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Best Reflector?

read the thread that Freezerboy linked. The SuperSun 2 was the champ up until last month when the Magnum XXXL nosed it out by 4 or 5 % in light distribution. I am partial to the Magnum XXL's as I have 6 and love them and especially the fact that they run so cool I can lower the hoods to within inches of the tops with no problem. Closer is better for your buds. they are Big and heavy, but run cooler to the touch then other hoods and take less air to keep 'em that way. Look at the thread linked above and see how Pico graphed out the light distribution and see what light footprint and price works for you. No one can tell you what to use in your unique situation. Can't really go wrong with either and one may be better for your application then the other.

Hey Grape man I willing to lose that 4-5 percent because of the SS 2 size. It is easy to carry up to my apartment. The test was on the 600 on a 3X3 area with a 600. I wonder is it going to cover a 4X4 area with a 1000 watt. How far do I leave the reflector away from the plants since it reflect more light?
i run a yieldmaster 2 just from trying different reflectors. The ss2 isnt that great as the footprint was a little narrow for my 1000w'er.

I like the yieldmaster 2
It gives the most even coverage, and has a nice double parabolic, much like the adjustawings except its air cooled!

Hey 2fast

I own 4 Yield Master II atm. I didn't do much reserach when I bought it. When I had my set all up. I did my reserach. It turn out Yield Master II only had 86% reflective. But it seem like you try both. Please explain more in your experience. I am really nervouse to get the SS2 becasue of it size. Like you said I feel it might not cover a 4X4 area.


Active member
Cool - as always, it's what works for you. Everyone here has their favorite hood and all of them mentioned here are good. You can't go wrong with any of them unless you fuck up. And that is easy to do as the human animal always has a tendency to think that since a little is good, more is better.

Hey Grape man I willing to lose that 4-5 percent because of the SS 2 size. It is easy to carry up to my apartment. The test was on the 600 on a 3X3 area with a 600. I wonder is it going to cover a 4X4 area with a 1000 watt. How far do I leave the reflector away from the plants since it reflect more light?
Lol. My buddy think big is better because maybe he is a little guy. He tried to carry that giant into his apartment. The hood as big as half of his body. So many people growing in my area. People know what you carry if you had a big box. I am still not sure about the size of the SS2 will cover a 4X4 area. I hope someone have exp tell me other wise.


I had one of those ss2 hoods many years ago and wasn't really impressed with it's foot print, but I think it would do fine over a 4X4 if used with a 1k light. I have had numerous hoods from simple wings to giant air cooled hoods. The only reason I don't have them any more is because I set up a grow at someone elses house and he ended up getting busted. So all my DWC bucket systems, air pumps, resoviors, ballasts and hoods went bye-bye.
If all you are trying to cover is such a small area you should be fine with the SS2 hood.

One Love 731

Senior Member
yield master2 is the cheapest @ $70 , I am waiting on 4,but do not have the extra angled reflector pieces @ air input and output. Seems the best from what I've seen an read are Super sun 2'S with Hydrofarm's radiant AC's coming in a close second, but are more expensive. The dual bulb growzilla reflector also has the extra reflection, looks similar to the radiant. I think it all comes down to what you really need it for. Karma, One Love


Rubbing my glands together
The Magnum XXXL hands down with my experience. Just bought a second one because I'm diggin the hell outta the light foot print I was getting with the first on. 4 x 4 space no problem!


Lol. My buddy think big is better because maybe he is a little guy. He tried to carry that giant into his apartment. The hood as big as half of his body. So many people growing in my area. People know what you carry if you had a big box. I am still not sure about the size of the SS2 will cover a 4X4 area. I hope someone have exp tell me other wise.

It'll work fine over a 4x4 I think


Active member

i run a yieldmaster 2 just from trying different reflectors. The ss2 isnt that great as the footprint was a little narrow for my 1000w'er.

I like the yieldmaster 2
It gives the most even coverage, and has a nice double parabolic, much like the adjustawings except its air cooled!

I agree 100%. Ive had experience with the ss2 and the ym2(supreme) and the ym2 has way better coverage for a 3x3 or 4x4. The plants can stretch more than expected and still the hood gets plenty light to each plant.The ym2 supreme is 95% reflective.


i'm running a radiant AC 6" now...was previously running a daystar. I like the coverage better from the radiant, my plants seem healthier under it. just scored a raptor but it's for a different project and i haven't even hung it yet, i need to go pick up some rope ratchets because it's too big to hang with yoyos according to hydrofarm...the raptor is a monster i'm really excited to see what it can do in a good space. i'm thinking from here on out i'm going to try and stick with raptors if it does as well as i expect it will.
i run 1000 watt HPS in flower...although my hydro guy showed me a neato combination hps/mh bulb i want to try out as well...it was backordered when i was up there though :(
i run radient 8, much cooler then the 6 (i tested them) and i space them to have a 3x3 coverage... 8 of them. i have 13 magnum xxxls in a room, and they blow!! light intensity is super low, thats why they are so cool and you can keep them so close. i also have the inside scoop from the rep. cause i did ask him about them. he said "the xxxl is a marketing cash cow and they are selling the crap out of them, as for lighting, they suck... but dont tell anyone." ... well, they are already on craigslist...lol

Neo 420

Active member
i run radient 8, much cooler then the 6 (i tested them) and i space them to have a 3x3 coverage... 8 of them. i have 13 magnum xxxls in a room, and they blow!! light intensity is super low, thats why they are so cool and you can keep them so close. i also have the inside scoop from the rep. cause i did ask him about them. he said "the xxxl is a marketing cash cow and they are selling the crap out of them, as for lighting, they suck... but dont tell anyone." ... well, they are already on craigslist...lol

I was under the impression the xxl's were perfect for a 4x4 area. I am picking one up quite soon. The cool tubes are perfect if your doing verts and have cooling issues.


Overkill is under-rated.
My current vote is for, NONE!

A large portion of the light in ANY hood is indirect and therefore exponentially weaker. Without hoods lights run closer, plants can be closer, and all of the light is direct to the plants. Since there is so much sidelighting, I only run half the bulbs at a time. Plants can only use about 6 hours of bright, intense light a day anyway.
neo 420.. if that was your impression, then their marketing worked, trust me they are a BIG pain in the ass... much better hoods out there. bigger isnt always better.


Active member
I use the supersun2. I tested them with a 1k watt bulb. I like that they are easily managable by 1 person, they seal very well compared to most reflectors, they are ligth so easy to adjust and they spread light well. One thing I do diffrent than most I dont vent them all inline. I have a main intake plenum that feeds fresh outside air to one side only. then I have a seperate exhaust plenum that hooks up to the other side of the reflector. each reflector has its own intake and exhaust and it lowered temps 10 degrees. when I mounted the ballasts outside the room the ac rarely comes on except in july and aug

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