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How stupid can a person be?


Active member
Hey.... these guys aren't stupid ya know. The detectives that they have doing the knock and talk are hypno specialists.

The guys that said no happened to be wearing hypno-proof lenses in their glasses. Yah! True, I saw it on the SpringFeld Hippo Shopping Network!

Graham Purwatt

man this exact thing happened to me a a couple months back,sheriffs dept showed up,2 deputys,asked if they could look around,they did tell me they had a tip that it was a grow house.i told them sure as long as i could see the warrant and they left.i shut down immediately.luckily i'm working on some things elsewhere so i'm still running but no more here.i came up with this username in case i'm bieng watched,didn't want anything grow pics bieng used against me,not sure how all of that works but i've been a member here and other places for a few years.i couldn't believe it when that happened,now i read that they are doing it everywhere.florida laws are screwed


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
HaHa Vetus it is already to late to get rid of the stupid gene! Ever watch the movie "Idiocracy". Very stupid funny movie that makes a valid point. Dumb people have more kids, and raise dumb kids, only to spread. We are doomed as a species.


Active member
Another knock and talk at a possible grow house in Bradenton last week was not as successful, Romano said.

"The people there didn't let us in, and they up and moved on us in the middle of the night, completely disappeared," he said.


At least they finished the story with the right way to handle that situation


Active member

Four arrested after alleged drug deal in Applebee's parking lot
Posted: Feb 19, 2009 9:30 AM
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PURVIS, MISS. (WDAM) - Two Purvis men and a Hattiesburg couple are in jail after an alleged botched drug deal in the parking lot of Applebee's restaurant.
Matthew Berry, 22, and James Berry, 27, were identified by the couple as the two men who allegedly took money from them at gunpoint in Monday afternoon. The two were arrested a short time later and charged with armed robbery.

Police said during the course of interrogating the two, officers learned the robbery was motivated by illegal drug activity.

Police then arrested the couple, Ashley Dean, 18 and Jonathan Stanford, 21. They were each charged with possession of marijuana.

knew these retards, matt the younger bro turned into a snitch after him and his older brother kidnapped thats right kidnapped a friend of mine and made him empty his bank account at gunpoint. for a 3 strike felon (james, who has 3 previous felonies for armed robbery) committing his 4th violent offense he got probation after just getting off of probatoin for the same dam thing......sad state of affairs


Active member
PURVIS, MISS. (WDAM) - Two Purvis men and a Hattiesburg couple are in jail after an alleged botched drug deal in the parking lot of Applebee's restaurant.
Matthew Berry, 22, and James Berry, 27, were identified by the couple as the two men who allegedly took money from them at gunpoint in Monday afternoon. The two were arrested a short time later and charged with armed robbery.

Police said during the course of interrogating the two, officers learned the robbery was motivated by illegal drug activity.

Police then arrested the couple, Ashley Dean, 18 and Jonathan Stanford, 21. They were each charged with possession of marijuana.

knew these retards, matt the younger bro turned into a snitch after him and his older brother kidnapped thats right kidnapped a friend of mine and made him empty his bank account at gunpoint. for a 3 strike felon (james, who has 3 previous felonies for armed robbery) committing his 4th violent offense he got probation after just getting off of probatoin for the same dam thing......sad state of affairs

Wow, how stupid can the laws be. Two people forced into the black market get robbed at gunpoint and are arrested, and two repeat offenders keep on hurting people and get out on probation. Why is this going on? How can this be considered justice?:wallbash:


Active member
I'm not sure about American laws but in Canada a police officer may come to your house without a warrant if they suspect a grow and they may knock on your door to talk to you and the point of this is for you to open your door and if the officer smells the scent of marijuana that is enough for him to get a warrant and come back like an hour later and bust you. so if you have a grow and have any scent of marijuana at all do not open the door for an officer.....

if the officer came in your house without a warrant and stumbles onto your growup then most likely the evidence will be thrown out because it is evidence acquired through and illegal search and seizure.

if the officer asks you if you have a grow and if they can come in and search and you give consent then he does not need a warrant.

but like I said officers will sometimes come knock on the door of a suspected door to get a whiff of the MJ odor then they can get a warrant to search your house. They can just call up a judge and get a warrant over the phone and then you're screwed.


Active member
well if you are growing make sure there is no smell.... or minimal scent and don't open the door if a cop knocks.

lol in my criminal law class my professor who is a lawyer was telling us this stuff. Apparently cops are now also using helicopters with heat sensors but not sure if this is enough to get a judge to give a warrant because it is not really evidence of a grow and its invasion of privacy in a way looking into peoples homes.


Apparently cops are now also using helicopters with heat sensors but not sure if this is enough to get a judge to give a warrant because it is not really evidence of a grow and its invasion of privacy in a way looking into peoples homes.
Where I live in the US they can't use FLIR unless they have a warrant. If they have a warrant they have probable cause and sure don't need to add the expense of FLIR at that point and just take down the door.




Dont even open the door for the pigs if they wanna come in they can either kick it in or fuck off. 15 years!! un fuckin real. :moon:

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