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Banning gay penguins?


Active member
:joint:"Gay" pengiuns cannot procreate. I thought you guys were talking about pengiuns being happy:nanana:.......................and don't PO Mrs.B.:noway:

Yes, but the penguins in the book are raising an egg, and now that baby penguin will turn gay because he has 2 dads, and then he will make the other penguins around him gay, and soon we will have no penguins.;)


Yes, but the penguins in the book are raising an egg, and now that baby penguin will turn gay because he has 2 dads, and then he will make the other penguins around him gay, and soon we will have no penguins.;)

then i can have all the fish for mee :D :woohoo::woohoo:

seriously we should ban all penguins :1help:



Cannabrex Formulator
Homosexual behaviour has been documented in over 450 different species......this is merely another example of asshats denying facts that don't jive with their very repressed and puerile beliefs because they are too rigid to except something new (and deep down they are all a buncha pole smokers who can't admit it to themselves.)


stoned agin ...
heh ... i saw "gladiator" was on tv today ... oliver reed was great :D

"Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. They just walk around, eating, and not mating. You sold me... queer giraffes. I want my money back. "

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yes, but the penguins in the book are raising an egg, and now that baby penguin will turn gay because he has 2 dads, and then he will make the other penguins around him gay, and soon we will have no penguins.;)

This is sarcasm at its best

Maybe we can try this as opposed to having the guilt on us of killing them slowly by climate change


Active member
Nothing should be banned except stupid questions phrased in stupid ways. Gay penguins on their face should never be banned. But reading or presenting stories to children about the lovable gay penguins is outright stupid. My kids are all in college or beyond, but if some pc type, while they were in grade school, tried to teach them about gay penguins as a means to legitimize the gay lifestyle instead of teaching them math or spelling I'd freak out. So, IMO, you phrased the question in a stupid way. Either you are gay and looking for tolerance from me (you can't have any) or are stupid and agenda driven in the way you did not present the full context of the arena in which people have problems with this gay penguins shit. Teach school shit and leave the parenting to the parents.

I have just as many rights as gays, and I am tired of their lifestyle being shoved down my throat as normal. It is not the norm.


Cannabrex Formulator
I have just as many rights as gays, and I am tired of their lifestyle being shoved down my throat as normal. It is not the norm.

And why should we only teach our kids about "the norm"???

Should we not be teaching them about the incredible diversity and infinite variances that make this world so interesting and fascinating?

Or do you prefer a world full of people who are merely aware of what has been declared "the norm" and trained to be part of it?

As far as the gay thing goes, no one is "shoving their lifestyle down their your throat", senor.......they are mainly just trying to be themselves without having to hide, be ashamed or be crapped on for it.

heavy dank nugg

i agree with most of the above post except for this

As far as the gay thing goes, no one is "shoving their lifestyle down their your throat", senor.......they are mainly just trying to be themselves without having to hide, be ashamed or be crapped on for it.

this is dead wrong......they do flamboyantly try to shove their lifestyle down the throats of every hetrosexuall they encounter they have parades, the way they dress and the way they behave. they do it because they get pleasure from the reactions its their way of gayly crapping on "the norm"
homosexuality like it or not is a alternative lifestyle just like growing weed is.....rarely do i see a descrete homo who accepts the norm and respects it...they make it a personall vendetta against society and structure. perhaps because it was so taboo for so long but that dose not justifiy their behavior twords those that dont want to have to see it.

so dont go pretending they are just living their life peacefully....they enjoy flaunting it cause they get a perverse pleasure out of making other people uncomfortable....
put that in your rainbow pipe and smoke it.


most of that crap (display) is the natural result of severe repression, some of it is just shock and awe...

It will take fifty years for this culture to recognize how embarrassed it is over how we treated homosexuals. Look how long it took for that to happen w/ slavery. Some STILL haven't made the jump...

Repressive cultures enjoy consequences of their own design. We really need to get over this homophobia. It is in the end a non issue - and obsessing on it is a waste of time.

just my $.02


In a university study,a group of right wing fundamentalist christians,who were particularly vocal and anti about gays,were given tests involving homo erotic responses to gay porn using an inflated cuff around the ole todger and hey ho waddya know,the biggest homophobes liked a bit of man on man love porn ha ha!

And the poor saps deny and blame it on satan!!!

It's science and it works,bitches! lol!

But to get on topic,redneck conservative America will bitch and moan about gay penguins etc,after all,they are the bullies in the playground bashing gays,they don't want to be told they are primitive knuckle scrapers when it comes to human rights.