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pure blend pro soil for soiless?



If one were to use pro mix soiless, would they use pure blend pro soil or regular? Also, if feeding at each watering, what ml/gal should be used in full bloom? Lable says 25-30, but doesnt say how often or specify which one to use in pro mix .This sounds high for each watering as I feel it would build up too much over time. Any experience using pbp in soiless ,what strength and how often? I would like to use pureblend pro and liquid karma, just not clear on which one to use and at what strength for every watering in soiless. Thanks in advance.

Seed Buyer

I have grown in Pro-Mix for years w/ the PBP Soil. As far as dosage, use the 25-30ml but watch your plants for signs of over fert (yellow leaf tips, downward leaf curl). As far as feeding, I would recommend feeding, allow the plant to dry completely, then hit them with ph balanced water, wait until dry and hit w/ water again. So try a feed, water, water regimen. Its alot easier to fix an under feed plant as opposed to an over feed plant. Keep it green!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I run PBP in soiless 15mls per gallon along with Liquid Karma at 5mls per gallon and calmag at 5mils per gallon. Its a winning combination. :)


Babba , do you use the regular ,or soil pbp? Do you feed w/every watering with 15ml/ gal?


i use pbp soil (the one with more P) @10ml/gal, 2.5ml/Gal Calmag+,2.5ml/gal Silica blast; recirc drip feed 100% coco


Still confused

Still confused

The soil version just seems too low in nitrogen and and regular bloom seems as if n is too close to phosphorus level,taylored for hydro. So, I am leaning toward hydro version. I prefer feeding every time. Would 10ml bloom/ 2.5ml lk seem right for every watering? Still confused about wheather to use bloom or bloom for soil. Can't seem to get clear answer, seems like bloom for soil would seem better, but most say treat soiless as hydro.


New member
PBP hydro bloom can result in some really bad tasting herb if you don't flush ALOT. the hydro stuff seems to be difficult to get outta the soil. I would use the soil formula unless you are running hydro :2cents:
I would imagine the soil version is probably higher viscosity as well. You don't want that shit in your pumps...

Hash, I have to disagree. I had to cut a few plants early last round, no flush at ALL, and the buds tasted fine. Not great, but certainly not bad.

I use PBP, CalMag, LK, and Sweet in my system.

Are you doing a drip system?


the viscosity is the same; the soil version of PBP is lower in N and higher in P. When i want more N, i just add more Cal-Mag + (2-0-0).


Yo magnificent, did you know that ^^THAT^^ Rick Ross was a prison guard before he was a rapper? Did you know that Freeway Ricky Ross has publicly denounced that dood using his name (ya know, him being leo and all)? Fukk Rick Ro$$.

I use the PBPsoil as an organic P/K in mid-late flower. Seems to be the perfect transition from the topdresses (and their slow release N) to the 'starve'.
I run PBP in soiless 15mls per gallon along with Liquid Karma at 5mls per gallon and calmag at 5mils per gallon. Its a winning combination. :)
Hopefully you or someone else here can help me with this. I have been trying this but am having some issues with ph - 15 ml / gal + 10 ml liquid carma + 5 ml cal mag knocks my ph down to about 4.0 (from 7.5.) I asked the local shop about it and he said that with organics (or mostly organics) you need to mix everything up and let it sit with an airstone going in it for 24 hours and it would buffer itself. Well, It has been 36 hours and no change. So, how do you all deal with ph on this stuff? I don't want to saturate my plants with ph up. And even when I used ph up to adjust it to 6.5, 34 hours later it had drifted back down - so i have to assume that it's going to do that in the soil as well. Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give.
This is from a sticky in the organic soil section (not sure if pro mix fits this bill in terms of being rich in humic acid - but maybe with the liquid Karma?)

Organic pH issues

I hear a lot of people asking or talking about the pH of their organic soil mix or organic nute solution and how they might correct or adjust it. pH in organics is not an issue like it is in synthetic growing.
The best place to settle the pH issues in organics is within the grow medium. A medium rich in humates (humus) is the place to start. Humates work to "buffer" the pH of organic mediums and the nutes you pour (or mix) into it.
Humates come from compost, worm castings and bottled humus. If you use a peat based medum, use dolomite lime to raise the pH of the acidic peat. Dolomite should be used in any soil or soiless medium to provide magnesium and calcium. But since we are talking about pH here, I'll mention dolomite lime's pH correction benefits.
A medium of coir has a pH near neutral (or 7.0). But humates are still neded to allow uptake of organic nutrients that are outside a near neutral pH range.
With an active medium rich in humates you can pour in nutes like Pure Blend Pro, Earth Juice and guano teas way outside the optimum pH range without worry. The humus will allow the nutes to be taken up through the roots, even at such an extreme pH reading.
So throw those pH meters away folks and enjoy the ease and safety of organic gardening.

axel neek

Tap water that goes through a single stage (filtrete from lowes). But, the bucket I tested it with was from my dehumidifier.

So you used dehumidifier water? That's close to RO water, in that it doesn't have very many dissolved solids in it. pH would be around 7 but dehumidifier and RO water does not contain any buffering agents.
The nutrients you're adding are acidic and in average tap water will lower the ph to a desired level, tap water contains pH buffers so adding the nutes only lowers the pH a little.
In dehumidifier, distilled, and RO water, where there are no buffers, the acidic nutrient solution lowers the pH far too much. This is what you're experiencing.
Dehumidifier water isn't recommended either, because lots of nasties like bacteria and mold grow on the coils internal to the device.
Ok, I guess that kinda makes sense, but one time before I used ph up (in the filtered tap water) and it dropped right back down after a day. And wouldn't I be safe in assuming that lots of people using these nutes for both hydro and soil use ro water? So do they keep adjusting the ph every day with ph up? That can't be good. And if you use the recommended dosage, even with 8.5 tap water it drops the ph waaaay below waht most would consider a desired level. Mine went down close to 4 with half the recomended dose. I am really confused here - have you actually seen it buffer itself? What was your starting ph? Thanks.

axel neek

Have you tried unfiltered tap water?
How bad is your tap water? If you're in a major city there may be water info on your cities web site.
I use tap water, starting ph is about 7.7 and tds is about 125ppm.
I add in pbp and LK and my pH drops to about 6.5.
I suspect your filter is removing bicarbonates.


I run the botanicare line in soil and usually feed about 16ml/g in full bloom. There nutes usually have a solid ph buffer which should bring them down to about 6.0 range. recently i added hydroplex and it has been dropping my ph to about 4.0 area
