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New room let me know what you think


Quality control

temps sound sweet im fightin humidity at mo its getin 2 75 at night and 65 in the day ive jus bought a dehumidifier but was a bad move as my air exchange is to rapid and it sends my temps up so thats 100 notes i should have put in to more extraction
its still a big learning curve 4 me check the grow space im cramed in !
ive jus updated my pics av a look any tips welcome

sorry to hijack thread but..... are your intake pipes/holes 2x the size of exaust?
i recently was having the same problems, got a bigger extra fan on a thermostat and made more intake holes and problem solved,
maybe worth a try.


Hey davyz I would up my air movement in the room looks like you only have one fan thats not enough , in my humble opinion. Also are you pulling air in from another room ( not directly outside) because you can dehumidify the intake air and that should effectively lessen the humidity also adding another intake may help( depending if the air being pulled in is of less humidity than inside of the room). I hope this helps, past this your gonna have to find a way to put the dehumidifier in side of the room. good luck


Thank you Funkbomb, I try
update tonight and I picked up some new strains for the garden:woohoo: as the list stands now i have too many mothers, so ill be giving a few clones away to friends so they can hold the genetics as i move on to something new for the moment. The new list is Williams wonder(rez), Warlock(magus), Blue dream, salmon creek( not sure yet if im gonna keep this one),mazar( not sure on the breeder it was a gift from a friend), coletrain( i have the popular cut that going around the Arcata ,can't remember the name as it was a gift from a friend. If someone knows please let me know), Mass Super Skunk,Oh yeah and the Bubba Kush( again not sure on the cut, I was gifted by another friend, a very reliable source)
Ill have pics tonight for the flower room and if i finish in time the veg room
See ya'll then


Veg room is not finished but it is some what functional ( from back to front, Bubba kush, coletrain, Mass SS and salmon creek in the round pots, Blue dream, williams wonder)

Warlock moms, two pheno's one is fruity pebbles smelling and the other is sandlewood, these are in five gallon buckets

Now on to the fun stuff





Casey Jones

Williams Wonder
ahh found your thread at last p.d.s and what a great thread it is, your williams wonder are coming along a treat, how many days in are they now and what sort of smells are you getting from them ? keep up the great work p.d.s and speak soon


Ah Roxy nice to see you round my neck of the woods, as of today im 34 days into flower, the wiliams has taken on a sugary lemon smell and is extremely smelly, went from not smelling to reeking the room up over the MSS( not an easy feat) Ill have more pics of the ladies tonight, The williams wonder is so photogenic i just cant stop photographing her

Hey Bostrom that is correct that is the current setup but it leaves something to be desired so ill be tinkering with it before the next round goes in

Thank you Dominicangreen

Ill have a update tonight thnks all for stopping by


Casey Jones

Mass Super skunk

Salmon creek really starting to show its true colors

Smaller table shot

Williams wonder starting to fill in
looking great p.d.s and i look forwrd to watching your wonders finish up, i have 6 williams wonder cuts just starting to throw out roots which im gonna give a nice long veg and maybe scrog them, also just put 10 wonder diesel in coco plugs so hoping for a good germ rate on them but we will see as they are a good 3 years old.
all the best p.d.s and keep up the great work.


Roxy the williams wonder is gonna be a great scrog plant i think, I have four williams rooted for next round and a mother so i think for now on i will run the williams as half of a table as a permanent fixture and every other run ill have it on both tables , Im really interested in your wonder diesel could have some very nice traits from those parents, ill stop by and check out your madness best to you roxy


P.D.S - Looks clean my friend. I`ve been meaning to get my pvc screen together. Yours looks like it is doing great. Keep up the good work. What numbers do you expect to get off this room?


Hey Fireman thanks man I try not to worry too much about final numbers that being said i figure ill pull somewhere between .65gpw to .90 gpw when this room gets pumping i should be pulling a gram per watt no problem


Well i`ll be pulling for ya to pull on the higher side of your scale. That Williams wonder is look delectable by the way



Thanks Fireman all the support is appreciated, the williams is amazing smells like electric lemonade and has a great structure for the style of growing i prefer. For next run ill only have 2 williams wonders going as i have a couple mothers that i will pull 40 clones off in a month for the 3rd round and from there on ill run one table of williams wonder and the other of Warlock and Casey Jones alternating
smell great these wonders dont they and they are just a breeze to grow, cant wait to scrog em in some big old pots, keep up the great work p.d.s :respect:


Yea i will be picking up some seeds in a month or so. I have have 1 ut i can get my hands on because of the backwards as state i live in. Thnk gd the "Blue Rhino" cut i have is pretty solid but i know nothing about it and everything i learn i have to try so its a bit tricky. Maybe Casey Jones will be available again soon and i will try and pick it up.

Good luck and i`ll stopping back in from time to time
