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Screw the system!


Negative, there are certain elements of our society (see: HOLLYWOOD,celebrities,television) that try to convince us to purchase all of these "things", our "entire society" is quite an exaggeration. I don't remember anyone putting a gun to our heads though and forcing us to live beyond our means. Just because you get 15 credit card applications in the mail a month doesn't mean it's intelligent to go out and buy a bunch of bullshit you don't need. Besides, whose fault is it really? The people who push these products on us or the idiots that encourage this type of lifestyle by living in debt and always "wanting"....but we have the luxury of being able to do with our money as we choose so only we are to blame for the type of commercialism present in our country. Not everything in life is a plot or conspiracy theory, if people lived modestly they could be more selective about the work they do, retire earlier, have a financially secure future ect.

Congratulations, it is fascinating to see other cultures and ways of life to really make us appreciate the diversity of mankind and truly appreciate our individualism as a person. However, don't make the mistake of thinking you are the only person with travel experience throughout the world here or try to rub your experiences in someone else's face, that's juvenile behavior.

Perhaps you should consider moving back to Niger to get away from this "crap country" that brainwashes you into spending all of your money on items that you don't need but would be considered luxurious beyond belief in so many countries around the world. Besides, it would be a good way to get away from all of these shit jobs here, I hear Niger is bustling with economic opportunities! (Well maybe not on second thought after you consider all of the economic aid that the U.S. and many other countries provide to Niger and other countries around the world just to allow them to sustain themselves with an extremely basic quality of life by our modern standards...)

I was called out on never having been outside the U.S. mind your business and get off my nuts. And I'm saving money to leave the country so if you want me out of here quicker send me some money.
I don't get it have read post after post from people on here complaining about the government locking people up for a plant and how their stealing our money rather it be from a cop pulling somebody over or what not and then somebody vents on a thread against the government and all of a sudden everybody is pro government!.The government of the usa is nothing more now then right wing extremists bent on having 2% having 95% of the money and the rest being dirt poor. That is why the tax breaks for the rich are so vast while the rest of us can't even get a break when we pay our electric bill late.

Yes cannabis laws are unjust and counterproductive, I think we of all people here realize this haha. But keep in mind, we have the authority to change these laws....

The statement I put in bold sounds ridiculous to me...to state that that is the Gov. goal is an extreme exaggeration of reality. Remember that our country was founded on the idea of the freedom to be as rich or as poor as you choose..and to spend that money as you please. This type of victim mentality you exhibit is exactly what we need to separate ourselves from. It isn't the Gov.'s job to take money from the rich or give money to the poor or vice versa for that matter. Besides, I would hardly call our current tax system a "break for the rich"...as you move up in tax brackets, capital gains tax ect. the Gov. is not treating the rich and the poor equally....but I suppose the money has to come from somewhere to support all of our pointless Gov. funded programs...but that's a whole other story right there.


P.S. There is a difference between pro-America and pro-Gov.
I was called out on never having been outside the U.S. mind your business and get off my nuts. And I'm saving money to leave the country so if you want me out of here quicker send me some money.

Thank you for this intellectual contribution to our discussion!:jerkit:

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
how about you don't talk about things you don't know, I lived in Niger from the age of 2-6 while my father worked for the World Bank, visited him while working in Central African Republic at age 12 for a month, stayed at my grandparents on Amorgos for 6 weeks, all of western europe and im only 22...so yeah where have you been?

edit:and Jamaica countless times for my mom's side of the family...boom face

Having served my country in the U.S. Navy, I've been all over the world buddy. So dont talk to me like I dont know isht about the world. And hitting me up on my home page and telling me to "eat a dick" sure was classy of you. Looks like you've got some growing up to do little man.


Having served my country in the U.S. Navy, I've been all over the world buddy. So dont talk to me like I dont know isht about the world. And hitting me up on my home page and telling me to "eat a dick" sure was classy of you. Looks like you've got some growing up to do little man.

In the Navy you never saw the world from the perspective of the people living in those places, you were just a tourist on a boat, a cruise ship with dumb uniforms.


The Hopeful Protagonist
In the Navy you never saw the world from the perspective of the people living in those places, you were just a tourist on a boat, a cruise ship with dumb uniforms.

Amazingly enough, it's you that comes off as the one with the visitors "Visa"...

Good luck and Bon Voyage....:moon:

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
In the Navy you never saw the world from the perspective of the people living in those places, you were just a tourist on a boat, a cruise ship with dumb uniforms.

For your information, I was never on a navy ship, so no.... I wasn't just a tourist on a boat. Im so sure you got a real good look at how hard it is for alot of the world, riding along with mommy and daddy. And you're talking to me about perspective? Im over this. You need to grow up.


For your information, I was never on a navy ship, so no.... I wasn't just a tourist on a boat. Im so sure you got a real good look at how hard it is for alot of the world, riding along with mommy and daddy. And you're talking to me about perspective? Im over this. You need to grow up.

You tell me to grow up when you're doing the exact same thing, making assumptions about my life experience. So go ahead, sit down and rotate on that.


Well, you're batting .1000 on that one....keep up the great work. :yes:

Thanks, and only 2 people on this entire forum gave enough of a shit about my opinion to try and rattle me online. Everyone needs to open their eyes and see that America has become a perversion of what it was originally intended to be, a Republic, not a democracy, not a dictatorship, or a monarchy. When I said America sucks, I was stating that America as it is now sucks, because this nation was founded upon personal liberties and ours are constantly being taken away and I don't mean cannabis specifically. We are told how to do everything and indoctrinated from birth.


Listen to me jerky
I decided today I don't like the government telling me when to stop my car. So from now on I'm only gonna stop at stop signs when I want.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
When did I ever say that I don't pay taxes? or not have car and health insurance? Don't lump me with anybody, I pay my taxes and reserve the right to state my opinion.

You do have a point... I just read the country is crap and cussing at nice ladies (who just happens to have had a good point) and thought you were as irresponsible and uninformed as durgamata is coming across.

Anyway I lumped you in hook line and sinker... sorry bout that :D

PS +Vibes just totally made me soak my bongload but I'm still laughing :biglaugh:
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You do have a point... I just read the country is crap and cussing at nice ladies (who just happens to have had a good point) and thought you were as irresponsible and uninformed as durgamata is coming across.

Anyway I lumped you in hook line and sinker... sorry bout that :D

PS +Vibes just totally made me soak my bongload but I'm still laughing :biglaugh:

much respect man:joint: