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i got raided.


cant stop wont stop
Grow Equipment is Paraphernalia? without having illegal plants or seeds?
i would still be using it just grow something nice and legal and then sue their ass off.
i would get the best lawyer money could buy if i didn't have plants or seeds..

So how was the flash bang ? how long before you knew what was going on?

Did they hurt any animals? Did they tear the door off the hinges?

Did they trash your equipment? cut the cords and what not? Did they take all of your stuff?

i got raided back in march brother - only they got fully bloomed plants, i was gonna cut'm the next day. worst friday EVER. you sounds like you got a damn good fighting chance with them not getting any herb or seeds - they got nothing on you. straight up.
stay strong and get the fuck outta that state when you're done with that legal BS!!!!!!


Smokes, lets go
so let me get this straight, you got raided- they found nothing but lights and fans, and they charge you with paraphernalia? First things first, get a lawyer, then file suit against the arresting officer and his department for disturbing you over tomatoe growing equipment... They have NO PROOF whatsoever that you were using those lights for growing weed unless they found marijuana ON your lights or you were smoking weed ashing your joint on your ballast.... THEY GOT NOT SHIT AGAINST YOU!

SUE SUE SUE SUE, This is an opportunity for you to make some free $$$$ off the government...for fucking up your life....
so they raided you and only found equipment? definitely sue the piss out of them and leave them with a big FUCK YOU. Figure out a medical condition caused by the flash bangs and blame them for it. Just reading this thread makes my blood boil, I cant imagine how I'd react if it happened to me. I'd like to know how a flash bang is too, and how long it took to figure out what was going on.



I'm not buyin' what your shovelin'.
You're leaving out some details here.....


it would be nice to pull a reverse entrapment on them.

Purchase a ton of equipment from a place they are watching and then wait for your pay day.
Get some skunk scented candle just encase they walk up to your house and take a few sniffs.

I hope it all turns out well for you.

Were there pictures associated with your earlier grow that they could have found online?


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
You only told 2 friends...

...and they told 2 friends and they told 2 friends and they told 2 friends and they told 2 friends and they told 2 friends and they told 2 friends...

I'd bet jealously got the best of them.

Sorry for your traumatic experience floppy.

Loose lips sink ships.
Grow Equipment is Paraphernalia? without having illegal plants or seeds?
i would still be using it just grow something nice and legal and then sue their ass off.
i would get the best lawyer money could buy if i didn't have plants or seeds..

So how was the flash bang ? how long before you knew what was going on?

Did they hurt any animals? Did they tear the door off the hinges?

Did they trash your equipment? cut the cords and what not? Did they take all of your stuff?

well apparently because i had a jar and grinder it was considered para....
flash bang burned the carpet. and yeah if i had the money i would sue, but i dont so we'll see how that turns out.... they completley broke the door off and they just put me in the car. when i came home everything was gone and they had a list of all they took. but no growing plants or seeds were found. i thought i was fine to have that equipment. but apparently if that equip and anything illegal are in the house together they can seize it all.
yeah well like i said, thye found nothing growing but they did find the grinder and a jar in my bedroom. as well as some papers and shit.... but that was it. like i said they relaeased me that day and i have not been charged yet but they seized all my shit and i dont think im getting it back. i feel like i could sue and i do have something on them but no money or lawyer friends to help me through this. Im also kind of afraid to because if they can raid me a couple years after growing, waht evidence did they have??? i just feel like if i did something they'd fuck with me more. and as crazy as it sounds i am havin some ptsd shit from this. i worry every thursday night about what could happen on friday morning even though i have nothing. i thought i had nothing then but apparently it was enough for a warrant.


i just feel like if i did something they'd fuck with me more. and as crazy as it sounds i am havin some ptsd shit from this. i worry every thursday night about what could happen on friday morning even though i have nothing. i thought i had nothing then but apparently it was enough for a warrant.

That's rough dude. I wish you had the money to bring them to justice. That shit ain't right!


Active member
I think if you tried to do anything to them right now you would be slapped with some charges.

Maybe go down to the police station and tell them you were held with no charges, were released, came home, and some stuff was missing from your place?

I dunno what that stuff is worth to you, but I would just leave it be.
I think if you tried to do anything to them right now you would be slapped with some charges.

Maybe go down to the police station and tell them you were held with no charges, were released, came home, and some stuff was missing from your place?

I dunno what that stuff is worth to you, but I would just leave it be.

i am gonna leave it be, i dont want it back. ha that would just cause me more trouble most likeley. and the thing is i wasnt even using it and it was all dusty and clear that it hadnt been used in a long while yet they still took it and said it was parahenilla. but like i said they havent pressed charges and hopefully it all stays that way. i think they put me through enough hell over shit i can buy anywhere in my state legally.... but with that said. im gonna put this to rest. feel free to send those good vibes my way though cause i can sure use em.


damn, well i hope it all turns out for you.

I know im going to stay out of states that dont like marijuana.


Active member
jar and grinder dont mean you were growing weed

there are lawyers you can make agreements that they get paid once they win

I would try to fight it

sometimes you have to know when to let it slip, and when not to
I guess you feel it out yourself


I also believe you have an excellent case, you can easily obtain a lawyer that will work for a percentage of your suit and a good lawyer will know in a matter of minutes whether the case is worth pursuing or not.

I would also be putting the dogs to the ground to find out where your leak came from.

~ Jenn