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Has she turned hermi?


Hey guys, i think i have done somthin stupid, i was given some superbud to try so i added a little less than half the recomended dose 2nd week into flower, she now 3 weeks in.
shes in a 5gallon dwc ,i added this to my bucket for 5 days then flushed her and started over with my bloom nutes.
she did have proper looking buds 1 week ago and now the buds are small and look like they have seeds in them?? cant explain any better realy, the top leaves are also curled up, other than that shes healthy.

Any advice appreciated guys

Edit ph is approx 5.8


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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I dont see either male parts r seeds, can you get a closer shot?


This is the best i can do with the light on, its a 600w hps

Edit, the buds are very small and not many of them, temps are around 70,



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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hard to say

I dont see any specific
But if you are sure you see seeds, then you have two choices

Chop it or grow it, what is done is done, you cannot change it, but you will not see much more growth, just the seeds

Personally I would not bother with a seeded plant, but that is for my purposes


hard to say

I dont see any specific
But if you are sure you see seeds, then you have two choices

Chop it or grow it, what is done is done, you cannot change it, but you will not see much more growth, just the seeds

Personally I would not bother with a seeded plant, but that is for my purposes

When i say they look like seeds there tiny dense clusters, am totaly stook on this 1, was hoping great things from her, she was a runt sitting at only 4 inches high 4 weeks ago, now shes 2.5ft high........

Thanks dr dog


Dont cut here down!! it looks fine to me - thats how buds form, in clusters of calyxes. I dont mean to sound demeaning or anything of the sort but, is this your first grow? It looks completely normal to me.


"If no one else can shed any light on this one i will chop it this afternoon.."

Dont be in a rush mate, I cant see any male flower's & I certainly cant see any swollen calyxes either..........

It would also take more than 5 days to produce male flower's that are able to drop pollen!

Alitle reading for you ;)

"What is SB?

SB is a recently developed product that gives theoretical yield increases of up to 30% for the home grower in hydroponics, soil and other mixed mediums. Results will vary for individual users, but a 20% increase in yield (by dry weight) is the norm. Exceptional cases have reported increases of 50%, but don't expect this as its unrealistic for the majority of growers.

How does SB work?

Superbud works by switching on or off certain receptors within the plant on a cellular level which controls the flowering & growth processes. In doing this the time it takes to initiate flowering onset is reduced and flowering density is maximised.

Is SB a stand alone product?

Superbud is not a nutrient in it's own right, rather an additive to be used in conjunction with your regular feeding program. You need to use normal flowering nutrients as you would when you don't use SB. In a 200 litre header tank container @ a rate of 3mls per 1 litres for a recirculating system and 5mls for a run to waste system SB is added as an addition. 600mls for the recirc and 1 litre for the RTW systems respectively. If you intend on using SB with your normal nutrient regime AND add other products such as Canna PK 13/14 the results will vary. You may stress your plants into an unhealthy state so this is not recommended and financially after adding SB it seems to be foolish to add anything else as expensive.

Is SB safe to use with other products?

Yes but not with hydrogen peroxide based products, which tend to oxidise the organics within Superbud & reduce or stop SB from working.

Isnt Superbud a two part?

Superbud used to be a two part nutrient addition. I suspect if you can still buy SB as a two part mix from your local hydro store then its very old stock and I wouldn't recommend using it. Superbud is a one part premixed solution.

Does adding more Superbud than the recommended dosage give you bigger yields?

No, in adding more than the recommended dose you will stunt the full potential of your plants. Your plants will develop like they normally do with SB but once the allocated period for SB inclusion has ended it must be flushed out of your system completely or it will retard your flowers from getting bigger. This period is recommended to be a maximum of 14 days for recirc systems and 9 days for RTW.
There are minimum times the SB has to be in contact with your root mass to be effective and for both types of system it is 7 days. If you have the chance to check your root mass during flowering after adding SB you will note the stained roots from SB.

Does it decrease flowering time?

In short yes it does but results will vary depending on when SB is added and how long you have to compensate for the halted vertical growth after adding SB. Expected decrease in flowering time can be from 1 week to 2 weeks maximum. Other variances are not the norm.

What to expect when you add superbud:

You will notice an almost immediate beginning to your flower development within 3-5 days (strain dependant) instead of taking up to 2 weeks. You plants will STOP stretching almost immediately and the most stretching they should do will be about 4-5 inches. Basically its an explosive beginning to flowering. Other incidental signs that you have added SB is some curling of the leaves around the flowering sites, and you should see some darkening of the leaves. Some strains may become light sensitive after adding SB, but this will only last for a maximum of two weeks and if you start to see some browning or burning of the flower tops, the remedy is to lift your lights another 10 inches above the plants if you have the room. As the plants develop you will notice that these symptoms will subside and you can adjust your lights accordingly. Upon adding SB you plants will require additional strength nutrients for the first couple of weeks to compensate for this explosion. A lack of nutrient strength may result in delayed flowering by a couple of days, and if you are adding no flowering nutrients at all there is a small risk you may not see a lot of difference at all. Temperatures when using SB should be constant and in the 26 degree centigrade range as higher temperatures will stress the plant and this may affect SB uptake and inhibit growth. Mould rot may happen because of the density of the buds and this can be avoided by having a well ventilated room and fans to keep the air circulating well.

SB dosage variations:

To be sure you maximise your yields of SB it is recommended you use the amounts aforementioned when mixing. People have altered these and in some cases still achieved the same yield increases when using 1ml per litre of solution instead of the recommended 3mls. Its all about experimenting with your own plants and noting yield/SB ratio differentials

Adding SB at different times into Flowering:
It is recommended that you add SB at the onset of flowering, at the very least in the first two weeks after switching your light regime. In adding it within the first two weeks you can expect lots of small to medium sized dense buds which will weigh a lot.

If the plant is allowed to flower normally for 2 weeks the plant will have increased internodal length. When adding SB at this stage the buds will be dense and small to medium sized but because of the internodal length there will be less chance of bud rot and a greater area for potential buds to grow, possibly increasing yield.

The third way of using SB is to add it at the 4-5 week mark after your buds have formed properly into colas and as they start to put on weight use SB and the bud size increases as does the weight. It doesn't help with end bud production as its strain dependant. You wont get foot long colas from a plant which has small nugget sized buds normally.

Can it be used with soil?

You can use SB for your soil plants, and like hydroponically grown plants it can be added at varying stages in the flowering development. Amounts of SB to be used for soil growers is difficult to assess but because the SB is so strong and normal soils aren't flushed completely like hydro can be the solution tends to be more dilute. For every 80 litres of water 200 - 250ml can be used.

How does superbud compare to other products?

Currently there are a couple of other rival products on the market including Yield Masta, which is a 4 part additive and slightly more finicky to administer than SB although results from this product have equal footing with SB. Yield Masta aka Sudden Impact will not produce buds as solid as SB does but it will allow for more of the plants shape to occur wheres SB makes most plants look uniform...this is of benefit for a saleable product and smoke quality. YM lowers the THC levels like SB does but not quite as much as SB.

Problems with the end product:

I have noticed that SB seems to lessen the quality of the smokeable product. A more indepth analysis needs to be taken to back up the findings but THC levels are meant to drop off, although not drastically. If you start with a plant with high levels of THC then you probably aren't going to notice this drop-off.

Users of the end product are disappointed because the density of the buds is so high it makes it more difficult to sell. But for personal users everyone marvels at these rock solid buds literally.

Other negatives concerning SB include concentrating Boron in the flowers. One group indicates that this is detrimental for the end user, while the opposing school of thought indicates Boron is essential like many other chemicals for flower development and not harmful to people. There seems to be some debate regarding the effect this has on pregnant women, and the advice is for pregnant women to not smoke SB products.

Need more info?

Try the Dutch Master Australian website http://www.eplant.com.au/dutchmaster/


From Overgrow: Mickey
Dutch Master"


Wow.. thanks for all the replys and advice given, it isnt my first grow by far, i had never seen buds form like this.

lesson learned, im afraid she was chopped half hour ago....

(now 7 seedlings and a couple of 2 weeks olds are in her place)

Thanks guys..