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Trainwreck x Herijuana, and Cherry Lime


Hey everybody, i have a plant (came from clone) that I was told was Trainwreck x Herijuana (I think from Woodhorse seeds). I haven't been able to find much information about this strain, and was just wondering if anyone had any experience with it. Right now its been in flower for about 2.5 weeks under a 400w HPS and is looking pretty damn healthy (I'll post some pics tonight). Mainly I would like to know how long this strain typically takes to flower. I also have another plant which i was told was Cherry Lime (also from clone), but I haven't been able to find anything about this strain. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Medichron :joint:


Active member
Did you try the meduser website for info? Should find lots info in the forums. I grew woodhorse TWxHeri some years back. I loved it grown outdoor.
Was some really kick ass smoke. Never got it dialed indoor before I lost my mother. Was a finicky bitch in my indoor environ. Would grow it again though, in a heartbeat. Took my selection to 63 days if I remember correctly. I like the Heri on it's own as well. Kicks my ass consistently. Got the ibl Heri from s a n n i e who got his stock from mota who worked the woodhorse who bought or was gifted some of the last of tucks original stock. Hope you enjoy it bro.


Hey Jack, I did check the meduser/woodhorse website for information, but it doesn't say anything about flowering time. I'm glad to hear it only took yours 63 days, I was expecting it to be longer than that. Anyway, the fact that you liked it so much is getting me really excited for these buds to start blowin up! Here's some pics I just snapped, 18 days into flowering.

Cherry Lime



Trainwreck x Herijuana


Peace out,


Hey bro, just wanted to let ya know I'm a mod over at that spot (Meduser) and I'll ask the man himself what the flower times are for this strain...peace to you and yours, things are looking mighty fine in here so I'll tag up for the rest of this venture!


Hey Weld, thanks so much for the good vibes, and any help with the flowering time. Its an honor for a F.U.C.K.E.M. member to say that my plants are looking good!


The Man said between 8 and 9 weeks of flower, but to me you've got a real sativa leaning pheno so you might wanna push her ten. Either way you're in for some slammin smoke! Keep it up bro, peace and shine on.


Active member
Hey Medichron, I agree with Weldflash. It's obvious from that pic that your TWxHeri is leaning more to the sativa side. Looks like it inherited the lankier stems associated with the wreck also. May call for some support later on. My selection was shorter and more compact than that. Still, I would think she would finish by day 65. It's all personal preference but I would rather harvest a little on the early side if anything. Even though she appears to be TW leaning, you still got the Heri genes in there. If left too long the buzz is gonna get heavy, I would bet ya. If that's the kind of effect your looking for though that's cool. That's were the personal preference comes into play. :2cents: Good luck with her bro. :joint:


Hey thanks for all the responses everyone, just starting to smell dank in my tent in the last few days! One thing I'm wondering is if I should trim off some of the lower buds that are just tiny and probably wont amount to anything? These things are bushy as hell and I'm worried that a lot of the lower branches/small nodes just wont have enough light to produce good buds. I'm on day 20 of flower, do you think i'm better off doing some trimming, or just leaving them as is?

Also, is it normal to have any dying fan leaves on the lower portion of the plant in early flowering, or is it possible that I have some sort of deficiency? Its only really on the TW x Heri, and only a few leaves.



Active member
Hey bro,
Yeah, if it was me, I'd trim up the lowers. That's something I always do.
That way the plant will have more to give up top. Depending on how your feeding, and how you fed in veg, you may be seeing some N deficentcy on the lower fans at this point. Is it still on the stretch?? What nutes are you running??


So I ended up doing a bit of trimming on the lower budsites last night. Everything is looking great, the cherry lime is staring to get frosty, and the TW x Heri is on its way as well. I'll post up some pics when the lights come on tonight.

Jack: I'm feeding with Fox Farms Tiger bloom and big bloom, Botanicare Liquid Karma and Sweet. Up until now i've been using tap water filtered through a britta filter, but i'm planning on using distilled water from know on. For know I am giving them straight water every other watering, and the nutrients listed above on alternate waterings.



Active member
That tiger bloom has sufficent N. Could be Mg. I've had problems with Mg deficiency when using foxfarm nutes. Are the veins of the leaves still green and the rest of the leaf turning yellow? If so add some cal/mag. I'd check the PH of your run off as well and adjust accordingly. I use plain tap water here and out of the tap the PH is @ 8. Had to adjust down when using GrowBig but TB is acidic and 2 tsp to a gallon put my solution @ 5.8. Run off was measured at 6.4. I use promix BX (and ammend with some worm castings) as my medium. Hope you get it straightened out.


Thanks for the info Jack! Thought I'd post up some pics for everyone to see the progress. Here are the ladies at 21 days into flower:

Cherry Lime


Trainwreck x Herijuana


I've seen pictures of plants that look much further along at this point in flowering, do my buds look small for 3 weeks of flower?

You only have them under a 400, and I think they're looking good thus far. But if you had your girls under a 1000, you'd definitely notice a significant difference in bud growth.

I haven't grown the strain(s) you have, but I've grown TW and and Herijuana before.

I'm curious as to how your TWxHerij. will finish up. Looks like a producer. Good luck!!



Here are some recent pics of the 2 ladies around day 33 of flower.

Cherry Lime

Trainwreck x Herijuana




Looks awesome.I think the Cherry Lime might be one of Nebu crosses from the old cw days.Maybe Cherry AK47 or Calio in the cross.I think Cherry Lime Ricky has the same growth structure as Calio.From what I remember she is a heavy yielder...if its the same cross.Keep it green.


nice one man! i have been thinkin about buyin these seeds for a while now!! buds are already pretty fat and ure only halfways done! will definately be watchin this... :joint:


New member
Anything with herijuana in it is gonna be some heavy smoke, great job with your girls cant wait to see how they finish.


Hey everyone, so i just talked to my friend the other day who has the same "cherry lime" clones as i do. He has 3 of them, 2 are more indica, and one is more sativa (like my plant). He talked to his friend where the clones came from, and the guy said he might of given us a few Jack Flash clones in that batch. So now i'm almost certain my plant that I thought was cherry lime is actually Jack Flash. My friends plant which looks identical to mine is looking really good (about a week or two farther into flowering). Seems like this one is going to take longer than 60 days, i'm guessing more in the 70-80 day range.



so medichron can we get an update.

Ive got two of the same trainwreck x herijuana's that I just put into flower!

any more pics or description or wether its worth keeping would be great
