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No Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations!


The Voice of Reason
"The regulation exempts health-care workers who cite medical reasons for refusing to get a flu shot, as well as nursing-home employees."

and people are not threatened with termination... according to the regulation " "One option for workers who refuse (the) influenza vaccination is reassignment to duties not covered by the regulation."

James Morrison

i dont NEED to address anything HEAD all i KNOW is that people are out there that will be givin this shot or nasal bump because it is mandatory..vs if it wasnt (regardless of how or where or why) no where did i say law///and again this is US..other countries by law and prison///but what amazing thing is that swine flu has no borders, which is the point


The Voice of Reason
Here is the thing...

Why are you just mad about the Swine Flu vaccine, James?

What you should be protesting is the ability of an employer to require any vaccinations at all... which has been going on for years and years... Why does this particular vaccination bother you so damn much as opposed to the general policy of requiring any sort of vaccinations anywhere for anyone?


The Voice of Reason
I absolutely think it is nuts for some countries to be legally requiring them under penalty of imprisonment.

Thank goodness all one need do to get out of it here is cite health concerns, and the penalty is being moved to a safer job.

James Morrison

Here is the thing...

Why are you just mad about the Swine Flu vaccine, James?

What you should be protesting is the ability of an employer to require any vaccinations at all... which has been going on for years and years...?


tbh it looked like u were taking offensive stance against the entire thread from first post..throwing the whole issue into a "law/US no it doesnt never" type responses, trying to prove your position or something// I personally just want to educate people and bring to awareness what is going on and why.

Protesting? lol no comment

Why does this particular vaccination bother you so damn much as opposed to the general policy of requiring any sort of vaccinations anywhere for anyone

Why does what? I dont even understand what u mean by this question. I think the first post and your own research should explain why this vaccine is important on a global level not just the US


The Voice of Reason

tbh it looked like u were taking offensive stance against the entire thread from first post..throwing the whole issue into a "law/US no it doesnt never" type responses, trying to prove your position or something// I personally just want to educate people and bring to awareness what is going on and why.
I never took any offensive, merely made statements concerning a portion of your topic. I did misconstrue your use of mandatory slightly, but also restricted my comments to the US.
Protesting? lol no comment
so you are in favor of Swine Flu vaccines? sounded like you protest mandatory vaccination from reading your posts... Maybe you don't...

Why does what? I dont even understand what u mean by this question. I think the first post and your own research should explain why this vaccine is important on a global level not just the US
Oh... ok... As opposed to every other vaccine THIS one in particular is globally important. I had no idea this was the first ever globally significant vaccine...

Oh wait... all vaccines have been globally significant... ever since the first one for smallpox...

I don't even understand your response to my easily understandable question... let me repeat it so you can think out your answer this time...

"Why does this particular vaccination bother you so damn much as opposed to the general policy of requiring any sort of vaccinations anywhere for anyone" which is to say... Why is the title of your thread so specific, and not simply "no mandatory vaccinations"?

Why do you single out this particular instance, instead of starting a thread about all of the other manditory vaccinations?

It is a very easy question to comprehend.

James Morrison

quess I was giving u too much credit and actually trying to make a worthy question out of what was asked HEAD

it does not is my answer

..and back to the actually important issue of this vaccine

i guess i will repost the first and second article I posted in this thread so u can re-read them to help answer these questions u keep asking me. If it is needed just tell me and i will copy paste..or u could scroll up and down up to u


The Voice of Reason
only reason I even commented on the US situation was that at the very moment I was reading this thread, the news was making announcements that there would not be any mandatory H1N1 vaccinations.


The Voice of Reason
From your article... I assume it is this opinion by the article's author you are referring to...
"The immunity given to the vaccine manufacturers applies no matter what the drug company does wrong—unless you can prove that it was willful misconduct.

They can put anything they want in their vaccines, and there is nothing you or I can do about it."

But that is silly... putting "anything they want" in their vaccines IS proof of willful misconduct.


The Voice of Reason
then the news u watch lies ..srry to make it personal to u lawls

Not personal... I don't own or write the news... The news you posted up is biased as well... But of all news organizations, i watch the one that get's the best marks in the surveys i've seen, as far as accuracy and lack of bias.

James Morrison

the Pandemic Flu Countermeasure Liability Protection Act of 2005 is why u cant sue and why they can tech put anything they want


The Voice of Reason
You are acting as though the pharmaceutical companies are allowed willful misconduct, and so is Jim O'Neill. That is simply not the case. If they put out a vaccine which was not tested and which they do not have every reason to believe is safe, then that IS willful misconduct.

Just because some reporter can formulate a concept does not make it a valid or accurate one. Reporters make their living being alarmists and sensationalists...


The Voice of Reason
the Pandemic Flu Countermeasure Liability Protection Act of 2005 is why u cant sue and why they can tech put anything they want

They can still be held liable for any willful misconduct. Putting anything in the vaccine which is known to be unsafe, or potentially unsafe is willful misconduct.

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