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Man vs. Mouse

vicious bee

Well I had a mouse problem. The mouse bit the head off of two of my plants. I'm freaking. I go buy sticky traps, mouse traps, and poison bait. I put peanut butter on the traps. Next day , traps still set THREE more plants gone. The mouse goes around the sticky traps. Turns his nose up at the peanut butter. THIS IS WAR. I go get more sticky traps, bacon ,and more mouse traps. I even go look for some of those wire cage traps and then while looking at the wire cage traps inspiration strikes.

Then I put tin covered sheet metal in strips on some boards. Each strip tied alternately to hot and ground.

Checked the next day and no traps tripped, no sticky stuck, but he damn sure didn't get anymore of my plants. He must have got quite a jolt. I touched it and it was not pleasant.
Man Wins!


Those sticky traps are inhumane man, but try putting some spring traps along the walls and look for some mouse shit to know where his trails are, most rats/mice stick to the walls when they run around.

vicious bee

I tried traps first. I put them everywhere. The mouse ignored them. I put out multiple sticky traps. The mouse went around them. I haven't got him(although it's probably a her) yet. I was just about to flower my plants.


I bait mousetraps with sunflower seeds..works everytime. I doubt many mice will come across peanut butter in the wild ;)
Hope you get the little bugger.


Active member
Mice are genetically programmed to fear cats. If you have a cat, the smell will deter them.. and some cats will even catch mice. You can get one free usually, although I'd recommend spay/neutering it so you don't have to get rid of a dozen kittens every few months.. ;)

Speaking from experience getting a cat was the single most effective rodent control I've ever resorted to. All the traps in the world cant compare to my little mouser...

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Chocolate! chocolate is the cheese lol, seriously they can't resist it, used in a trap they won't bypass chocolate.


Nutella works awesome! I have tried about everything you can imagine and that's what has worked the best for me. Sometimes I mix it with an equal part peanut butter. Try it. No matter what I have used on my other traps they always hit the Nutella/Nutella and peanut butter mix instead of whatever else I put out.
Mice are genetically programmed to fear cats. If you have a cat, the smell will deter them.. and some cats will even catch mice. You can get one free usually, although I'd recommend spay/neutering it so you don't have to get rid of a dozen kittens every few months.. ;)

Speaking from experience getting a cat was the single most effective rodent control I've ever resorted to. All the traps in the world cant compare to my little mouser...

you are lucky that your cat KILLS them.. mine seems to think that the mice are his personal toys.. I am serious..since it is fall the mice are trying to come in and my stupid cat wont kill them.. last night I heard him hopping around.. there was the cat and 1 foot away, the mouse-- looking at each other..the mice do not seem to be detered by his odor..


Active member
Hmm.. I'd take that freeloading cats food away! Once he's hungry he'll know what to do with the mice... ;) This might not work on older, fatter cats.


Active member
That's sweet Bee!
You need to set up a video camera on that.
I want to see the mouse doing the electric jitter bug


Active member
Mice are genetically programmed to fear cats. If you have a cat, the smell will deter them.. and some cats will even catch mice. You can get one free usually, although I'd recommend spay/neutering it so you don't have to get rid of a dozen kittens every few months.. ;)

Speaking from experience getting a cat was the single most effective rodent control I've ever resorted to. All the traps in the world cant compare to my little mouser...

Amen to that. I had a problem with rats in my attic for several years until "Tiger" wandered into my yard and my son fell in love with him. (He'd been abandoned in the neighborhood.) Now I have a wonderful pet and NO RATS!!!!

I saw Tiger with a mouse on the patio one time. He played with that mouse for quite a while before finally delivering the death blow. I see dead rats in the yard from time to time, but no more in the attic. The little sob's kept gnawing on the wiring for my forced air units, which are in the attic, and I was constantly having to have them fixed.



I saw Tiger with a mouse on the patio one time. He played with that mouse for quite a while before finally delivering the death blow.

yea thats completely normal.. Cats always ( all the cats I have ever had anyway ) "play" with there prey before killing it. The last outside cat we had would hunt everyday even though there was always food for it in its food dish.. Its just in them to do so.. She would kill 8-10 rodents per week from the back yard and adjecent field. Mostly little shrews and a few mice ,etc. What was so odd was that she would kill them and not eat them, but instead bring them and lay there dead bodies at our back porch steps.. Kind of like a "Look what I did" type of thing.. I love cats. Cats rock.



if the mouse is after the buds, then maybe bait a trap with a fresh popcorn bud and see how it works out. :) I love the electric fence idea though...that's awesome. Maybe you should set upa camera and put a nice bud in the middle of your "fence" and see what happens, taunt that lil fucker.


yea make a vid of the lil fucker getting shocked and put it on youtube.. lol.. I cant imagine a mouse eating a top off a plant though.. I think maybe it was a human pest rather than a mouse... As far as I know mice dont even like MJ.


Overkill is under-rated.
I just got a couple of those sonic repellers for mice, but I can't use them everywhere because I have some small rodent-type pets. Hopefully the mice are driven off, but I'm not allowed to have a cat otherwise I would in an instant!


I dont see why cats are included in a "no pets" lease clause.. IMHO they are the cleanest animals you can have inside..They NEVER use the bathroom anywhere except in there litterbox . Unlike a dog that will shit on your kitchen table if he feels like it. I have had horses,ferrets,dogs,cats,hamsters,birds,turtles,fish,snakes and even an actual alligator that I caught on a fishing trip down south in GA. lol. And I still think cats are the "cleanest.


This is fucking war


If it were me - I would work my way around the entire place - checking where the wall meets the floor ... pull the refridge, oven .. cabinets - everything .. find any possible source of entry/exit .. and seal yourself in

Then after a bit - and with your current gear .. your problem will be over


Well-known member
i used wet flour to glue a spoon size shreaded wheat to the trigger of a have-a-heart trap ... always worked ... then i drowned the little fucker. the world has enough rodents.

i used to dream about having a rodent proof house ... and then my dream came true.

and you're right ... cats rock!

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