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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Bringing forth courage and breaking through personal limitations to rise to the stiffest challenges is the key to growth and transforming one's life-state."

SGI Newsletter No. 7867, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 22: Chap. 4, The Treasure of Life 45, translated Oct. 6th, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"It must be ties of karma from the distant past that have destined you to become my disciple at a time like this. Shakyamuni and Many Treasures certainly realised this truth. The sutra's statement, 'Those persons who had heard the Law dwelled here and there in various Buddha lands, constantly reborn in company with their teachers,' cannot be false in any way."

(The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 217) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, October 5th, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Great events never have minor omens. When great evil occurs, great good follows. Since great slander already exists in our land, the great correct Law will spread without fail. What could any of you have to lament? Even if you are not the Venerable Mahakashyapa, you should all perform a dance. Even if you are not Shariputra, you should leap up and dance. When Bodhisattva Superior Practices emerged from the earth, did he not emerge dancing?"

from the Gosho, Great Evil and Great Good - WND-1, page 1119,


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The blessings gained by practising the correct teaching, however, are so great that by meeting minor sufferings in this life we can change the karma that destines us to suffer terribly in the future."

(To the Brothers, Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Volume 1, Page 497) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 10th, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is a religion for ordinary people, aimed at opening an era of the people and helping everyone gain true happiness. For us, as its practitioners, the realisation of happiness for all people is not an abstract theory, but a concrete goal that we can achieve by focusing on each individual. By helping one person become happy through faith in the Mystic Law, we can show actual proof of the validity of the Daishonin's Buddhism as a truly humanistic religion.

"Achieving an ideal society must ultimately begin with each individual carrying out their own great human revolution, or inner transformation. The Daishonin sought to foster such people, and in order to do so he taught that faith is a necessary and indispensable requirement."

SGI Newsletter No. 7851, LEARNING FROM THE WRITINGS OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN: THE TEACHINGS FOR VICTORY, [7] "The Supremacy of the Law"--Part 1 [of 3], The Lotus Sutra Is the "Great Ship" for the Enlightenment of All People, from the July 2009 issue of the Daibyakurenge, translated Sep. 9th, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Where the hell is Desi? Wilson went on vacation two months ago and never came back. Let's all chant that he and Pumpkin Man are doing OK. Bonzo is in my Daimoku everyday. Hitman! Where ya been? Fallen Angel?

All my love and deepest respect to all! SOCal! How's it hanging? Easy are you chanting abundant daimoku? Bud and Mrs. B, I haven't been able to taste your sweetness for a week! I'm Dying! Chris! You are a brother from another mother. Scegy! Your last post got picked up by our new friends!!! Let's chant for their happiness! Remember there are people that hate and denigrate, just as much as we love and respect.

Much love and deepest respect,

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Even embracing the Lotus Sutra would be useless without the heritage of faith."

(The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 218) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 15th, 2009


Active member
So i'm like famous now?:)

Let's continue chanting and living, that's the way i like it!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


My Dearest Chanting Growers:

What's up, I hope all is well! Been having some wicked nightmares from not smoking lately (3 weeks), I scraped the old bubblebag screens (got a lil hit) and was able to sleep for 6 hours without a nightmare last night and I feel soooo much better today. Boy this was a tough week, work-wise I get a "promotion" and I have to do my job plus an entirely new and even more time consuming job! I'm working 50+ hours a week and going to school full-time in the evenings. The stress is phreaking phenomenal and I'm very fortunate to have my Gohonzon, otherwise I can't say where I would be!

My hard-drive crashed and I lost a ton of stuff, including pictures from the last three years. That was a tough thing for us, but my girl keeps encouraging me to go back to the Gohonzon and we are chanting more together. She started school last week and I'm very proud of her. Sure isn't easy trying to make ends meet in the city, while working and schooling. Nothing is affordable anymore expect the time we make to chant. Even chanting sometimes is tough because we are so wrapped up in so much stuff, but keeping the chanting number 1 in my life is what's getting me by right now.

I'm sooo pleased that I reformated the computer and found the right drivers and cd's to come back and realize PTD got sick and is doing better, that the Babba's are going strong, and that my other friends here are in the mix. I get inspired when we are collectively advising of our continued practice, this is truly an international movement!

So I need to make a weed pilgrimage soon because I sure miss my mary jane, somehow I can do well without pot, but I do feel more depressed and edgy. Even though I'm known as the "Chanting Buddhist" (with a semi-conservative slant) at work, lately I've been more of a "I'm so busy, wtf wtf type". I gotta get back to my center and that's when I chanting all the time and I chant so much more when I'm growing so I've set a target date to start-up a grow again by November 30. Nothing big, maybe I'll get a few ounces, but my Chanting Growers equilibrium will be back. Someday I'll grow humans, but for now your brother needs some plants!

I actually met a grower through an sgi member recently and I think he is a great guy. I introduced him to Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! and so did my friend, we are now encouraging this grower to chant because he is having money trouble. The truth is, the grower needs an investor to keep him afloat and I'm in no position to even save a dime a month right now, so all I can do is encourage him to chant. He hasn't had a harvest in a while either, and won't see any buds til January, plus it looks like he has bugs, so I reckon if he chants he will quickly be able to show himself some actual proof!

Similarly, and to my great delight, my girl is also encouraging a lady at her job to chant. They went out for drinks on Sunday and my girl brought her over to show her the Gohonzon! Her friend is very interested, and positively impressed that we are Buddhists and she asked if we could invite her over for thanksgiving. I have not really celebrated any holidays anymore expect mother and father's day and new years, but this will be a great opportunity to invite some people over and chant and do a great introduction meeting. We do shakubuku together and that makes our relationship so much stronger.

So, I'll continue the massssssssssssssive amount of homework I'm taking and won't give up with anything on my plate right now. I almost wanted to drop two classes this past week because I'm soooo gosh darn overburdened, but with just over two months left in this semester, I WON'T BE DEFEATED BY ANYTHING! I HAVE THE GOHONZON AND MY FAITH WHICH I WILL NEVER RELINQUISH! I fundamentally understand that I cannot be swayed or defeated because I have so many roads that lead back to chanting in the foyer or anywhere I go!

Great posts my friends, I'll check in again real soon!



Original Editor of ICMagazine
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Saturday was a beautiful day with many chanting growers (whether they know it or not) gathering for a Harvest Festival at Good Karma here in Flake County. The energy level was very HIGH, I chanted for hours on the way there, and during the event also. Met many folks from this website there, it was great! So many new friends!

Thomas I hope you are feeling better and getting some strength back...Scegy you are Famous indeed! ~ Easy had better get some plants going soon so he gets back in touch with the life forces therein. Growing plants is almost as much fun as growing humans - I have to agree.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo
So glad to see you guys posting up on this fine fine day!! Glad T is on his way to recovery !!
Payoso so great to see you posting up ... wow lots of icmaggers ? I wanna come over that way :)
Easy my prescription for nitemares is def smoke some ganja !! All things change !!
You guys take a peek at our thread and you can get a look at our new bedroom lately. Man sometimes staying in meds can become a struggle :) Absolutley loving it !!
So much love to you all :)
Nam myoho renge kyo


Active member

Easy i really must say that the best cure for my nightmares is not weed, because since i've stopped smoking so much and really focusing they actually stopped and even transformed into something that seemed more real and had more meaning to me than usualy dreams do.
Keep on chanting, smoke as little as you can and strive on making more positive causes and the nightmares will align with the real world.

Did that make any sense to you? Cos i just got back home from a possible job in sustainable turism/farming and i smoked one and i got reeeeaaall tired in two hits:)

Keep on polishing buddy, we are doing it togheter!

have a good day tomorrow or is it today for you?

Scegy has a heart!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
T, glad to hear you survived the bio infection attack.

Loosing weight would be helpful for me but I don't think going it the way you did would be my ticket! lol

I am still hangin. sending many d's to the Chanting Growers; past, present and future.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Take these teachings to heart, and always remember that believers in the Lotus
Sutra should absolutely be the last to abuse one another. All those who keep
faith in the Lotus Sutra are most certainly Buddhas, and one who slanders a
Buddha commits a grave offense.

(WND, 756)
The Fourteen Slanders
Written to the lay priest Matsuno Rokuro Saemon on December 9, 1276


All of you chanting for world peace are Great Amazing Buddhas!

All of you chanting for world peace are Great Amazing Buddhas!

I have received your offerings of yams, skewer-dried persimmons, parched rice, chestnuts, bamboo shoots, and bamboo containers of vinegar.

There was once a ruler in India named Ashoka the Great. He reigned over a quarter of the land of Jambudvipa and, accompanied by the dragon kings, controlled the rain at his will. He even used demons to do his bidding. At first he was a merciless ruler, but later he converted to Buddhism. He made offerings to sixty thousand monks each day and erected eighty- four thousand stone stupas. On inquiring into the previous lifetime of this great sovereign, we find that in the days of Shakyamuni Buddha there were two little boys called Virtue Victorious and Invincible who once offered the Buddha a mud pie. Because of this act of sincerity, the boy Virtue Victorious was reborn within one hundred years as King Ashoka.

The Buddha is of course respectworthy, but when compared with the Lotus Sutra he is like a firefly beside the sun or moon. The superiority of the Lotus Sutra to Shakyamuni Buddha is as great as the distance from heaven to earth. Presenting offerings to the Buddha produces benefits like that. How much more so is this true of the Lotus Sutra? If such a marvelous reward was brought about by the mere offering of a mud pie, how much more will come about as a result of all your various gifts! He suffered no shortage of food, but now we are in a land where hunger prevails. Therefore how could Shakyamuni Buddha, Many Treasures Buddha, and the ten demon daughters possibly fail to protect you?

Today there are people who have faith in the Lotus Sutra. The belief of some is like fire while that of others is like water. When the former listen to the teachings, their passion flares up like fire, but as time goes on, they tend to discard their faith. To have faith like water means to believe continuously without ever regressing. Since you visit me constantly, regardless of the difficulties, your belief is comparable to flowing water. It is worthy of great respect!

Is it true that there is illness in your family? If so, it cannot be the work of demons. Probably the ten demon daughters are testing the strength of your faith. No demon worthy of the name would even think of troubling a votary of the sutra and having its head broken. Persist in your faith with the firm conviction that both Shakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus Sutra are free from any falsehood.

With my deep respect,


The Two Kinds of Faith
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. I, Page 899)


ICmag's Official Black Guy
Today is a good-day, just like every other day but today is different I feel completely happy. I meet someone that I think I want to spend all my time with. She makes me feel like a young boy in "Love". I smile more every time I am with her...I pray that we last a very long time together. So I hope the Chanting Growers pray for our success:)


New member
Here are some mantras that I use on a daily basis:

All the time (for compassion): Om Mani Padme Hung (Hum) (pronounced 'Hoom')

Before doing drugs (for sanctity and gratitude): Om Shiv Shankara Hari Hari Ganja
-gotten from Ram Dass' Be Here Now, presumably a mantra given to him by Maharaji

For wealth: Om Guru Namasivaya Dram Dattatreya Siva Baba Namaha
-gotten from Siva Baba himself

Enjoy :joint:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I had a setback! I have had the recent good fortune to come by some incredible backberry jam. Whille I was my sickest, I couldn't stop thinking about it. The stuff is spiritual I tell ya! At any rate, what do you do a big gooey jam sandwich with? A glass of freaking water? No! I had to have a glass of milk! Bad move! They said absolutely nothing dairy, I didn't listen, and suffered the consequences. Mind the doctor's orders folks! I didn't and paid a painful price.

But GODAMN was that sandwich and milk delicious!

T ( scegy, I have been sick bro, but I haven't forgotten you!)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"As first one person, then two persons, then a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand, and then all the people throughout the country come to chant the daimoku, before you know it, their blessings will accrue to you. Those blessings will be like the drops of dew that gather to form the great ocean, or the specks of dust that pile up to become Mount Sumeru."

(The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 672) Selection source: "Myoji no Gen", Seikyo Shimbun, October 9th, 2009
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