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1000w electric bill risky?


New member
iv got a 6 inch vortex fan and 1000w light, and a t5 set up. is this energy usage something to be scared of? i mean how risky is this really? i live in the states, do most of yall splice/somehow steal electricity?


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Nope. Not in the least. Almost all the long term successful growers buy their own power. The power company generally doesn't give a damn as long as you pay on time every month.

Now, you get up to say 30k in a 1br apt, they're probably going to be a little curious. . .


The only time I've been contacted by a utility is when there is a sharp decrease in usage. This was the gas company, but we had reduced the warehouse heat by 2/3.

"Need to check the meter we have discovered a significant reduction in usage."

As stated previously, pay your bill on time every month.

They are in it to make money and are more worried about giving it away, rather than selling to much.

Also make sure you have no meters that can reveal your grow. A meter in the patch would be a bad thing.


its a business. pay on time and you won't have to worry about. they have your money, you get the electricity.


Years ago I had the luxury of reading my own meter and sending the check in. I studied various forums and gathered equipment for six months previous to starting, and in the meantime I started paying 20 bucks a month extra, building credit with power company. When I turned my 430w, and the two 1000 watters on, I simply averaged it into the mix. One day, to my horror, I looked out my back window and seen the power company at my meter. I lived far out in the country, next to the mountains, so I was really upset about it. I walked out to see what the deal was, and they were replacing my meter with the new model that called in the kwh used. I was pissed. The whole back yard smelled like a skunk, and here they were ruining my whole plan. Once they were finished, the guy says "dont worry, I wont tell anyone".
And he didnt. But by that time I had my average power consumption worked up to what I needed real slow.
I know this doesnt help you much, but I like relating that old story......:joint:


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
stealing is just fuckin stupid,

just crank it up bit by bit then keep it steady.

If they come in, grab your guns and go out with a bang j/k

Seriously though, most who are paranoid about the power usage don't have enough money to buy enough equipment to actually RAISE a red flag.

Grow, be paranoid BUT realistic. Just because YOU grow doesn't mean the feds are already onto you.


Yea stealing will get you caught.I've been flowering with 3 1K's and have 1800 watts for veg.I've been growing in my small house this way for years.Its not the electricity that will get you caught its a two legged piece of shit dumbass..


You can call you power company or check your bill online to see what you average Kw/Hr usage is and their rate. You can figure out exactly where you stand with a potential increase for your equipment.
Do u live in a house or apt?? The general rule of thumb is 1000w to each room. Meaning if u live in a three bedroom house it's ok to run 3 1000w. I wouldn't steal electricity that is really stupid! Good luck amigo peace green rasta


not shit. don't even consider splicing or stealing your just asking for trouble! Most people just pay there bill.
Should not raise any red flags at all my friend. Despite what many people think, nearly all cannabis cultivators purchase their power. Make sure to pay your bill on time and the power provider will be none-the-wiser. DO NOT steal electricity that is how most major operations get busted.

Happy growing!


Grinding extra.
I grow in a two bedroom home. I run 4K for flower and about a K for veg. Plus fans a dehumidifier and two window units in the summertime. My bill can be as high as $1800 a month.

Pay it. You're happy. They're happy. Business deal, ya know?


The only thing to consider is that you can afford to pay your bill when it comes!!
Total Watts x # of hours on x 30.5 days / 1000 = kw hours....pretty sure thats it :)


Active member
I don't think it matters to a point. You don't want them thinking there is somthing wrong with distribution equipment (30k in a 1 bedroom apt) would prolly raise red flags. But in an average size home I believe up to 10k would be alright (although not from experience). Power use is just that, power use, I have seen large saltwater reeftanks using HID's on the same light schedule we use for flowering and they don't get their door kicked in. That said, i think it may just be another part of the puzzle for leo, just don't give them any more pieces to the puzzle, I think this is key. High power use, with empty fert bottles in your trash and no tomatoes out back, now your putting the puzzle together for them. Oh, listen to bobdobalina420, don't do more than u can afford and expect to wait till harvest to catch up the bill, better off slowly expanding.

Personally I wouldn't go to big, I think an lb or 2 a month forever is a better choice than 30lbs quickly, don't get greedy. But 1000w, don't even worry about power usage, there are to many important security issues to be thinking about.
Like it has been stated a ceramic space heater can easily use 1500watts and many have timers on them. In fact I have a few appliances that come on when my 12/12 lights go off to balance usage. This of course is until my solar panels and wind turbine go in this summer, green grown with green :)