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my ventilation setup... comments needed

ok, so i have a very powerful 6 in fan that i have hooked to my ceileng to vent the hot air upwards into the attic. The space is a closet about 5 feet lenght, 2.5ft wide and 8 feet in height. Now i have one 400 watt light. thats where im at now....

my next plan was to rig a ventilation pipe from the light to the fan to help take some of the heat out from the light of the room.

heres my question will that work as is??? it isn't a cool tube light its just a regualr 400watt with a hydrofarm hood.

advice welcome... i never vented a room before only used fans....


Weed Robot
if your hood comes with a class then its good put small enough 6'' ducting to hood and fan then a bigger peice to your ceilling
you will need 3 6'' clamps one for hood and fan then one for other side of fan that will be going to your attic in this case you dont need another fan to bring fresh air in if you just open a hole on door or wall on the bottom the fan you have hook up to the lights will just suck it in
do you plan on using co2? it would be a diferent way of doing so
the part on hood that is sucking put a peice of ducting to door or wall so that it sucks air from outside the grow room and then you will need two fans one for intake fresh air and one to exhaust take air out these will be hook up to one timer the hood fan can be hooked up to your light timer this way it turns of with light and on with light
a pic would help of your room this way i can tell you where to start


Active member
Have you hooked it up yet or are you still planning? You're going to find that you have plenty of ventilation, as long as you have enough air coming IN to the closet. Keeping it light proof will probably be the problem.

With that kind of air-flow, you can just suck the hottest air from the top of the closet, no need to go with any ducting or anything. (No room in there anyway. :D)

Edit: You'll want some small fans (preferably oscillating) to keep the air around the plants in constant movement. Put your intake at the bottom of the closet and you'll be fine. :D

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