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My first try at aero.

so what do ya think, flush it, or feed it for a few more days?

I am eager to start over again, this time i know my home built system works, and i wont be setting the plants on fire / depriving them of oxygen / having 90* rez temps / having a green light burning all night for a week .....


LOL, learned a few lessons with this grow eh? Don't worry, there are plenty more lessons to learn down the road.
I would say by the look of the pictures that you could start flushing now and go another 10 days. Or wait another week and then start the flush. It all depends on 2 things.
1- What kind of high you want from these buds.
2- How patient you are going to be about letting them finish.

The latter is usually the wort to deal with. I have heard, and or made, every excuse in the world for harvesting early over the years. In the end it is up to you.

Happy Growing.
I decided not to flush it out yet.

In a week, I will have enough cuts to go again.

I was planning on those cuts rooting while these ladies were being flushed.

How much longer you think this has?


I just dont want to harvest it early and have a bunch of smoke that has no medicinal value. at the same time .. i really wanna start over. I can do better next time :confused:


I say at least 2 more weeks, but I like the let them go until I start seeing bud extentions before I start flushing.

I would start your clones now though. What kind of cloner setup do you have?
I have no cloner setup, yet. I do but i dont .. got the tub, the holes drilled, the pvc and the sprayers rigged up .. but i dont have a pump yet. The spare pump that i do have i need for rez drain/refill/maintainance/ER backup.

But yea, the cloner i am almost ready to have is a 60 site cloner. Till i find the bucks for a new pump, rockwool + propagation tray = RG1 :)
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New member
I use the Euro version of your system DPS.
I noticed your roots looked a little brown in the begining of the thread, i had the same problem, due to the water temp going above 22 C. they did not rot, but it sure had an impact on their growth.

But i started using GHE Biofilter, and mineralmagix, and at least for me , it has made a huge differnce, i now have temp around 25 and all white roots.

A very good investment, i even healed some that had a massive gnat attack with this filter and magix, something it said it would do, but which i doubted it would beacuse my infestation was realy bad.


I would definitely checked the trichs to be sure. If they are still pretty clear then it has some time like a week id say.
vanten, i agree 100%. It is not impossible to do high temp NFT/Aero/Hydro .. but man it sure does make it tricky. I am good probably for the next 6-8 months as for as high temps go, but def this time next year i will have a rez chiller. Imagine all the DO my girls will have!

fireman, I think i figured out something new with my camera. I can zoom in all the way with the optical, then if i hold onto the zoom thing for a few more seconds, it keep goin closer and closer and closer! The only thing is i gotta pick 1 bud to get he close up of, and take like 10-15 pics of it, and then find which one came out. I'll grab a real super close up tomorrow and maybe we can look at some trics.

When the time comes and i do start the flush .. are the plants going to continue to mature? I'm not sure how to ask my question ..


Since there isnt goin to be any food in the water for the girls to eat, I know that they are going to be using their energy reserves in their leaves and what not. I just want to make sure that they're mature enough so that the energy reserves in their leaves are enough to take it to the end.

If anyone wants to maybe give me a play-by-play of their system .. like your in your room right now. U know that in the next 5 days you need to start flushing. From this point .. what did u see that told you it was time? Are the trics 50-70% amber at this point? or are they 30% amber that will goto 70% amber when the flush is done?

Does this make since? Am i rambling? I'm a bit nervous .. this could be my first bumper crop, or it could be another disappointment.



Active member
i would def let them go longer.
i use a microscope to determine my plants ... not sure if you have one but they got um at radio shack for like 10 bucks.... very usefull thing for the cannabis grower.

looks reallly good also! good luck with everything and enjoy your harvest!
i would def let them go longer.
i use a microscope to determine my plants ... not sure if you have one but they got um at radio shack for like 10 bucks.... very usefull thing for the cannabis grower.

looks reallly good also! good luck with everything and enjoy your harvest!

I have one, kinda hard for me to use less i chop something off and sit down with it .. but maybe i can get some shots good enough for you guys to confirm it's time. Thanks for the props, next time's gonna be better!


Here is a shot of some nearly finished bud to compare with>

See how the calyxes are all swollen and pushing out. That is what you want to see before you start to flush. When that time comes you will know it.
I will post pics tomorrow. Unless someone can tell me it is better to flush during the day, tomorrow 'day' will be the last of feeding. I will change out the rez and and start the flush immediately after lights out tomorrow. I need my smoke, and need to move onto my next grow, with some lessons learned.
catastrophic failures in the realm of RG1 .........

keep in mind i am broke, so when u ask 'why did u do that' .. it's all i could afford.

I am running a 3gal bucket as my rez for many plants .... it needs constant attention. for my pump not to run dry, i have to have 6 gallons of water circulating through the thing .. not that much of an overflow but still .. i was aware ..

Yesterday when i was going to start flushing ... a stupid networking switch for my computer failed. My dumbass had it on the same circut as my lights and water pump. When the time came for my lights to come on .. the circut overloaded and shut off. My pump also shut off.

So, 4 minutes later i get woke up to the lovely sounds of water being let free from captivity! (i grow upstairs, btw (no neighbors below me, my space below))

so .. i spent yesterday cleaning up .. occasionly plugging my pump in to keep things wet. I have started the flush now .. and as soon as this cycle is done, i am getting a 700% bigger rez, would like around 25 gallons, but i'll settle for 20. This will allow me to sleep through the night instead of waking up to add water to drop ppms, and will prevent overflows!

So stay tuned, some last shot of my first "real" run will be coming up!

RG's newest rule:
Nothing else on the same circut as your grow rig.


(there might be a surprise or 6, if everything goes well, for my second run at aero ;) )
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seeker of greater knowledge
sounds loke some terriable shit...wake up to a nice tropical rain:D..lol..
but at least nothing shorted(besides the pumps and your pc) and you didn't have any Major electrical issues...well you'll start the flushing at least as planned right? well best of luck and hope you dont find yourself waking up to the sounds of indoor rain......good karma to you..


Well you just chaulked up another hydro learning experience. I especially like the part "the lovely sounds of water being let free from captivity! ". LOL!
My wife knows that sound and to this day if there is water on in the house that she can hear she will ask me if I left something on.
SOrry you had all the trouble, but just think how smooth the next grow will go.

Happy Growing.


Active member
RG001. Wow. Did you open the fortune cookie with the Schleprock Curse or what? :yoinks:

Keep on keeping on. Can't be that much longer to go! :joint:

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