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oaksterdam university

I was looking into Oaksterdam university in cali and i was wondering a couple things.
is it legit?
can i follow my career in being a grower and safe retailer?
are there any other schools for mj ?

I would like to own my own dispensiary one day and have my very own glass blowing shop and boutique. I have such an amazing idea in my head of what i want.( when its legalized of course until then im going to fight for it to be legalized) ive been studing nonstop and im looking into changing my major to botany so that i can further understand plants ( mainly mj) and create my own breeds. i kno it sounds like a cliche thing but its my goal, its something i want to follow.

off topic but does any iphone users know theres a genreral hydroponics calucator app available? i just found it today lol.

i'd say choosing to switch your majors may be the best and most legit option. Public horticulture, botany, and green house management are all good majors. I did something similar and i love it. And i can always work legally if mj doesnt become legalized. And of course when it does i expand from being a small personal grower. Hypothetically that is


Active member
I was looking into Oaksterdam university in cali and i was wondering a couple things.
is it legit?
The information is legit. It doesn't come with any experience though, just a piece of paper without testing to back up what you've learned. Any employer worth working for in the trade wouldn't be too impressed with that cert without seeing what you're really worth first.

Get the information you need by talking with folks here that know. Get the experience you need to run a small business and learn how to 'read' people well enough not to get screwed by your employees. Be smart and you'll be successful :)

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