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White Trash Astronaut's PC build/grow.


update. I tried to germinate three seeds. Two of them poped within 24 hours. After about 60 hours, I decided that I didn't want to wait to see if it would germinate or not, I started a fourth. Went to a wedding out of town this weekend, When I checked, both of the seeds had germinated. So I'm running a total of four Short Rider, from Nirvana. Presently, the two that have sprouted (Oh yeah, the first two to germinate sprouted this weekend!!!!) are sitting about 10" below 4x26 watt 2700K bulbs. And I took the plexi out. I may put it back in, as it helps keep it cool.

I will post pics tomorrow.

Looks great man. I'm just getting my PC grow started as well.. I still would move the plants up closer to the CFL's.. They lose effectiveness the further the plants are.. I've got mine just a couple of inches from my daylight CFL's and they are loving it. You'll end up with stretchy seedlings, which is the opposite of what you want, having very limited vertical space for growth.

I'm going to be watching your grow, keep up the good work.

Also, check out mine sometime, Peace brotha.



Active member
You can top autos but it may hurt the final size. I would try to just lst them as much as possible. There are rumors in the autoflower section that short rider is not actually autoflowering like nirvana says. Do not be afraid to flip to 12/12 if they don't start showing sex. You don't want to end up to crowded in there. I don't see any hurt in letting your plants do a little stretching as long as it's not excessive. The autos I grew stayed pretty short and stretching would have improved the yield. I grew joint doctors dwarf mix so it may be completely different. Play it by sight and you should be alright. Good luck with the grow. It looks good so far.


I forgot to mention earlier. The soil that I am using is MiracleGro Organic. Just trying to keep it simple to start.


What Do you use for smell.Im starting up a small computer case and was trying to get some ideas. I have it all together but the filter.


Pics from last night. I lost the second two seeds, adn germinated another to take their place.





Took some more photos tonight. The stalk on the big one is insane. I've never raised a plant that has had such a heavy stalk to early.





Huggie bear

Active member
Took some more photos tonight. The stalk on the big one is insane. I've never raised a plant that has had such a heavy stalk to early.





You know you love your hobbie when you see seedlings and start talking baby talk to the screen lol..

looking good..


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Tonight I finished the last big things that needed to be done to my PC case. All that is left is to do the final bit of light sealing around the part of the case that slides off.
I have some earlier pics that I will post, and will get updated one tomorrow.

This grow will be my first grow indoors, and will be done in soil. I have Short Rider, and Bubblicious that are coming hopefully next week. I will be growing the Short Rider in this case, and will start the other in another case that I am working on, as soon as it is finished.

This is the light panel. It is 1/2" OSB that I have glued safety blanket to. The rest of the shiney stuff is cardboard that is covered in the same stuff. I used a spray on adhesive to stick it to the wood/cardboard.

As you see, I have six sockets mounted, however, With the exhaust fan installed, I only have room for five bulbs. Oh, well.





More pics to come.
I really like the case you made, Thanks it gives me some new ideas.:joint:

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