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1st dwc grow in pc case, follow me on this journey little gnomes.


damn guys i've been so paranoid lately. Does anyone know how long seeds last? like how long can I keep my seeds without planting them before they wont work. I just got a house and wanted to close on a loan before I start the grow again. they make you sign shit saying you wont grow and seeing as there's hydroponic charges on my card maybe that's why my loan's being delayed for "strange reasons" as they put it. I'm probably givin too much info, but yeah let me know what you guys think about the seeds.


Seeds can be stored for at least 5 years that I know of. Probably longer. Keep them in a dry, cool place. Alot of people store their seeds in the freezer until they are ready to use them. Peace


Grow like nobody is watching
You should be ok in a stealthy pc case bro. I forget if yours is up to spec stealth-wise, but if not, it's worth it to do what it takes. Even if your carbon filter takes up all the room and you have to run one 8w cfl, it's still keeping you active in a hobby you can enjoy, and a stealthy case is a stealthy case. But I see that you're in a high risk position so I won't go on. Hope you can safely continue soon.


yeah your right, it's pretty stealthy. I want to start it back up next week. i have a feminized seed that i'm excited to use and that chronic seed i found. I'll keep you all posted. I was just nervous that the bank might have noticed the hydroponic charges on my credit card, cus i just got this house and am in the process of getting a loan from that same bank. I'm just not sure how paranoid to be cus they delayed the loan for "strange reasons" and i did sign something saying i wouldn't grow pot, standard contract shit for when you buy a house. ugh, i should've used cash at the hydroponics store, but fuck it. I want my little crop so fuck it.


damn guys i've been so paranoid lately. Does anyone know how long seeds last? like how long can I keep my seeds without planting them before they wont work. I just got a house and wanted to close on a loan before I start the grow again. they make you sign shit saying you wont grow and seeing as there's hydroponic charges on my card maybe that's why my loan's being delayed for "strange reasons" as they put it. I'm probably givin too much info, but yeah let me know what you guys think about the seeds.

i had some seeds out on the desk for about 6 months, then they cracked within 48hr when i put em in the wet towel

sorry to hear about 2 males, atleast with the fem autoak you should be fine


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah I used my card one day at the hydro store without thinking about it, no repurcussions though - I bought a lot of suspicious stuff too. Have you actually looked on your statement? Usually things like hydro stores and sex shops (or so I heard) don't have an obvious incriminating name on the statement. For example Weed Growers Hydro Supplies may show as WGH Supplies, or similar. They're mindful of concerns like these, usually. But yeah, the whole "strange reasons" thing sounds a little suspicious.


yeah I just didn't like the lady from the banks wording that my loan is being delayed for "strange reasons" then the other day this dumb fuck from the street sent me a text asking if I could sell him a 20 and it was being fucking relayed by some guy who worked for sprint cus he sent the message over the internet to my phone. I obviously told the relay guy to tell him I don't do that and I don't have weed, but then I started getting paranoid about the pics I sent over my phone and if the relay dude could give my name and number to authorities. He claimed if I said yes that he would report it, but who even knows. It's just too much all at once for my little heart to handle, lol. I've basically stopped serving, cut out all the hood rats, and stopped sending shit over my phone. My plan was to wait for the loan to go through before I grow but I might be over paranoid, years of smoking can do that to you i guess. I wish Carter would have been president so we could all grow our baby crops.

The charge on my card said GREENTOUCHHYDR on the statement, but I figured it's not illegal to be into horticulture so if anyone asks I'm majoring in horticulture, lol. Sucks my last babies were male, i bet alot of people got the scoffing. Well, your thoughts at least had them grow healthy :)

I can't live in fear and paranoia tho guys, and if I did get in trouble for growing herb it would be more of a trophy than a punishment. Prohibition is bullshit especially in a supposed free society. All that alcohol prohibition did was create gangsters and criminals. I guess we're all criminals by societies definition, but amongst us I know we are all just goodhearted ganja lovers, (tho i don't want to be naive cus even bad people gravitate towards marijuana amongst other things) I must say there is no violence in me, thankyou mary jane, especially after smokin. Terrence mckenna said that alcohol and tobacco were legal because they were male dominated substances. Our society will try to squash and eliminate the feminine, that's one reason marijuana is prohibited, and shrooms.

My families mostly Cuban and one thing I learned from my visits there is that we have rights even if the government doesn't respect them, we must eliminate fear. Well, I'm ranting and raving now. kinda drunk what can i say, but I'LL BE BACK!

have any of you seen this documentary called "the union: business behind getting high"?


Grow like nobody is watching
Hell yeah bro. Great post and I've seen the Union.

I have had some funny experiences while growing. Freaky shit and some real scary bad juju at times. My first grow since I really started studying web pages and stuff, I said, right! This is it, the big one! So I started about 200 seedlings, everything was going great, then my flatmate's cat dug them all up except for like, 3, and one made it, lol.

Aaaaanyways, on my second serious try, I had quite a sizeable patch, filled up with 1ft plants, and some asshole friend of my flatmates who I'd never met got busted for quite a large outdoor and threatened to rat my flatmate out (also growing nearby me so my plants would have been found). It was really sad and hard but I had to rip every one out. I have a little tear forming, lol. Sad memories. My flatmate ripped out a lot more than me too, and nothing ever eventuated, so we were both pretty pissed off. We kind of decided fuck it, when you start growing, it's just taken for granted that there will be scary times and I didn't put all that work in just to rip my dreams out at the first sign of trouble.

So after that, nobody fucks with me. I've had rangers chase me, like a full on cop chase deal, in the middle of nowhere. Fuck 'em, they can't catch ninjas. I've had black choppers hovering over my patch. Fuck em, they didn't get my plants. I even got busted by a landlord once and he told me I have to move out in 2 weeks. I still didn't rip my plants out.

Everywhere in life, it's filled with people who just want to waste your time and fuck with you and generally piss on your cornflakes, and to some extent, I think these people should be fucked with in return. Safety is good but paranoia just breeds more paranoia. I don't know if any of this makes sense, I was just feeling that vibe with you, lol. :eek:: Peace. Seriously though, I love growing.


Awesome setup and grow. I've considered doing something in a PC case and this setup seems to yield quite well.

Definitely will stick around for more.


mindvoice, two things.

1. I wouldnt actually put your location under your avatar. If that is the city in which you really live, I'd delete it/ change it to some place where you dont live.....

2. Dont use a card to buy anything cannabis related. Especially seeds or growing equipment. You need to pay with cash/money order.

actually there is a 3rd.

3. I hope you havent told ANYBODY you are growing because if your the only one who knows than it cant be accidentally leaked to the wrong people.

You had a nice little plant there, sorry it turned male. Damn balls.

Did you ever get your temps figured out? If I were you I'd turn off the intake fans, remove them, and create a light trap over their holes that air flows through easily. Reason being is that when you have an active intake it blows around air inside the cab and makes the job of the exhaust much more difficult.

With a passive intake the exhaust works much easier and flows better. PC fans need efficiency to work the best.

Is your cab fully light proof? Cause even a small light leak can cause hermies.

Were you running 24/0 the whole time while that male was growing?

I've heard that 24/0 is great for sprouting, than when it grows to the 3rd internode switch 18/6 and the plant will veg better because of the dark period. It needs the darkness to rest and await the next day. Than when you want to flower go 12/12 until harvest.

I just read your whole thread today and it looks like you could grow a damn good scrog in there man!!!! pulling up a chair.

Hella THC

Hell yeah bro. Great post and I've seen the Union.

I have had some funny experiences while growing. Freaky shit and some real scary bad juju at times. My first grow since I really started studying web pages and stuff, I said, right! This is it, the big one! So I started about 200 seedlings, everything was going great, then my flatmate's cat dug them all up except for like, 3, and one made it, lol.

Aaaaanyways, on my second serious try, I had quite a sizeable patch, filled up with 1ft plants, and some asshole friend of my flatmates who I'd never met got busted for quite a large outdoor and threatened to rat my flatmate out (also growing nearby me so my plants would have been found). It was really sad and hard but I had to rip every one out. I have a little tear forming, lol. Sad memories. My flatmate ripped out a lot more than me too, and nothing ever eventuated, so we were both pretty pissed off. We kind of decided fuck it, when you start growing, it's just taken for granted that there will be scary times and I didn't put all that work in just to rip my dreams out at the first sign of trouble.

So after that, nobody fucks with me. I've had rangers chase me, like a full on cop chase deal, in the middle of nowhere. Fuck 'em, they can't catch ninjas. I've had black choppers hovering over my patch. Fuck em, they didn't get my plants. I even got busted by a landlord once and he told me I have to move out in 2 weeks. I still didn't rip my plants out.

Everywhere in life, it's filled with people who just want to waste your time and fuck with you and generally piss on your cornflakes, and to some extent, I think these people should be fucked with in return. Safety is good but paranoia just breeds more paranoia. I don't know if any of this makes sense, I was just feeling that vibe with you, lol. :eek:: Peace. Seriously though, I love growing.

OH FUCK YES! Preach this shit, brother! :woohoo: I'm practically jumping on my desk right now! You got me fuckin pumped, Scrub!

I especially liked the little note about pissing on your cornflakes... NO ONE fucks with Hella's and his friends' cornflakes!!! RAWR!! :dueling:

Seriously though, a little paranoia is healthy, but eventually, you need to know what's healthy and what's not. To be totally honest man, if your paranoia was anywhere near what you say it is, you wouldn't have put hydro shit on your CC. But the fact that you did says you got a little "fuck it" in ya, and I got respect for that. Was it smart? Nope. Should you do it again? Nope! But you did it, and I'd laugh at the LEO fucker that decides you're worth his time because of it. And that bank bitch can get bent. She only said "strange reasons" because the broad didn't know shit about what the delay was about, and had to tell you something. She's fucking clueless, don't let it get to you. She's just waiting for 5 o'clock so she can get off work and get her smoke on, too. She doesn't know anything. You're small fries. Keep it that way, and you have no unhealthy reason to be worried. :joint:


- Hella


Grow like nobody is watching
Hella, word, haha! I typed that out at 4am so I was a little reckless perhaps :) You are ten thousand percent right bro. That last paragraph especially - it's just like my current thing with the landlord getting someone to come into my house and change the insulation. It didn't take long at all to convince myself that he knows everything and this was a cunning plot to bust me. They're all out to get me!!!

But when I sat down and thought about it calmly, I realised my landlord thinks I'm great, and I think he's great, and he thinks he's doing me an enormous favour. So it's all in how we percieve our situations. Like you said, one small comment with nothing behind it can so easily snowball. It just ain't worth it, stress kills.

Mk3, great points. I would even think about removing the credit name of the store....A little paranoia in the right places is a good thing.


thanks so much, you guys said exactly what I needed to hear. And your right I'm the small fries' small fries. I had some unhealthy paranoia cycling in my head but yeah thanks for the help calming that down. and yeah scrub ninja you picked up the right vibes, i had some of that loco in my consciousness. Time to calm that down tho.


Hell yeah bro. Great post and I've seen the Union.

Aaaaanyways, on my second serious try, I had quite a sizeable patch, filled up with 1ft plants, and some asshole friend of my flatmates who I'd never met got busted for quite a large outdoor and threatened to rat my flatmate out (also growing nearby me so my plants would have been found). It was really sad and hard but I had to rip every one out. I have a little tear forming, lol. Sad memories. My flatmate ripped out a lot more than me too, and nothing ever eventuated, so we were both pretty pissed off. We kind of decided fuck it, when you start growing, it's just taken for granted that there will be scary times and I didn't put all that work in just to rip my dreams out at the first sign of trouble.

So after that, nobody fucks with me. I've had rangers chase me, like a full on cop chase deal, in the middle of nowhere. Fuck 'em, they can't catch ninjas. I've had black choppers hovering over my patch. Fuck em, they didn't get my plants. I even got busted by a landlord once and he told me I have to move out in 2 weeks. I still didn't rip my plants out.

yeah dude the union was just spot on, they lumped and said everything that I've thought of over the years, it makes one feel not so alone in the universe. There's this other movie not as serious but kinda funny called "superhigh me" if you haven't checked it out it was fun watching.

That must of hurt when you had to tear your plants out, I can ever so slightly relate to the feeling cus when I flushed mine even tho they were hermi it was still a miserable moment especially cus my paranioa breeded more paranoia and I thought there was a cop car blocking my car in my front driveway. How ironic that right after my "sprint relay" situation with the street rat there was a car blocking my car in. In the end the cop car thing was unrelated to me, but from there the bank shit just made it all more scary. I can't even imagine running from a helicopter, lol, my pants would be soiled if I were to be in that situation and get away. hey, fertilizer.

you all are pioneers, see we're not like alcoholics trying to kill for our substance, we fight back by simply continuing our endeavors peacefully. But it's scary when our government is only building more prisons for non-violent, supposed criminal offenders. How do you make nature illegal? And if so why put the declaration of independence on hemp paper? Why cus it lasts longer and its better.


Hella, word, haha! I typed that out at 4am so I was a little reckless perhaps :) You are ten thousand percent right bro. That last paragraph especially - it's just like my current thing with the landlord getting someone to come into my house and change the insulation. It didn't take long at all to convince myself that he knows everything and this was a cunning plot to bust me. They're all out to get me!!!

But when I sat down and thought about it calmly, I realised my landlord thinks I'm great, and I think he's great, and he thinks he's doing me an enormous favour. So it's all in how we percieve our situations. Like you said, one small comment with nothing behind it can so easily snowball. It just ain't worth it, stress kills.

Mk3, great points. I would even think about removing the credit name of the store....A little paranoia in the right places is a good thing.

perception, the almighty perception.


To be totally honest man, if your paranoia was anywhere near what you say it is, you wouldn't have put hydro shit on your CC. But the fact that you did says you got a little "fuck it" in ya, and I got respect for that. Was it smart? Nope. Should you do it again? Nope! But you did it, and I'd laugh at the LEO fucker that decides you're worth his time because of it. And that bank bitch can get bent. She only said "strange reasons" because the broad didn't know shit about what the delay was about, and had to tell you something. She's fucking clueless, don't let it get to you. She's just waiting for 5 o'clock so she can get off work and get her smoke on, too. She doesn't know anything. You're small fries. Keep it that way, and you have no unhealthy reason to be worried. :joint:


- Hella

:laughing: lol, see you said what my logical mind was telling me, it's just good to hear it confirmed by someone else, thanks. What's LEO tho?