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i still dont get it (raich vs gonzales)


according to the u.s. supreme court, even the private cultivation if marijuana can be considered illegal, under the controlled substances act because it threatens the interstate trade of marijuana??? what interstate trade of marijuana? the illegal one? the one they are trying to get rid of? shoudnt they be embracing it?

can anyone clarify, im having trouble believing that one. and apparently so do justice thomas and former justice o'connor.

they can regulate people, too because it threatens the interstate trade of corn. less room because of people: less corn. so i guess they can start killing people under this ruling.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
What's not to understand? The federal government made marijuana illegal and wants it to stay that way. So they will do whatever it takes, including distorting the meaning of the US Constitution, to enable them to keep arresting people for marijuana offenses.

There was no Constitutional justification for the Controlled Substances Act, much like in 1919 alcohol prohibition required a Constitutional amendment. So they justified the CSA with the commerce clause, which gives the federal government the power to regulate inter-state and international trade. How can that possibly have anything to do with personal possession or growing and distributing within a state? To normal people, it can't. But the people in our government are not normal, and can create a twisted logic that justifies anything.

If you buy locally or even grow your own pot, you are still affecting the national market. Whatever you grow for yourself, is that much less you are buying from the black market. And since that black market is national in scope, the government can step in. Crazy as it sounds, the government is protecting the very market it is trying to eliminate. Just another demonstration of the total insanity of the war on drugs. If you're looking for something that makes sense, move along, as there's nothing even remotely sensible to be seen here.


well then that must be their fatal flaw. if it doesnt make sense to the masses, then how can it make sense to those that represent the masses?

what if everyone knew this was how they justified it? people would throw a fit! only the extreme fundamentalist millennialist gov't ass kissers would still take the gov't's word for it.

how can we present this idea to the masses without them thinking "uh oh, more conspiracy theory crap"? put it on mtv and comedy central?

if the supreme court wasnt even unanimous in believing this crap, it wont be too hard to convince everyone else.

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