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I have £17 to last me till friday next week


Active member
Spent all my savings last few days...

Money just disspaiered without any notice... i didnt expect to be cash less ...

Last time when i was cashless was in 2003 in uni, where i had 100 £ a week allowance...

Anyway, i have no food in the fridge, only 17 pounds, i get paid on the 22nd...

Of course i have a credit card but i dont want to pay cash advance fee ...

There is a very nice fish n chip shop down the road from me, im thinking of going spending a fiver on fish :chin:

Anyone else was / are in a tight financial situation??


shit man buy some granola and some ramen noodles. i lived off of that for a few months and it wasnt bad.


Wouldn't spend a fiver on some fish n chips m8.. get some pasta and some other basic stuff which will last you longer. Checking a friend's place around dinner time is always an option.. If you got some extra herbs on your hands maybe this is the time to let go of some?

Good luck with that!


Active member
sperm bank?

blood bank?

offer to do some odd jobs for the neighbors/friends/family?

sell something?

is there an equivalent of 'The Home Depot' near you? here, the laborers line up in the morning for cash jobs digging holes/mowing lawns, etc...
No sympathy here....i have a buddy that existed on rice and beans for a year to get his life changed around...he ate the least expensive stuff and got by fine..and you spend a fiver on greasy fish and chips??

You can eat well on 17 quid if you settle for nutrition and not taste only...the dollar is so weak now that equals about 35 bucks and that could get anyone by for a few days if they did their research and shopped intelligently. Do it.


Well-known member
Shouldn't have gotten that fish, 5'll get you a lot farther at the supermarket than it will at the fast food joint.


Make beans on toast. An economy can of beans is only about 20p from Tesco, and a cheap loaf of bread is only about 50p.


Have to admit though,that fish and chips does look rather tasty,hope its had a decent shower of vinegar :bigeye:Looking at that pic has made me hungry.


Active member
"hope its had a decent shower of vinegar "

It sure did

Not the best fish i ever had but still very good

bens lab

Thats bloody expensive for fish n chips. Should of bought a load of veg, rice and chicken. Probably could of bought a few weeks worth of food for £17 at lidl or somewhere.


Active member
Yeahh ,.. funny thing, sometimes i eat like 5000 kalorieis a day.. sometimes dont eat anything for days and day... i ll be fine :)


The Hopeful Protagonist
Peanut-butter on toast with a glass of ice-cold milk....:yummy:

Sorry bud, that fish looked greasy as hell...:noway: