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Is this a def?


This is the second week of flower (its about 5 weeks old) for this Easy Ryder and I've fed 3 times with grow nutes at half strength and now yesterday once with flowering nutes at half. Both grow and flower have all the necessary micronutes listed on the back. pH is alittle high (just about 7) right now but other then that the temps and everything are fine. Is this a deficiency or something else?



It's difficult to tell from the picture. I think I see some burned tips indicating nutrient toxicity, not deficiency. I would prune the dead leaves just to get 'em out of there.

Are the leaves twisting? It sort of looks like that. That can also indicate pH problems (definitely) and possibly toxicity.

Bring your water pH down to 6.2ish and feed with plain water for a week or so.


Do you think a flush is necessary or just lower pH water should be fine? If I would flush whats the amount per gallon of soil (the pots are 5L so thats just about 1.25 gallons right?).


Active member
flush 1 gallon soil 3 gallon water is what i use what type of soil are u using is it a soilless mix if so ph water from 5.8 to 6.2 good luck


duts - MG Organic Garden Soil (the green bag, right?) is a very rich soil amendment. It does not have chemical nutrients but it has a potent combination of organic nutrients and it needs to be seriously diluted with inert media. I've got a few bags in my basement right now that I have been mixing 1:4 or so with ProMix BX.

Not only is the MG soil very rich, but FFOF is about as rich as you want to go without amending.

I think you soil is WAY hot.


Active member
Of course the pH of your water may not be the pH down in the pot. If your pH was too high you'd have deficiencies but things look overferted. I see twisty leaves, I think. Usually caused by too much uptake of nutes. Which is caused by low pH in the medium from too much nutes. The top growth looks to have a bit of chlorosis wouldn't you say? Which is caused by an iron deficiency. Which is caused by too much aluminum being taken up causing iron to restrict. Which is caused by low pH.
I'd flush. Isn't FF soil loaded with enough stuff to not need nutes? Maybe repot into a less hot mix. Since you grow in soil, do you let the medium dry out between watering? Nutes will concentrate as the medium dries causing pH to drop down in the root zone. Then they form into salts that are toxic.

James Morrison

givin info on soil, and what nutes u gave and how much, looks to be nute burned..all though it is weird its in mixed spots and patterns not like bottom to top..///


As bad as it is to transplant during flower, I would really just get it out of that soil or start over with a more mild medium.

How were you not having these problems when the plant was still in veg?


How would I get the soil off the rootball? Or just transplant into better soil and leave whatever is rooted? When it was in veg it was in straight FFOF, I just didn't have enough when I transplanted which is why I mixed in the MG.


Active member
You can just pot the whole rootball soil and all. you might be able to shake a little off. the roots might suck anyway and the soil may just fall off.
I didn't notice you had mixed MG soil in with the FF. MG soil has nutes added, so that might have added to your problem.