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New member
Hello everyone! i am excited to start my own grow soon. due to security reasons, i needed something guaranteed not to get me caught. so i decided, why not put together a wooden box, weather/water proof it and stick it in the ground and grow in it? I have found a small heater, wood, the perfect spot near an outlet, and more. i am fairly convinced it will work, but still need to figure out a little more. i am planning on a 2 by 2 by 4 box or something of similar dimensions. I plan on ScrOG-ing, using a 100-150 watt hps light, as 250 would need greater space. i am undecided on growing medium and other growing specs.

any and all criticisms, queries, ideas, suggestions, etc are very welcome.



Try posting this in the grow section, and be prepared to do your homework.

Read, read, read - use the search.

Good luck.


Devil's Advocate
Sounds like you have a long way to go.
To be terribly honest, I'd say building a bunker underground is a bit much for <1k of light. I know security is a large concern for you, but you must understand what kind of undertaking you are describing here.
Building a bunker out of wood is going to be hardcore.
Now upon second inspection of your post, it almost looks like you're talking about not a bunker but a small grow box that actually comes up and out of the ground when you want to access it. Is that right? I'm a little lost.


New member
no it would be box completely under the ground, the top maybe an inch from the surface. and what do you mean by 'its a bit much for <1k of light'?


how u plan on workin on things in a stealthy manner??
I have thought aboutr a similar idea but with such a small light i bet u could come up with some pretty slick ideas to keep things hidden n still be easy to work on n keep a eye on.
Good luck :)



New member


Let me get this right... underground up to 4', wooden box, 150 hps. What about when it rains and heat build up??

Why don't you get a garden shed and put it in there? You can also take up growing other plants in the garden as genuine cover and the neighbours will think you have ordinary reasons to be in the garden.



New member
yes it would be an inch or two underneath the ground. i am planning on having a two 2-3inch diameter tubes for ventilation on opposite sides of the box, both underground. one would have a heater fan blowing into the box, and the other would have a fan blowing air out. then box would be made of wood, but i would have a plastic tarp around it completely to prevent water from seeping in.
ha ill believe it when i see it. sounds great, like an idea you come up with when your really high, then once you sober up you realize how far fetched it is.... you must still be high (so in that case what strain you smokin hahah).


New member
hahaha floppy yes i came up with this on a very strong sativa high. but it still doesnt seem like a bad idea. once i get it going ill guess ill just have to show you how much of a genius idea it is! haha AND that all pot thoughts arent useless


New member
Its not a genius idea, I am sure that you and I are not the only people that have thought of it.

There's no reason why its not doable if you are willing to go to the effort that would be required to bury it, build in ventilation and heating, wire it, seal it up, etc. However, it will be a great deal of work, and if you start to cut any corners to save time it won't work.

Where will you rout the ventilation? How will you get in to tend the plants? What do you think the neighbors will think of you excavating a hole to build a giant, lighted, camouflaged, ventilated underground box full of plants? I am sure they would notice that.

Bottom line, it probably won't be worth the effort when there are so many other, less problematic, approaches available.


New member
yes indeed it will take time and effort, but a feel like it is definately doable. i probably did not come up with the idea first but i have not seen anyone post the idea or talk about it worknig.

the plants i will access by a trap door that is separate from the top of the box. think of it this way: take out half of a wall and put a smaller, rectangular box that will not have plants or anything in it. this way nothing can fall on the plants. and the people around will not see the excavation because there are no doors, windows, or anything for someone to peek out of in sight of this location. and by 'route' the ventilation i assume you mean, i would have it come out as a spout but it would be invisible to the outside


New member
People won't notice you taking out half a wall? Why don't you just grow in the aboveground box?

By routing the ventilation, I mean that you will have to bury 4" ducting to rout it someplace a random duct coming out of the ground isn't suspicious.


A better idea would be to buy a small used camping trailer and bury that. Dig another hole(big enough for you to fit in) right infront of the door, cover that hole with a metal plate and cover it with dirt so no one can see it. That way you will be able to get into your grow trailer and actually take care of the ladies.

Oh dont forget to reinforce the walls/ceiling of the trailer and you may want to reinforce your entry hole so it doesnt collapse on you