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Sick Clone - Can anyone tell whats going on?


I bought the following clone from a Dispensary here in Colorado.


When I bought the clone some of the leave tips had been cut off.


The guy at the store sprayed the plant with Neim oil. And then when I got home I dunked the plant in a Einsteins Oil mix of 1 tsp per gallon of water and then dunked the plant in a pure water..

I waited 2 days with the plant under floro light. I looked at the roots and they were fully rooted so I transplanted it to a 3 gallon smart bag and watered with straight H20 first round, and have done daily watering with 1/3 strength Cana A&B Nutes

I have never seen the patterns on these leaves, some of the tips are even starting to point upwards, is this a kush, la charaecteristic at times? What scares me is the leaves, looks like something has been eating at them, but no trace of mites after inspecting daily..

Any ideas?

Thanks everyone!!


Thanks Zoolander, I think next time I wont dunk the plant but instead spray the neem on. Having had spider mites before I didnt want to take any chances.

Guest 88950

I dont know anything about smart bags but watering daily isnt over watering?



Active member
doesnt look well rooted or have any fresh growth mefinks roots where damaged in the dip. looks like you got the runt or the lucky last did you have a tray to choose from?..

i know i wouldnt be happy if i spent $ with anything less than a full 200ml cup of white roots and a good 5cm of fresh growth and awhole lot more foliage for a rooted cut.. why have all the bottom branches been removed? rot maby from too humid conditions maby.

dont see much happening here for a few weeks best on no ferts just a root booster like rhizotonic/ b1/ root excelurator till roots hit the base of pot then start on a low dose of nute. Neem is too messy my plants dont like the products ive used the type you have to put in hot water to get some out of the bottle, in the res just makes a mess, sprayed directly plants went unnaturally green bit like yours -the burn.

these would be just about ready for planting/gifting


neem treated cuts stalled hard after dosed with under recomended dose

first day roots where noticed i get then straight into coco or small pot of chosen medium before roots get damaged, there just too delicate to travel at this stage unless RW cubes are cable tied into the crib with medium for roots to grow into. constant messing with the roots inst ideal.


Thanks for taking the time to write back, great info in here. I had been looking for an LA clone for weeks and when this one came in it was the only one, I didnt notice the growth on the bottom had been choped until I got home. Was just very happy to see the LA Big Kush Fan Leaves..

I fed with Rizo today, 8ml per gallon gave the plant about 2 Liters. I will wait another 2 days before watering again and think I will be switching to watering every other day.

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