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Anmials encountered while checking on grows



For us before daylighters, it has to be skunks. They think you can see them and their defense is to stiffen up and stick up theyre tail. You can trip over them if your not careful and not only get sprayed, but bitten as well.
Lots of deer and cows. A few turtles and turkeys...

While walking through pastures, always got shit running through the back of yer head that there will be a bull near by protecting the cows. When groups are present, the traveler tends to keep a good distance and walks along tree line in case something charges.


I had a problem bear who was trashing things in my garden this spring for a while, besides that I've never really had any problems with wildlife..

This f-ing bear drove me nuts though, it ate a full can of camo green spray paint, chewed my water timer to pieces, ate some spare batteries I had in my cache, chomped a bucket full of chem nutrients (exposing them to rain and ruining them), flung my gro-bags all over my spot and caused me all kinds of stress. This damn bear probably cost me over $150 in supplies and caused me a ton of extra trips up there to fix things.

The tipping point was when I arrived early one morning to discover a still-steaming pile of bear crap right in the middle of my patch and fresh chew marks/bear slobber all over my water timer. I was seriously concerned since I was planning on planting the following day and didn't want to risk having the bear trash all my seedlings, so I did what he did and left a coiler in the bushes a few meters away from his steaming pile. Well, needless to say the bear never came back!
I was walking through some thick bush trying to scope out a plot and then about 5 feet away from me, a young buck popped up and ran off. He must have been sleeping cause I startled him but he scared the hell outta me. I fell on my ass but I'm proud to say that I didn't scream like a little girl. =)
I had a problem bear who was trashing things in my garden this spring for a while, besides that I've never really had any problems with wildlife..

This f-ing bear drove me nuts though, it ate a full can of camo green spray paint, chewed my water timer to pieces, ate some spare batteries I had in my cache, chomped a bucket full of chem nutrients (exposing them to rain and ruining them), flung my gro-bags all over my spot and caused me all kinds of stress. This damn bear probably cost me over $150 in supplies and caused me a ton of extra trips up there to fix things.

The tipping point was when I arrived early one morning to discover a still-steaming pile of bear crap right in the middle of my patch and fresh chew marks/bear slobber all over my water timer. I was seriously concerned since I was planning on planting the following day and didn't want to risk having the bear trash all my seedlings, so I did what he did and left a coiler in the bushes a few meters away from his steaming pile. Well, needless to say the bear never came back!

Dude thats fukin hilarious! Mostly because I had a similar problem with a bear destroying my trashcans I was collecting rain in, and dealt with it in a similar way, LOL.:laughing:

Ive seen black bears several times in the woods-one snuck up behind me once, got within ten feet of me before we saw eachother.
also seen beaver, king fisher, grouse, garter snake, turkey, wood peckers.

Open Eyes

Southwest UK

Lots of rabbits, deer, frogs, cows and sheep (if you call that wildlife:)

Good thing i read this thread since somebody reminded me to mind the snakes that are here. Black adders, UK's poisonous snake that will kill dogs and surely maim or seriously hurt humans if not treated really quickly.


man oh man are there mice everywhere in the fields and woods......must going to be an early winter here in the midwest........

bluebirds maybe coming back through on the way south....tons and tons of them out there, maybe eating all the grasshoppers?


Well-known member
man oh man are there mice everywhere in the fields and woods......must going to be an early winter here in the midwest........

bluebirds maybe coming back through on the way south....tons and tons of them out there, maybe eating all the grasshoppers?

Bluebirds nice catch!

I agree migration path probably I live in the Midwest and I think I may have seen one too recently (not sure never seen one except in a book) a coopers hawk was chasing it when it made a dash for a small conifer bush I was standing next too. I sort of keep track of all birds I see not a true birder but like to make a mental note.


Well be careful out there Uncle.....to be honest,...I do not like scorpions that much at all.... the spider ok,, snakes well, ok...but nope,,,gotta draw the line...

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Swamp critters are generally pretty stealthy and quiet, but so am I when I settle down for a toke or two in my stilt hut out in the river's flow. I've seen six-foot monitor lizards swim by, foraging in the shallows as they go, and less frequently I've spotted a mother and pup otter porpoising along.

Monkeys are by far the most frequent wildlife down in the flooded forest, and they can make quite a racket when the males duke it out for dominance. There is one tree where I spotted a flying squirrel almost daily for a while, and he would scoot round the tree trunk to try and hide as my dugout floated by.

The biggest and yet most elusive specie I startle once in a blue moon are the massive Sitatunga swamp deer, who rarely take more than a couple of splashy bounds before they tiptoe silently off into the shadows. They have very elongated hooves with a slight webbing between the toes that make them swift swimmers, but they will just as often submerge till only their nostrils break the surface, and you could walk right past one so hidden without seeing a thing.


Only ever see birds when out in back 40. My dog goes with me and tends to have chased away all the wildlife before I see it. If she is at home I see White tail deer, wild turkey(lots), and Cotton tail rabbits.

Life in midwestern Ontario so no dangerous/poisonous critters here.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Alright no BS....

My states conservation department has been in denial for quite some time about cougars making there way south. A few years ago when this story happened, there was 650 sitings in the county. Across the street from my parents, there had been weird tracks found by a friends father. Also deer with weird wounds have been killed, in an area where there should be no predators. My mother described seeing a large black cat in this field not far from their house, more then once on her way to work. 6 months prior a black panther was killed near the local airport. Also on the other side of the small rural town a bow hunter taped a large black cat while bow hunting. Of course I found most these facts out after the story....

Across from the field where my mom said she seen the cat, is where I had multiple patchs. About a mile or more into the woods, first through some farm fields to get there. I was with 2 other men, I am an army vet, had marine vet with me, and another friend. All in our mid 20's. We are walking along and come to a complete stop when we heard soemthing strange. It was such a low frequency sound we looked up for jets or soemthing. As we were just about to start backoff we heard it again, a very very throaty low growl. We seriously decided with no arguement to just turn around, and go get the 45 in the car. Even with 3 grown men and a 45 we were shakin gogin back out. We had no clue what we had encountered. I took the lead, and told my friend with the pistol, look...if this thing jumps me, shoot that fucker, and dont worry about hitting me. Just dont hit me in the chest or head lol...We never went back out to that spot without a gun or two. The whole walk home to get the gun was weird, like being stalked. Days later, I am watching TV and a moutain lion was on the show, discovery or something, and it let a low growl. My stomach dropped like never before. I knew exactly what was out there.


Active member
This f-ing bear drove me nuts though, it ate a full can of camo green spray paint, chewed my water timer to pieces, ate some spare batteries I had in my cache, chomped a bucket full of chem nutrients (exposing them to rain and ruining them)

It was trying to tell you organics are the way to go :D

I did once see a one eyed frog whilst checking my grow at night. There's a wasps nest not far away (perhaps 10 feet), which is great since they keep the pests down.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I have planted on a coyote mound surrounded by pricker type bushs. Dead rabbit bones and small game bones everywhere. I assumed i wouldn't have any problems that year, and I didn't :)