up being keepers so I am reluctant to toss it without running one to see what happens but if it nutted up on me during flower I would be really pissed. :mad:


i would say if u have that many other females why risk it if they aren't throwin nanners,,,if u are confident and sure they stopped then keeep it though,,,but totally up to u i would say,,,peace brother


Active member
Hey lb, just thought of something, what if you angled the spray heads 45 degrees right now, thats would give you a little extra room for water height without having to change anything really. Just turn the sprayer heads to the left or right a little that'll give more space. Just a thought. Also, with no airpump, how do you feel thing system performs as far as DO is concerned? is an airpump or a chiller really needed?

also, like i said before, can i run this with no encaps and just 45 degree pvc fittings for the venturi/intake/waterfall in each bucket? I still don't know how you attatched the pvc endcaps to the fittings (glue?)

Let me know man, im going to build this system (without the pressure equalizer, and with 8" net pots filled with ph stable lava for the bio effect and support)

When I get a camera (if i do) ill document everything for all you great people to see. just let me know some of these small details and ill be on my way :woohoo: