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My Sad Seed Saga

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
First a little back story: After 20+ years of growing, I purchased my first "real" seeds this past spring. I ordered them from a Canadian seed bank, and they arrived quickly and securely, no problem. Some of them are currently in the middle of flowering right now. Since I didn't have a grow going at the time, I had them sent to my house.

I've always wanted to grow Mandala genetics, so since the first order went and well, I was pumped. But they are not available from any Canadian seed banks, so I had to order from one in Europe. And I wanted to start this next grow soon after the current crop finishes, so I didn't want to wait until everything was shut down to order.

Just so happens I have a friend (in another state) who has been dabbling in the growing arts, and he wanted some good seeds too. So the plan was, I would place the order and he would take delivery. So far, so good. The order arrived at my friend's promptly and securely. A couple of days later, my beans were on their way to me. Cool!

Yesterday they arrived. In a greeting card. Sadly, the seeds did not survive. After opening the packages and assessing the damage, it was worse than I originally thought. Only 6 of 10 of the Mandala #1 survived, and a couple of those may be cracked (it's hard to tell with the stripes/spots on the seeds). The Sadhu is a total loss. They were literally pulverized. Only three of those seeds even still looked like seeds. The rest of the contents was just small seed fragments. Funny, I wondered at first what all that debris in the package was.

So now I am totally bummed (if you are not from the U.S., that means very unhappy). I'm also more than a bit pissed! (That means angry.) It did not even occur to me to tell my friend how to package the seeds so they would be safe. This guy grows heirloom fruits and vegetables, and is always buying seeds, so I figured he knew what he was doing. Wrong. On top of that, he didn't even offer to pay for his portion of the order. So for a grand total of over $125, I got maybe 6 viable seeds.

Thus ends my sad little saga. Will I get some more seeds for my next grow? Will I ever get to grow Mandala genetics? Will I live happily ever after? Who knows? But at this point, happy is something I am most definitely not. I may have to turn to drugs.

The End


Active member
Next time just order them to your place ?

he didn't offer to pay ? dude... lol

don't tell no soul
I think you already shot yourself in the leg

if your paranoid about them finding your seeds ( wich I doubt )
then why aren't you paranoid about someone knowing you grow ?

I understand being careful about ordering seeds to your grow place.. quite understandable

I would take the risk if I wasn't growing big


that sucks man. but honestly at least you didnt get arrested. when I was reading your post I thought that was gonna be the outcome. sounds like your friend might be a little Lame. I would be upset too. I would ask him to give you some clones if that is an option.... good luck with your grow. 6 good seeds is still sweet.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
so you want sympathy for a foolish thing?

you have been growing 20 years, and none of these seeds you had in 20 years were never "real" seeds?

your on a site maintained from a known seedbank, and you don't use them?

you buy seeds, and send them to a friends house? I thought your not to tell anyone?

so your friend puts them in a card and you expect them not to be damaged?

so your gonna be mad at your friend when you send the seeds to his house?

I'm sorry man, but your story is full of contradiction. hope you learned your many lessons, as you seem to have a lot to learn, even with 20+ years growing ( if that's the truth )

h^2 O

sorry to hear all that man. I order "Aurora" from the boutique few days ago for like 20 bucks and I could care less if it gets here or not, just send more $, it's just $20.
Don't buy seeds that are that expensive man. Sounds like the 6 that made it may be worth it, idk about Mandala's genetics

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
so you want sympathy for a foolish thing?

Nope. I don't deserve any.

Just sharing the story of my stupidity. Maybe my plight will help others feel better about themselves when they see what a moron I am (like Homer Simpson). It apparently has.

And when I say "real" seeds, I mean something other than bagseed, strains with a name.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

please don't divulge stealth tactics used for shipping
beans, the OP now knows they need protection and
there shouldn't be other mention of techniques.......



please don't divulge stealth tactics used for shipping
beans, the OP now knows they need protection and
there shouldn't be other mention of techniques.......

Yup - there should be several edits made in this thread. Good call...

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Just to follow up, I finally heard from my greeting-card, seed-packing friend. He wasn't ignoring my email message, just waiting till he had a chance to call and actually speak. He feels really bad about what happened, and he apologized profusely. He not only offered to pay for his share of the seeds (I didn't ask), but also the damaged ones too. And he said I could have another package sent to his house. Now I'm thinking about maybe placing another order, since he told me one of his packages was a seed short. Maybe they'll replace the missing seed with the new order, otherwise it would hardly be worth it.

And as far as telling no one, this guy is one of three very old friends who know I grow, and from time to time have sent me some bagseeds. These are people I've known for anywhere from 10 to 30 years and I trust completely. So it's not like I'm out on the town telling everyone about my hobby. I'm actually an old guy, and except for a few close friends, nobody even knows I smoke. So I'm not at all worried about security with these people.

And as I was reminded, this guy has sent me seeds in the past. When I mentioned it to him, he said his wife had packed those. Maybe I'll casually suggest she do the packing from now on.

Oh, and prop215, it might not be a bad idea if you deleted most or all of your post about your stealth packing idea. Just saying.


its deleted.. even though I have no idea why ppl think it should be.


sorry to hear about your sad seed story - seems we all run into sad seed stories during our grow journey.

my sad story? oh, yeah... i thought i bought genuine DJ Short F13 seeds but they're turned out to be faux. $250 worth of Faux-13. :mad:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
WOW... I am truly shocked at this..How can i compare the 2? are you really serious?

Serious as a heart attack. What others choose to ship or receive has no effect on you. Tutorials for LEO and Customs on how to intercept these transactions threaten everyone.


intercept what? Its not like im posting gypsys or any other seedbanks shipping method.. I still dont understand why my post was "wrong"... It wasnt about any method used by any seedbank or w/e.. And I dont understand your comment about "What others choose to ship has no effect on me".... I never said it did, lol.. And btw if leo wants to know how seedbanks or w/e ship there seeds do you not think they will just order some damn seeds and see for themselves? But thats beside the point, no one was even talking about how seedbanks ship anything..


Active member
you and others in this need to fucking smoke one and chill the fuck out.. Nothing was wrong with what I posted, but I edited it anyway...
Who needs to chill?

You've been here all of a month and you're crabbing all over the place. Take a step back and possibly unplug your keyboard for a few months. If you can't understand why a number of people are upset at the post, maybe you should look at the possibility there are elements you don't understand about the situation.

In short, your attitude blows and there are sections of your education that need to be filled in.