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How to eliminate lingering weed smell in house?


Smell has got to be the number way one to get busted. Either the smell of plants or smoking it. I have the ways of keeping grows under control, what about burning it? I know water cured weed hardly has a smell. I know you can blow your exhales through a paper towel tube stuffed with laundry sheets. what are other ways?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Citrus Magic aerosol sprays, one in the car can be good too.

The poor mans/prison version of this is burning an Orange - hold a lighter up against the skin and just burn it.


Patient Grower
making edibles goes a long way on the consumption side..

Concerning ozone generators you might want to do some more research. Studies don't support the statement made in the post above, actually they contradict it.


The poor mans/prison version of this is burning an Orange - hold a lighter up against the skin and just burn it.

lol never heard that one before.

you must be living in an apartment or very close to other people. i'd say try out one of those glade plug ins or the air wick spray every x time thing.

of course, there is the tried and true incense. i suppose you could also get one of those girly scented candles too.

if all else fails, there's air spray.


ONA gel, grab a bucket, ONA in the bucket, dc/ac fan above it pushing air in, holes 360 degrees around the bucket for the air pushed in and mixed with ona to exhale from the bucket, you end up with a mens washroom fragrance...not super appealing to some, but apparently they have a odor destroying no smell version of their odor absorbing gel.

id like to check it out, i do the mens washroom fragrance, and it works.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
lol never heard that one before.

you must be living in an apartment or very close to other people. i'd say try out one of those glade plug ins or the air wick spray every x time thing.

of course, there is the tried and true incense. i suppose you could also get one of those girly scented candles too.

if all else fails, there's air spray.

The burning orange trick is from Spanish Prison, they get weed in there.... as well as Oranges it would seem.

Orange Mate is fantastic, there is something about the Citrus oil that bonds with Weed semlls and totaly nullifies them, instantly. All other smells just join the weed and stays identifiably as "Glade air freshner and WEED"..... posession of girly scented candles round here could lead to all sorts of unpleasant rumours starting...


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
p.s. The Oranges are not smuggled in like the weed is, just in case anybody out there in IC land was wondering.........


Active member
scented candles
garlic chicken
cat box
diaper pail
bake some cookies
cook some cabbage
use a vaporizer


Set up a dedicated smoking room away from the entrances, with an exhaust vent if at all possible. Don't smoke anywhere in the house except the smoking room. Shut the smoking room door when in use. Keep all cannabis and paraphernalia tucked out of sight in the smoking room when not in use. Consider deploying other measures such as water curing and vaporizers to help defeat the smell.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
vape is best, for smoke ozium works good if you buy a 4 in carbon filter and just set it in your room with the fan on top exhausting back into your room. Let it run for a bit after you smoke. Blow your smoke through it and spray ozium. Should help some.


I keep my vaporizer on top of a small file cabinet. Behind the vape I've got a floor type hepa/charcoal/ionic air purifier on top of the cabinet directlyl behind the vaporizer. Smell is completely non-detectable, tho I do keep a can of Ozium handy just to be safe, and for the infrequent pinner. I do have an Uvionare, but I never use it for smoking/vaping. Too much ozone in the air isn't such a good thing health-wise.


Active member
just picked up some top notch and got to drive home? hit up McDonalds for some french fries. Autoneutralization.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Glade makes a nice Air Freshner set-up that you can set to go off every 9 minutes. They work like a charm and can be had at any Dollar Store.

And NEVER burn in the car. If your on a road trip STOP and burn,once it gets in your clothes in that tight of a space your just asking for a "Get OUT OF THE CAR BOY" if you get stopped.

My Penny

Lord Doobie

smoke gets into everything...
if the house already smells, you're just masking it because it's already into the paint, clothes, carpet, furniture, etc...
you might be able to open the windows for a few months to see if that helps
and don't smoke in the house anymore