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trouble with smell - drafts etc



i live in an apartment, grow takes up a closet in the bedroom, carbon scrubber on the tent, out of the window quite stealth. when i smoke inside it wafts into the hall really badly, right away, it almost travels right the way down to the other end, there must be negative pressure and it gets pulled that way. so i have turned to smoking outside, which im okay with for now. however, more pressing is the draft that carries smells out into the hall..

I was wondering if there are any suggestions beside using incense and cover ups, as these arent a cure, they mask and badly at that.

I dont have a terrific sense of smell, so im not the best judge, but someone said they can smell it at the elevator, i went there right away and couldnt smell a damn thing. does weatherstrip work?

are there any ideas for a recirculating carbon scrubber? i wonder if that would work..

hopefully i gave enough details to aide you in :1help:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I once stayed at a hotel on the same floor as Peter Tosh. Stepping off the elevator was like walking into a brick wall. It even smelled in my room. Not that I minded.

Sounds like you're using joints, blunts or spliffs. Try a bong with a one hitter bowl. That way, no smoke enters the room without going through your lungs first.


well, i have a pipe, and roll joints often, but i figured it didnt matter how it was consumed.(not vape)

like i said, ive stopped smoking indoors, but somehow theres a smell coming from my bedroom, then through the big front door into the hall, im wondering if theres a way to suppress that draft into the hall...perhaps my indoor smoking could be reinstated if good enough fix is issued? it woul dbe nice, considering the weather


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
but i figured it didnt matter how it was consumed.

Manner of consumption is everything. If there's nothing to smell, there's nothing to hide or move or filter.

Every puff on a joint or pipe sends a small cloud of unfiltered smoke into the room the moment you stop sucking. Fire one up, take a puff and watch the cloud pour out. Because the j or pipe does not immediately self extinguish, every moment you spend not sucking, more unfiltered smoke goes into the room. It adds up.

With a one hit bong, there's no such ... blowback. I won't say it eliminates smell entirely but it will eliminate smell from smoldering because there wont be any. I'd start with a bong and see what happens. No experiance with vapes. You might consider a water cure for home smoking.


Active member
One might get a recirculating carbon filter for the common area, which would eliminate any other problems you have with odors for the life of the filter.

Also, sealing your flat to restrict air exchange with the hallway would make it much easier to smoke indoors.
Do you have an A/C running on ON in your apartment? It will constantly recirculate air in your house and make smoke travel around it much faster. You can close the vent or turn it to auto to help the problem.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
I once stayed at a hotel on the same floor as Peter Tosh. Stepping off the elevator was like walking into a brick wall. It even smelled in my room. Not that I minded.

Sounds like you're using joints, blunts or spliffs. Try a bong with a one hitter bowl. That way, no smoke enters the room without going through your lungs first.

Thats funny....what year was that? Any more to the story? :) peace

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
could it be someone else growing in your bldg without using everything you are


use an ozone generator mate. they are deisgned for either using in your ducting, or outside your grow room to eliminate any lingering/escaping odours. make sure you read the instructions and buy some ozone testing strips to make sure you set it at the correct level. as breathing in too much ozone can be harmful. good luck.


could it be someone else growing in your bldg without using everything you are

use an ozone generator mate. they are deisgned for either using in your ducting, or outside your grow room to eliminate any lingering/escaping odours. make sure you read the instructions and buy some ozone testing strips to make sure you set it at the correct level. as breathing in too much ozone can be harmful. good luck.

yep, good idea, both of you! hope ozone genies come cheaply...


Active member
One of my buddies took my old inline centrifugal and buit an insulated fan box and then built a DIY carbon filter.Now his bedroom is really two rooms seperated by a sliding glass door covered with posters ans stickers.In the 2nd half of the room sits the inline centrifugal in it's insulated fan box,and connected to the DIY carbon filter.....not a damn smell gets out...walk in the room 5 minutes after toking up in it and you can't smell a damn thing....even if you weren't smoking and showed up 5 minutes after he got done!

Makes me want to do that when I get my new apartment....have my cab grow in the bedroom and in the other spare bedroom will be an inline fan with a DIY carbon filter and convert that room into my smoking room.

good drown

i'd try ozone. you are going to stink up the whole floor harvesting/trimming

good drown

do it late at night, like after midnight on a tuesday night or something. that way not may people will be awake
Wha I do for smell in the house whenkids are home is.......

#1 i go into my bedroom
#2 put a towel at the foot of the door
#3 Close all windows in the room
#4 turn on AC/Heater or Central fan no matter the temps
#5 Crack a window in my room about 2 inches
#6 smoke next to the window and all exhaled smoke gets sucked out the window.

This works the same as a cab...... You block the door draft and force the air entering your room out the window using negitive pressure.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Thats funny....what year was that? Any more to the story? :) peace

Early-mid 80s. Not much more to it. I asked at the desk if there was a rock band on my floor and the gals eyes got huge, she stammered, apologized profusely and offered me a new room on another floor. I declined and asked who and she said she couldn't say. I'd like to say detective work between myself and fellow conventioneers turned the trick but, we saw him in the elevator later that day. Some detectives.
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good drown

speaking of tosh,
my dad took him up in a copter, and ofcorse they smoked and filled the cockpit with smoke. never smoke and fly! he got high from second hand smoke and it freaked him out. must have been awesome shit if it'd get my dad high like that
it was during the premier of the movie "rockers" in the 80's, or like in 80
dad was recruited by a producer to fly stuff from Jamaica to US in a cesna...


heres a cheap quick trick from the college dorm days. take the hit from a pipe or bong and blow all the exhaled smoke through a paper towel tube filled with dryer sheets. masks it pretty well.:joint:


heres a cheap quick trick from the college dorm days. take the hit from a pipe or bong and blow all the exhaled smoke through a paper towel tube filled with dryer sheets. masks it pretty well.:joint:
the sploof never worked for me.. in fact whenever i smoked that way it seemed that more people could smell it. no matter how many dryer sheets i tossed into the paper towel roll.

I lived in a building EXACTLY like this, soon as windows were opened, the draft blew everything through the vents and into the hallway. Po showed up 5x throughout my grow (at least while i was there) and i diverted em to smokers in the buildings stairwell. Try your best to treat the smell with windows closed. Also weatherstripping the bedroom worked out pretty well, get yourself draft guard as seen on TV: https://www.twindraftguard.com


the sploof never worked for me.. in fact whenever i smoked that way it seemed that more people could smell it. no matter how many dryer sheets i tossed into the paper towel roll.

I lived in a building EXACTLY like this, soon as windows were opened, the draft blew everything through the vents and into the hallway. Po showed up 5x throughout my grow (at least while i was there) and i diverted em to smokers in the buildings stairwell. Try your best to treat the smell with windows closed. Also weatherstripping the bedroom worked out pretty well, get yourself draft guard as seen on TV: https://www.twindraftguard.com
here is the door to my grow...have one

and the front door...

these strips that go under doors are a no brainer for countering smelly drafts and keeping air inside, but good idea mang! somehow it's still getting out into the hall, though, im going to put this foam tape up next, like weatherstripping

the space under the front door is INSANE, it's like a full inch gap! you can totally tell who's cooking asian cuisine in the building...holy smells good/INTENSE/STRONG batman!

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