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recommend me a sativa (preferably landrace genetics)

Hello all sativa experts. I am looking for a sativa. Here is what i need. I need a strain that is low anxiety/paranoia and doesn't cause panic attacks to which i am prone. i'm preferably after a landrace strain as i like to preserve landraces. I'm not a big hybrid fan. I'm looking for something that is mild, just a happy easygoing smoke without being pushy or racy at all and no burnout after effect where i fell like i need to ly down and sleep. Can anyone recommend me a landrace sativa that would fit this criteria and where can i obtain seeds? I've been growing indies up until now (for medicinal purposes) but my climate is more suited to sativas (subtropical frost free) and indicas tend to get lots of mould. I am not worried about flowering period. They can go as long as they want. any recommendations? any help much appreciated.

Colombian Gold and Mexicans will do the trick, clear and fun highs, very social.

Hello all sativa experts. I am looking for a sativa. Here is what i need. I need a strain that is low anxiety/paranoia and doesn't cause panic attacks to which i am prone. i'm preferably after a landrace strain as i like to preserve landraces. I'm not a big hybrid fan. I'm looking for something that is mild, just a happy easygoing smoke without being pushy or racy at all and no burnout after effect where i fell like i need to ly down and sleep. Can anyone recommend me a landrace sativa that would fit this criteria and where can i obtain seeds? I've been growing indies up until now (for medicinal purposes) but my climate is more suited to sativas (subtropical frost free) and indicas tend to get lots of mould. I am not worried about flowering period. They can go as long as they want. any recommendations? any help much appreciated.



Check out Delta9 labs mekong haze, pure Cambodian landrace sativa, or gypsy's Khmer gold or ACE seeds for African sativas


Active member
Mekoung haze is not anti anxiety i think it a racy pot like a lot of thai.
Try purple panama from ace seeds.I thaught it s what you need.



New member
Mandala's Satori is a nice sativa dom hybrid with landrace genetics.

It's not a pure sativa, but something like 60-70% sativa.

The buds are potent, but if you're using a pipe or a bong, the right dose is quite easy to find.

No paranoia, not (too) rushy, no/low anxiety ..and no hang over.

Many Mandala strains have landrace genetics in them, but these are all hybrids.


common sativa heads. I'm sure there are strains that would suit my needs.

I'm thinking parvati or akka from RSC might fit that description.

any other suggestions

Elevator Man

Active member
Malawi Gold and Oaxacan Gold are the two sativas I have most experience with, and would definitely recommend those, with the Mexican finishing in 12 weeks, and the Malawi 15 weeks. Both are low anxiety but quite potent, stimulating varieties, with definite psychedelic effects at high doses - but at low doses they're very controllable and pleasant.

I got my Malawi from Seedsman, but the Mexican was sent to me by a member - there ar a few S1-derived seeds knocking around, but I'm sure there's some reasonable examples at some of the smaller breeders. ACE have some fabulous stuff...:)


Active member
Malawi Gold and any Himalayan vars (eg a Nepalese) would be the best I know of for the kind of high you want...

but if you are prone to panic attacks I would not smoke pot regularly if I was you... have you tried stopping using cannabis completely for at least a week to see how you feel? If you don't get a massive drop off in anxiety attacks I would be amazed

I am always surprised by the number of smokers I meet who are prone to anxiety and paranoia and who say that pot helps them with their anxiety... I would have thought the reverse was the case... I am talking more about the effects after you are stoned rather than while... e.g. the day after

this is not proof of anything, but it is the case that pot causes a lot of activity in areas of the brain associated with detecting threats in your environment

personally if I had to hold down an office job or a job that involved commuting in cities etc. I would do what a lot of my friends do and only smoke on weekends, as I would struggle to keep my cool on days after a smoking session --- the irritability and anxiousness I would get the day after would be more trouble than its worth

I hope I haven't derailed the thread --- just that I think it's important to be honest about cannabis - like all of the good things in life it has its good and its bad sides


I gotta call bullshit here.
I've been smoking regularly for quite a long time and I have never experienced any of these "bad sides" of which you speak.
What about Ace Seeds Nepalese Jam? It is at SeedBoutique right now. It is a fast flowering pure sativa with no anxiety and no paranoia. It is Very much a feel good weed that'll warm you up on the inside.


check out real seeds co. they only have landrace genetics..
also...these breeders offer some pure landrace genetics
ace seeds
tom hill

theres others im sure

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