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this little clip really gained some traction everybody is talking about this

this is great stuff

now only if i could find me a professional stoner hottie
give me a break, these idiots claim to be "high functioning", "intelligent" citizens LOL. how about blind pawns. So many of these people are spoon fed their "education" and just slop down the propaganda no regard for empirical data right in front of them. you see fools so deeply programmed with that trash you present them with solid facts and they deny and its clear as 2+2=4, they might as well look you in the eye and tell you the answers 7 it would be no less bullshit.

LOL i agree 100% people are soooooo dumb these days kids believe anything theyre told and dont learn from FACTS but instead from OPINIONS from people who should be in jail for their political views.
ive learned more from the internet than i have from public school that ought to say something.


Active member
LOL i agree 100% people are soooooo dumb these days kids believe anything theyre told and dont learn from FACTS but instead from OPINIONS from people who should be in jail for their political views.
ive learned more from the internet than i have from public school that ought to say something.

Obviously you are holding yourself as an example of the sooooooo dumb. This is America. We don't put people in prison for expressing their political views.

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We don't put people in prison for expressing their political views.

really? what about Marc Emery? last time i checked he's in jail because the DEA felt it would send a strong message to the legalization movement if he was behind bars. thats what I like to call a POLITICAL PRISONER. what about eddy lepp? this is america, you TWIT. the feds lock up people all the time for this kinda shit.
Georgia Lawmaker Calls For Caning, Executing Marijuana Offenders

August 12th, 2009 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director
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[Editor's note: This post is excerpted from this week's forthcoming NORML weekly media advisory. To have NORML's media advisories delivered straight to your in-box, sign up for NORML's free e-zine here.]
State Republican lawmaker Tommy Benton (31st House District) favors “caning” minor marijuana offenders and “executing” those who sell the drug, according to a recent correspondence sent by the representative to a constituent.
In a July 29, 2009 e-mail (which was voluntarily forwarded to the NORML office), Rep. Benton wrote: “Thanks for the email. We will have to agree to disagree on this and whether or not money is wasted (by mandating the state to prosecute minor marijuana offenders). I am opposed to the legalization of marijuana. I think we should go to caning for people caught using and maybe execute dealers. [emphasis NORML’s] That would solve the problem as well. That is what they do in Singapore and they don’t have a drug problem.”
Caning is a form of corporal punishment consisting of up to 24 violent lashes with a long rattan cane that has been soaked in water. The procedure inflicts intense pain and deep, bloody lacerations that can take several months to heal.
Rep. Benton followed up his remarks in a separate e-mail on August 11 (also forwarded to NORML) in which he threatened to turn over the names of citizens who disagreed with his political viewpoints to local law enforcement.
He wrote: “You and your cronies want it (marijuana) legalized so you can get a hit anytime without having to worry about getting arrested. I have forwarded your email to the Lowndes County sheriffs [sic] office so that they can be on the lookout for you. [emphasis NORML’s] Consider this my last correspondence on the the [sic] subject to you or anyone else who shares your similar “conservative views’.”
Benton was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 2005.
so you dont think this guy should be jailed for
political views?
because he would love to see you beaten to death for selling MJ>


Active member
really? what about Marc Emery? last time i checked he's in jail because the DEA felt it would send a strong message to the legalization movement if he was behind bars. thats what I like to call a POLITICAL PRISONER. what about eddy lepp? this is america, you TWIT. the feds lock up people all the time for this kinda shit.

Those people were put in prison for breaking the law, not for expressing an opinion. There's a big difference, regardless of how you feel about the laws that imprisoned them.

breaking the law was just an excuse. the DEA have even admitted arresting emery because he is a leader amongst the legalization movement.


breaking the law was just an excuse. the DEA have even admitted arresting emery because he is a leader amongst the legalization movement.

Lets theorize. Say they did do it for political reasons. You obviously don't think it's right for them to have or you wouldn't have brought it up. But, In stark contrast you think it would be right to do the exact same thing to other people? Doesn't make alot of sense sir.
do i think it's right? no, but CAN they and WILL they? yes.
anyone who thinks i should be in jail for using MJ, should be in jail for thinking i should be in jail.
do you understand?
I was just proving a point.


Someone should run against him....but that is the fear that some people have, that if they voice their opinion to a legislator, who is against it, then they will have "negative" effects on them and their situation.

I am sure that is you look at the records of politicians who are against medical marijuana, they have other platforms in which they are on the wrong side. It just will take a little organization to find them and "weed" them out through the election process. Now is the time!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I didn't read all this, but that dude doing the interview was dip

Great to see this in the mainstream though.


Here's where the poll is after I just voted:



The Times they are a changing!

Do you all remember earlier this year that even our own members here would say "quit getting people's hopes up with the legalization talk?"

My my my.. BTW that looks like a positive news clip. I think there is a darker side.. The get nakkid and party side! But we can't talk about that now can we..


The Times they are a changing!

Do you all remember earlier this year that even our own members here would say "quit getting people's hopes up with the legalization talk?"

My my my.. BTW that looks like a positive news clip. I think there is a darker side.. The get nakkid and party side! But we can't talk about that now can we..

I don't want to say I was in that boat per se, but a year ago from today I wouldn't have been nearly as optimistic as I am now. We've been making some mighty fine progress, that's for sure.


I confused then Lil O' Me, are you for or against the naked party, cuz shit always happens, naked or not!