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Why not a soil "resivoir"?

so I was blazin as usual last night and had some extra crazy shit out of a vaporizer and it got my stoner brain up and runnin. I am currently on my first official grow and have been researching non stop for over a month now. i dont have the money yet for nutrients or testers and such but would love to grow hydro... now givin that I dont yet have any official experience in growing, but the thought is this- upon seeing a contraption advertised ( a 60 and 120 site cloner) i say why not with soil? what if I waere to take a tote and instead of creating a homemade hydro system, why not cut many small holes in the top and use coco core or some other medium commonly used for clones and hydro, and fill the tote, or resivoir with soil? this allows room for very many clones to be applied to soil in a tight manner better for Sea of green or ScrOG while still allowing tons of space for rooting. now i know what some are thinking... irrigation... got it covered...wires in the tote will hold in place plastic tubing with tons of holes and the end blocked alloing all layers of the soil to be hydrated through a small aqua pump. nutrients can also be added and distributed equally. As i mentioned...I Am New so if there is a real reason this cannot work please politely inform me before i waste my money. haha that being said, looking for doubters, positive feedback, or constructine criticism to improve this system.
PS small holes would be drilled right next to each plant site to allow for more direct feeding to meet needs of only a particular plant.
wrong? probably not but i am hoping, haha for the sake of the experement. but those holes i mentioned are for more specific feedings and such. i plan to run the hydration/ nutrient tupbes on many layers of the soil and realize roots will all congregate in a small area at first so I will run extra water and such for that reason. also i have been reading up on the fungus that clings to your roots and expands them and allows them to take in 10 to 100 times as much nutrients and water, also it is said to only accept what the plant needs so it filters out some of the possibility of excess nutrients or deficiencys for the plant. a root boost and intake regulator of sorts.
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Anyone else with some positive or negative feedback? i know its a lot to read up there but i'm looking for any opinions please.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
You remind me of a friend. Asked for, yet totally ignored my advice about hydro AND soil, now he's failing BIGTIME. I've never seen plants look so fookin bad! Learn to walk before you run, grasshopper. Keep it simple, growing is not as easy as some would have you believe. Go buy a bag of quality soil, and start off from there.

If not, don't say you weren't warned. :2cents:
You remind me of a friend. Asked for, yet totally ignored my advice about hydro AND soil, now he's failing BIGTIME. I've never seen plants look so fookin bad! Learn to walk before you run, grasshopper. Keep it simple, growing is not as easy as some would have you believe. Go buy a bag of quality soil, and start off from there.

If not, don't say you weren't warned. :2cents:

Hey I understand the KISS deal and keepin shit simple but the thing is that this is not a plan for next week, i am in the middle of my first of probably at least 5 main learning grows.( i know its a forever learning process) i am open to any advice but my thing is i wanna know WHY the idea i mentioned will or wont work... not just that it wont because its complicated and im not experienced. sorry im persistant and wont take that for an answer.. haha. not that i dont value your response because YOU remind Me of someone... My brother. only because sometimes he shoots down my ideas without reason. i cant run with that. i need explanations. thank you though.
huh... good question. any suggestions? what about an air resivoir... a tub underneath... the upper tub with small holes drilled for drainage... but the inside bottom of the upper tub covered with a cloth of sorts... still allowing drainage but allowing air up throught the soil? maybe even a small air pump to fill the air res. and force it upwards?


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Hey I understand the KISS deal and keepin shit simple but the thing is that this is not a plan for next week, i am in the middle of my first of probably at least 5 main learning grows.( i know its a forever learning process) i am open to any advice but my thing is i wanna know WHY the idea i mentioned will or wont work... not just that it wont because its complicated and im not experienced. sorry im persistant and wont take that for an answer.. haha. not that i dont value your response because YOU remind Me of someone... My brother. only because sometimes he shoots down my ideas without reason. i cant run with that. i need explanations. thank you though.

lol, yep, you remind me of my headstrong friend as well. But I digress. First off, it doesn't seem like a bad idea. I've seen people use coco coir fiber in aeroponic-type tubs, you just have to worry about clogged pumps. Soil would probably not work so well in that type of system, it would break down and turn your res into mud in short order. If you really want to do soil, I'd recommend an ebb and flow table with smartpots. Alot less can go wrong, don't need a chiller, can mix nutes or change out res easily. Aeroponic systems are some of the harder type hydro systems to grow in, they require a dialed environment and a very intimate knowledge of growing. Look up ebb and flow, as well as hempy buckets. Both are relatively easier types of hydro, with a lot less to go wrong as opposed to aeroponics, especially for a newer grower. Remember, you will still need to have a PH and PPM/or EC tester for any type of hydro. Soil is a lot easier, and much more forgiving.

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