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800 watts one closet heat issues...

Ae you exhausting the closet also? If not Id suggest 1 or 2 120mm PC fans screwed into the ceiling blowing into th attic. This will automatically pull cool air under your door cooling th entire closet.

At the same time you are going to be blowing all that hot air trapped atop of the closet, a double possitive!!!

I did this in my closet and it reduce my temps by 10+ degrees! I have some pics in my journal of how I set that up check it out!

You may not get 10 degrees but im sure you can knock a few off of there!
see my house doesnt have a craw space up top so i have no attic...just insulation and than roof...for my inlet air im using a duct booster fan...maybe i should use another inline fan for the inlet instead of the 210 cfm duct booster...and smell is a huge problem cause my house is kinda of small so if im not runnin the carbon filter u can smell it at the front soor when u wake in....or just one of the 400s and just use another scrog but i have 3 mothers red deasial a fucking increditable and superlemmon haze soo i kinda dont want to use the scrog with different strains....
yes i believe this will work if it gets cooler soon i just need to clone my mothers cause there getting big for my mother box....come winter.....lol

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