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UK (Midlands) Greenhouse Grow, Flowering, Lots Of Photos.......


I have two 7ft+ in the greenhouse which I had to dig 2ft holes in the greenhouse floor to put the pots in as they got to big! all the plants are bagseed, one of the big ones + the 2 other smaller ones (think there about 4ft) are haze, but not sure which type. and the biggest most furthest along is another bag seed from 2 years ago, i grew this same bagseed last year with exellent results, its also the same plant that is growing outside over the fence. i cut back a massive hawthorn that was there and the plant just appeared, you can see the main stem is almost at a right angle. the tiny plant is a 2 week old auto white russian, i wanted to see what would happen planting it in the greenhouse so late in the year.

The biggest has about 4 weeks to go, i thought the others had longer but there catching up fast! they STINK TO HIGH HEAVEN!

I dont think the plants outside is going to make it, its getting colder now although it has had a tough life and lived to tell the tale. the buds are turning purple on the outdoor plant, although its not a purple strain (its the same as the biggest one in my greenhouse, the same one i grew last year aswell)

Both the smaller haze plants are turning purple aswell, the leaves look really purple, but the buds dont seem to be purple (yet?).

All are grown in soil from tomato grow bags, i used the same last year and for my mid summer greenhouse force flowered plants and all tuned out exellent. I use canna tera vega for veg and canna tera flores & molasses for flowering.

The 14 day old auto white russian is in biobizz light mix, I will be using the canna tera flores & ,molasses for this plant aswell.

one shitty thing is the condensation build up on the inside of the greenhouse in the mornings is getting worse, sometimes its like its rained upside down in there. i get up as early as possible to open the door and windows and I allways leave the side vent open but I dont want to leave it all open over night now as it gets to cold.

Every grow I have done in the greenhouse has had atleast 1 plant suffer a little bit of mold, I got a bad feeling its going to be a bad year for this for me

anyway, photos..........


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looking real good there mate. never thought our weather was good enough to give this a try. can't wait to see some harvest pics. on the mould issue, can you get a fan on an exstension lead in the green house to help with air movement. might stop the mould getting on the plants. keep up the great work mate.


Not really possible now, I did run an extension lead out there in the summer with a few fans but cant do it now. I allways have the side slat window open and I can see the leaves slightly moving so i know the airflow is better than nothing. I built a 4ftx4ftx4ft cube in the greenhouse and blacked it out, I had another 5 (3ft) plants that I would put in the blacked out cube at 6pm and taken them out at 6am everyday for 9-10 weeks, it got really humid in there so I use to leave a couple of fans in the blacked out cube, although some of the top buds had a little mold on a few of them which was better than the year before when I was putting the plants in empty compost bins to give them 12/12 light/dark and i lost half to mold :(

Anyway, the biggest of the plants its looking fatter by the day I cant wait for her to finish, ive never actually been able to finish a plant 100% due to problems such as mold, holidays, paranoia, been a weed feind...... all my plants have gone 80%-90% before been cut, but whats in there now, depending on the weather, is going to go 100%......

Il upload some fresh photos later


dude, your plants are massive! looking verry good mate, i also have a suggestion about the condensation and coldness.

What i would do is leave the vent open and get a small heater in there and aim it at the vent, this means that the air coming in is a bit warmer, AND having the vent open will let out that moisture and therefore NO mould! success!lol

tell me what u think of that mate ;)


New member
Great looking plants dargo. It's great to find someone else with plants in their greenhouse in the UK. I love the escapee over the fence :canabis:

I have some more pics of mine to put on, I'll update my thread later and show u where the mold has been (have to go out for a few hours now). Have cut a few bits off that are now drying but going to just keep on top of it and keep pinching out the mold on my daily inspections.


Hey guys, another uk (wm) greenhouse grower here.
Nice grow there buddy, im having probs to with condensation, not enough sun and too much damp weather is the problem.
I have a huge sensiseeds superskunk approx 4 weeks into flower, shes looking to yield approx 500g if i can keep the mould away...


ICMag Donor
Cool,, good growing dargo :yes:

Watering much less (from the bases of the pots) will help reduce condensation,, also a small fan-heater and bubblewrap can sometimes help :canabis:

All the best


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looking good!

covering any bare soil on the ground (not in the pots) with polythene reduces condensation.

if it carries on raining,
watch out for the water table rising near the surface if you are in a clay area - if your pots are sunk in the ground they could end up sitting in water so be ready to line the holes with polythene - or even better a bigger pot with no holes.

good luck,



If you line the holes with poly or have pots with no holes they can be pushed out of the ground by the rising water level ;)
I`m on clay here so i dug a sump and installed an automatic dirty water pump to deal with any excess water. It hasn`t turned on so far though :)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hmm i suppose it could if your soil mix was very light but i would have thought that in most cases that the weight of the pot+plant would be enough to stop it floating :)

installing a pump would be perfect but if thats not possible you could weigh the pots down with some bricks (not on the soil but put planks accross the top of the pots and put bricks on there)



Greenhouse temp is peaking at 28C with night time temps of -1C, a 29degree difference! but the plants are all doing fine, apart from my biggest which is now headless :( while taking photos I noticed a little bif of mold, when i picked it off I could see that the mold was all under the surface, it ended up going 3" above the bit i picked off and about 4-5" under, In the end I just cut the top cola off :( whats left of it is hanging to dry now, its really dence, covered in crystal and stinks! but I wish i could have left it another week or 2, the rest of the plant is still there so the buds can finish fattening up before I harvest them. the haze plants that are going purple are REALLY purple now, they look fantastic. they have a REALLY POWERFULL lemon smell to them, can smell it 250 meters down the road lol. the outside one has seen better days, had a few frosts, a bit of rain, only a couple of hours of direct sunlight. it looks like its nearly hash time for that one.
the auto white russian is growing very slow now, its way to cold and we are on under 12 hours light a day now so not getting enough anything.

il upload pics in a bit

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Spray whatever plants you got left with baking soda solution for a few days then a vinegar solution for the next couple. The mold can't live in low/high ph levels


Here is the auto white russian, shes about 28 days old now, this morning when I went to check the greenhouse she had her tits out, The macro shot kept focusing on the wrong part of the plant so this is the best pic I can do untill I can learn how to use it better. its the one circled in red........


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Heres some of the haze that stinks of lemon and has gone purple, the 2 purple plants are the same as the massive one on the right closest to the camera only the smaller ones are in small pots and the big one is in a 35L pot, they where all germinated at the same time, the buds on the bigger plant smell the same but are growing REALLY dence, also its just starting to turn purple like the other 2, its about 2 weeks behind the other 2, i think the stress of repotting it put it back.

in the first pic you can see the "now headless" plant that had the mold problem, the buds on it are really fat now, I can chop anything for another 2 weeks minimum as we are having radiators put in every room in the house so got to keep it under cover untill the work is done.

More pics of the fattening up buds to follow..........


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Bud shots from the headless plant


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