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Dont eat the Hot Dog if theres white powder on it

While coming back across the border one drunken night several years back a group of shady hotdog vendors offered me the deal of a lifetime. a hot dog and sprite as i was crossing the border after a long night of drinking my friends and i were seperated in the mexican madness. Somehow i did not have money and since i was going back to the US i decided to give my remaining pills i had in my pocket for this hotdog and sprite. they in turn gave me a hot dog with some powdery substance on it, the last thing i remember is making it to the door of my hotel. 3 days later i was driving at 65mph with my friends in my car back to the house.. no memory... my friends said i was out of it but went out and drank each night, also they said the border patrol almost did not let me drive north..

where did i go these 3 days? some say time travel, others different dimensions.. one things for sure
the morale of the story is dont eat powdery hot dogs.
damn you nuevo laredo


If the water isn't safe to drink, I wouldn't expect hotdogs being sold on the side of the road to be either.

Gotta love those mescaline dogs!


you get what you paid for when you by meat snacks from a roadside stand.

btw..still got both kidneys?


If there's powder on the dog... cover it with cheese and ketchup

You can't beat 99cent cheesedogs


Most people that get a hot dog and see a white powder on it would throw it away, right?

I guess you were so starving that you didnt have any other choice but to eat the laced hot dog

no money and you still have three days left in mexico? During those three days you go drinking nightly with no money?

you trade pills for a hot dog?

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Man.... I wouldn't eat any hot dog given to me in Mexico.... let alone a hot dog with some white isht on it! Watch out for Montazuma's revenge mang!


dude your braggin on here about how sum guy got his dog in your mouth , and you admit to seeing white stuff .....

sounds like roadside sex trade gone bad ,,,,,,,,,,, so are you sure it wasnt all the pills and booze that you took had you puttin random street hookers winnies in your mouth

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