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I have £17 to last me till friday next week

gramma watt

broke as well...

broke as well...

We have a roof over our heads though....
Ramen noodles and popcorn...and tomato sammiches...yum...


if u live in an area were there is fair game, u can do a bit of hunting.. what u do is, get a stick, and tie a string at one end, then bend the bow and tie the string on the other end, fashion a sharp stick and keep an eye out for small furry mammals.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

I dont know if I would trust my hunting skills on eating or not, and I live next to a forest
Be frugal could be one possible suggestion; though prices are inflated slightly, agreed.
Possibly hold contentment in the preponderance that maybe money may be useless one day, pardon- will be.
I forget.
One or the other.
Toss one of the coins left, and maybe we will know something more about how this all works.
I eat these sorts of things so, errr

Good Luck,


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
let's see:

-grilled cheese ( cheese / loaf of bread ) get some jam to finish the bread
-pasta w/ butter or parmesan
-bum at your friends house or you parents


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
We have a roof over our heads though....
Ramen noodles and popcorn...and tomato sammiches...yum...
been there bro, get creative with potatoes, cheap & filling I've lived on them, one of the few crops that will take in our red clay soil. I go to the potato factory fields and pick up the ones that they miss, they invite the public to do so as it removes the tubers that would otherwise rot in the soil. Not close to farm country? still cheap enough in the stores.......



bow bow bow!!!

bow bow bow!!!

sounds like you got a few wish sandwiches in your future...the kind of sandwich where you have two slices of bread...
and you wish you had some meat!
this is something to laugh about while you're starving over there...
seriously i'm not one to talk the only way i'm eating tonight is to go shake some debt out of people. so i guess i'll be eating alright after all...
but check this out with a sense of humor

good luck there
my solution to brokeness and hunger
dollar store bread
dollar store guv'ment cheese
dollar store everything
and lots of dollar store TP to deal with the aftermath
bow bow bow


canned beans are a superfood. If you are trying to get by you can get a can of organic black beans for a dollar. 2 cans would be enough food for the day and would cover all your needs. Shit load of fiber, got some starch and protein. Not to mention extremely lean and healthy haha. You could even get super shitty canned beans and get by even longer! Tabasco sauce, herbs and cheese help...


rice does well for me.

ricemaker, 25$
bag o rice 5$
cheapo meat 4-8$

month's meals


fishing is a good source of your food and is probably better than the crap your used to spendng your cash on.

learning how to find mushrooms is good too, but it can be dangerous.

or very cheap instant noodles (i think i can go and get packs for about 12p a packet, 24p and a kettle and im good for afew hours)


been there bro, I was renting a room in a huge house with a nice family from india and I lived on cans of tomato chunks with pasta you can get em with the spices or add a few spices and vegetables from the garden $.50 a meal. the dollar store has spaghetti sauce I assume you have something similar where your at, the quid store?
Seriously though, the ramen noodles are the shizit, there cheap as hell and not bad, i mean, if your accually tryin to make it stretch, dosnt really sound like you are, and that fish dosent look that good, coulda got somethin way better for 5

h^2 O

i actually made an awesome reply to this bro...but while i was posting it earlier i got like banned or something so it never went through. Hopefully you have food and/or money left. I was going to say go buy a roll of fishing line and some hooks all for like $3 and go make a fishing pole. Take an empty laundry detergent bottle and seal the top and use that as your bobber/float. Can use lots of stuff for bait.