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Drying in a car??


Hello all. Due to wet and cold weather expected for the next week I have to chop the outdoor crop today and cannot bring wet stinky bud to dry indoors. I have about a half pound of bud to dry. Now, I have a car that is not in use on the driveway. I can dry in there but I need some ideas on how to have a successful harvest without having the buds go to waste due to mold. I have an idea of using several paper bags, stuffed with paper tissue and a good amount of bud with a silica gel package on the bottom; opening to allow fresh air and replacing paper tissue when needed. Does this sound doable? Any ideas or suggestions?


For the moisture control you might want to think about something like Damp Rid. One of the nice things about it is after the particles absorb their capacity of water you can reuse them by spreading them out on baking sheets and baking them at a low temp for a few hours.

Apart from the moisture issue I'd be a little concerned about temperature. You said cold weather is coming and I expect the inside of your car will have pretty severe temperature fluctuations between daytime when you get a lot of solar heat and night time when it gets really cold. Not really optimal for drying, but I guess in your situation you have to make do. Your car's trunk will probably maintain the most consistent temps, but it will still be pretty cold I imagine, which will slow the drying process unless you use a ton od dessicant.

two heads

Active member
Slow drying is fine but there must be good air flow which a car doesn't offer. Consider taking a tarp to your site and hanging the harvested plants under it (to protect them from rain and sunlight). They will take a long time to dry but they are unlikely to mold.

I tried it last year and it worked fine though I lacked the patience to wait till it dried completely on site.

Here's my thread:

and another on the same topic:


I went ahead with the car drying. I lined the trunk with sheets of newspaper, dumped the bud on, and loosely covered with a couple more sheets. After checking daily and occasionally changing moist paper they look just about dry and ready. At most, just 2 grams of bud were showing signs of molding and were removed. I wouldn't advise doing this but as a last resort it worked well for me.


I would of been worried about the smell issue, especially if it was in my driveway. If I leave some good herb in the trunk of my car over night I smell it as soon as I walk up to/past it. Skeeetch. Glad to hear it all went well though.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
1/2 pound is really not that big an issue to do indoors. Especially when you are thinking of possibly doing it in a car as a better option. Get a rubbermade, some screen, small comp fan and you could set that up whether indoors or even in the car itself. Plug it into the cig lighter if need be. Maybe run the heater every once in awhile and start the car so the bat doesn't die.

I would rather rig up a rubbermaid indoors though.

Rubbermaid tub
mesh/wire/rope - hang or lay the buds on
small comp fan
place to plug it into


What about something like this?

Suitably adapted with fans and filter? could sit in a shed or back yard...

Just spitballin'


Let us know how it turned out, huh?
