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Too Green


This is my first run completed ( almost) using a 100% organic regimen with no
bottled fertilizer just ACT good soil and a little kelp extract and humic
acid, why do my plants look so green despite being so far into flower?

Generally i would see much more yellowing using my old bottle method
of fertilization. Plants look great, leaf development is robust but for the most part normal for each variety, looks like more foliage but imo it looks like
more because everything is remaining so green.
WTF not complaining just wondering as so many feel that the plant needs to yellow up, which it always has in the past using bottled ferts.

any help appreciated


when you use p k boosters or bloom ferts with little nitrogen in them, the plant uses up it's stored reserves in the leaves (the green chlorophyll) but most organics have plenty of residual nitrogen still slowly becoming available to the plant, so the leaves won't fade as fast.


hey happy :wave:

you're fine....a little too much N through flower might produce more leaf on your bud.... if it isn't flushed out it will definitely affect the flavor/smoke

just make sure you flush them well before ya chop, and they'll use up that chlorophyll like head ^ said...

happy growing


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
mate if you want them to yellow up then just give them water from now on



Active member
I've always given my soil plenty of manure, thinking green was good. I'm learning different.
Upping the P seems to slow down the N releasing microbes. That and flushing with chlorinated water.


Active member
Oh manure can ruin even outdoor crops if you put too much. Flushing probably won't help but did you top dress? You could remove that layer. But there is a big difference between "not yellowing" and "ruined".

One thing that bugs me about the "plant will take what it needs" approach is that mj seems to be greedy for nutes like we are for fat. With organics this means times have to be a bit lean the whole time IMO.

Repotting bare roots is probably not smart, but it's the only way to really flush.

Other than not yellowing, are you noticing a lot of stretch compared to the past?


they are a couple weeks from finishing.
they look great, i'm just used to them looking very yellow by now, i think my organic
efforts have been a little to robust. No top dressing to remove. The food is in the soil
as i charged it well. i think i'm going to use this soil again without amending it.

Based on this experience i agree with MJ about the plants piggy nature, seems to eat
what ever is available.


Active member
I have sandy soil. Manure is the most cost effective way for me to improve a virgin plot. When I started using teas and increasing microbes the manure broke down and was more efficient. When going into flower I had too much N being released. The steps I took corrected the problem. I had also pulled back the top dressing and replaced it with undecomposed material that should rob the N from the soil. The manure mixed in the soil isn't effected as much by decomposition and as such hasn't given me a problem.
The manure is good especially now with learning how to manage it.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
no worries hh :)

if you are starting off with a rich mix (i do the same) then i think it's best to use just water for most of the grow. if the strain is supposed to be a heavy feeder i may give them some bloom around halfway through a few times. maybe molesses towards the end 1tsp/gallon.

im trying to keep notes on how my plants do in my mix and then adjust it next time i run them. some do fine on half the N guano that others use.

always room for improvement ;)



I've been working towards a water only method, but what i didn't realize was the power
of the ACT which i started brewing and using once a week. Once i stopped and went
with water only everything started to yellow. A testament to the power of the Tea.
thanks for the feedback.