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I'd like to form/join a farmers co-op in so-cal. Can I get some advice please?


Sick of paying for sub-par meds at dispensaries, I'd rather join up with some down to earth people and help them grow and share some meds.

I have genetics, labor, and a bit of experience to offer.

What do you all think?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
In So-Cal. I think you would get robbed or raided. Look at WAMM. They are in santa cruz and are some of the nicest people there is, and even they were subject to these problems. I understand how you feel, but maybe you should just grow your own. The less plants, the less people, the less problems....


I am currently growing my own.

Suppose I should just keep trying to network with patients and eventually I'll find someone that'll appreciate my services.

Ty for the info bigherbtree.

For the record, I wasn't talking about an dispensary like the million of em that poped up in LA.

I'm talking about a private patients co-op or collective. Just patients supporting each other.


Hah thats the problem, I know no patients lol. Guess you wouldn't call me a social butterfly.


No Longer a Human Watering Can
i would suggest keep trying to find those special group of people to work with ..... what you are describing i do with 6 other patients we work together in seperate locations ....but all share genetics, trimming time , and if someones out of weed the team pitches in and makes sure u have your meds ......also baby siting when i go on vacation there is allways someone trustworthy to take care of things


Great info, Gona have a look at those forums and see what happens. Most defenetly cannot afford to buy an oz a every 2 weeks at 350-400 an oz. Thats not even including the 15-20 bux gas gettin there and back, + the 2-4 hours it takes

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I am currently growing my own.

Suppose I should just keep trying to network with patients and eventually I'll find someone that'll appreciate my services.

Ty for the info bigherbtree.

For the record, I wasn't talking about an dispensary like the million of em that poped up in LA.

I'm talking about a private patients co-op or collective. Just patients supporting each other.

I understand that, there is nothing wrong with dispensaries. We dont expect patients to concoct their own pharmaceuticals, as we shouldnt expect all patients to cultivate their own cannabis. Its a shame that medical cannabis is grouped with recreational smoking, thus making the profits so lucritive, but the fact is we are lucky to have the legalities that we do, and hopefully with a successful model, we will prove that the legalization of cannabis can happend without any ill effects to the society.


WAMM is a completly non profit cultivation cooperative run by two of the nicest people in the world (M & V) and is backed by the local officials; including the mayor, city attourney, city council members, and police department of santa cruz. The police department even went as far as to arrest a few theifs who tried to rip some plants from them.

WAMM has been the most successful model of a cultivation cooperative (that the public is aware of) and they still were raided by the DEA.

The private cultivation cooperative is an excellent source for many who would like to help and needs help surrounding their medicine, and if profits are the main thing the city is worried about, they should allow some to open and regulate the prices. But we dont do that in any other industry, and we certainly shouldnt start with cannabis.


If anyone is really looking at opening a private collective/co-op, Than you really should be following Big H3rB Tr3E's link to WAMM. They are the ideal people to look at for this kind of operation and keeping the Compassion in the Compassionate Use Act.


Well-known member
I think it would probably just be better to keep it to yourself and not let anyone what your doing. if no one knows, you cant get robbed or raided. I see far too many people following the law only to get screwed by thieves or by the long dick of the law..


Active member
I think it would probably just be better to keep it to yourself and not let anyone what your doing. if no one knows, you cant get robbed or raided. I see far too many people following the law only to get screwed by thieves or by the long dick of the law..

sad but true:laughing:


Active member
Save a little money for gear and grow solo. With your 6 plant limit you could harvest around 2lbs every 3 months.
It's been over a year with a nearly $0 budget but I'm almost there. :D The latest harvest should actually last me until my next harvest. (fingers crossed). The next harvest should do it again with a bit of emergency stash in case anything goes wrong.

I now have all my fingernails back but I'm still 2 weeks from harvest and broke. LOL I hope I can keep from biting them off as it doesn't look like I'll be able to get any meds till then. Scary!

It's worth the effort though and being able to provide better meds than the dispensaries (and without the hassles) is just AWESOME! :D

Read Read Read Read Read

Plan Plan Plan

Read More, Read MOre, Read MORE

Get off the ground and Stay Safe! :D


I've been growin my own for a while, but it goes too fast.

I was useing e&f with bad results and smoking my harvest before the next one could get started.

Growing in the desert with no chiller aint to easy but I'm finally getting it!

You people are the shizzle fyi, incase you didn't already know.
Riverside Area Legal Collective

Riverside Area Legal Collective


I don't know where you are in So Cal but here is an excellent opportunity for you. I am a member/grower of this new legal collective and I truly believe that once the local governments see how this will operate, it will become the standard for all legal collectives. By the way, the dates for opening have been pushed back until 10/23 due to some delays in office equipment and such:

Medical marijuana advocate vows to open
Riverside dispensary
10:00 PM PDT on Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Press-Enterprise

Riverside could become one of the only Inland cities where patients could legally obtain medical marijuana, if

registered nurse and activist Lanny Swerdlow opens a patient collective in September as he is determined to

Swerdlow threw down the gauntlet last week, telling city officials he will open a facility, "and you do not have
the right to prevent us from doing so."
Riverside officials disagree, maintaining that the city's general plan bans any place that distributes medical

The patient collective would be a next step for Swerdlow, a resident of Whitewater in eastern Riverside County who in 2008 opened THCF Medical Clinic in Riverside. At the clinic, people can seek a doctor's recommendation for medical marijuana. Although the drug remains illegal under federal law, state law allows patients to legally possess and use it if a doctor recommends it.

But the clinic doesn't dispense any drugs, and Palm Springs appears to be the only Inland city where zoning
allows collectives to offer marijuana. That can force patients to travel long distances to get their medicine or
buy it illegally, said Wanda Smith, a Phelan resident who has used medical marijuana for two years.
Smith, 58, said her medical concerns include sleep apnea, asthma, anxiety and neuropathy, a nerve disorder she likened to "knives going in my toes and my feet and my legs." Marijuana eases Smith's pain and doesn't make her sleep constantly like the morphine she took for six years, she said.

A collective would allow Smith to get her medicine safely and legally, she said. "The closest one for me (would be) Riverside, because there's nothing up here in the desert," Smith said. "Everybody that I know up here, they're looking for a place to get it where they don't have to get it on the
black market."

Marijuana dispensaries are banned by many Inland cities. Collectives and cooperatives, according to 2008
guidelines from state Attorney General Jerry Brown, must be open only to qualified patients or primary
caregivers who become members.

The Riverside collective Swerdlow plans to open would be like a "farmers market for marijuana," where
patients who legally grow the drug could make it available to other patients, he said. Swerdlow would not
disclose the collective's proposed location but said it will be near the THCF clinic, which is at 647 Main Street.
Swerdlow said collectives are legal under Brown's guidelines and the law, and the city can't simply zone them out of existence.

But a letter Swerdlow said he received from city planners in January counters that city zoning rules ban
dispensaries, collectives and co-ops.
City Attorney Greg Priamos reiterated that position Wednesday in a phone interview. "The simple fact is that a dispensary or a co-op is specifically disallowed by under the general plan that has been adopted," Riverside City Councilman Mike Gardner said. Swerdlow's clinic is in Gardner's ward, and the
collective likely would be also.

Gardner has mixed feelings on medical marijuana generally, he said, but the city's rules are clear.
City officials likely will wait to see whether Swerdlow opens a collective next month before deciding how to
address it, Gardner said. A response could come from city code enforcement or police or the county district
attorney's office, the councilman said.

Reach Alicia Robinson at 951-368-9461 or [email protected]


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