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LA Tries to Ban Marijuana Dispensaries


Active member
The LA County DA and the city of Los Angeles attorney are trying to shut down all dispensaries that are run for profit in the LA area. They claim a Supreme Court decision last year makes for-profit-dispensaries illegal.

So unless the operation is a collective where members contribute labor or money communally without making a profit, it cannot operate. Of course there are now hundreds of dispensaries in the LA area that would be affected by any action they might take. So far they haven't.



Active member
back to higher prices? lol black market=cheaper bud

you guys realize that "for profit" dispensaries have been illegal from the get go right?

structuring your business properly a "not for profit" can still rake in billions a year.


back to higher prices? lol black market=cheaper bud

you guys realize that "for profit" dispensaries have been illegal from the get go right?

structuring your business properly a "not for profit" can still rake in billions a year.

yeah, i thought they were all non profit...even in most of the MJ documentaries ive seen on this state such things.


Active member
red cross is a "non profit" its CEO also makes about $650,000 a year. show me ONE co op that is claiming 'not for profit' and a salary that is ANYWHERE NEAR red cross'.

they claim they are "for profit" merely because there is money changing hands.


I have to say that is it kinda hard for any of these clubs to claim non profit when they are trying to sell people 1/8ths for 75 dollars at some clubs. There is no way they are paying anywhere close to $9,000/lb and if they are they should be shut down for being stupid for paying that much. Ive been to many clubs around the LA/Long beach area and most of them are clearly out to make a buck while they can. These type of clubs should be shut down IMHO. The problem I see is that how is the city going to decide who is for profit and who is not.. any club selling 1/8ths for even 40 dollars each is going to be making a nice profit. It seems to me that the city is just trying to close all of them down and using the not for profit claim as a reason to.


Active member
I have to say that is it kinda hard for any of these clubs to claim non profit when they are trying to sell people 1/8ths for 75 dollars at some clubs. There is no way they are paying anywhere close to $9,000/lb and if they are they should be shut down for being stupid for paying that much. Ive been to many clubs around the LA/Long beach area and most of them are clearly out to make a buck while they can. These type of clubs should be shut down IMHO. The problem I see is that how is the city going to decide who is for profit and who is not.. any club selling 1/8ths for even 40 dollars each is going to be making a nice profit. It seems to me that the city is just trying to close all of them down and using the not for profit claim as a reason to.

ok but how much is rent on the place they operate?

the bills on said place?

the staff?

the capital required to start this up?

the lawyer you have on retainer because of neo nazi type raids?

the overhead required to continuously have available to hundreds of patients many different strains and plenty to go around?

yes there are more unscrupulous dispensaries out there that ARE turning a profit. However where is the line drawn on "profit" versus "self sacrifice"?

dispensaries arent about to start charging $10 an eighth. not with the current legal status of cannabis. You change the legal status and risk associated with all of this, then the "self sacrifice" turns instead from a "i'm risking my life for a decade simply because of the number of plants I have" into a "I'm a farmer and I produce a crop"

lot less sacrifice needed to be 'just a farmer', thus less sacrifice and risk therefore more availability at a better price and higher quality.


Smokes, lets go
this is a just a desperate response by the city trying to somewhat counter attack the 1000+ lawsuits they just got hit with, no problem. The city is going to loose sooo much money in these lawsuits its gonna be ridiculous they are going to have to cut their losses and deal with the dispensaries... There are over 1000 here and there not going anywhere.....


Well-known member
I think there was about 600 with about 400 ready to jump on board.. in reality only 286 Dispensaries in L.A county are legit and registered with L.A. the rest are pot stores. interesting fact, there are more Dispensaries than Starbucks in L.A county as of recent. The prices have come down tremendously. I was at a shop that was selling $40 4 gram bags of OG.. I can't stand these places, and I don't recommend anyone use them as an outlet for your wares. local law enforcement is watching and as they raid, they steal the security tapes and computers with them. I also like making a living. lately its been harder to supply these places as they widdle your price to shit. its not even worth it right now. Riley freeman has it right.
Yes I believe real med patients should have a right to buy their medicine. I think too many people who get migraines or make up some BS to have a dr's recs, these fly by night pot shops and stupid Dr's smokin out w their patients has set some poor examples that have turned the city against it. I also believe it should be the biggest taxable legal cash crop to turn CA around. 10% tax on several billion dollars is a lot of loot for the city and state. Not to mention Us growers are big consumers that buy shit... that keeps the economy chuggin. If we didnt buy stuff right now, who would? Not to mention... more tax revenue off of those large taxable goods we consume... If they wanted to charge an additional tax to make the state even more money I am down. I like Jack, but we have to give to receive.. If taxing it heavily like cigarettes and regulating clubs and commercial care providers (growers) is what it takes to make the reform, than why are both the city officials we voted for, opposed. Who turns down free money??? What is the real reason? BIG PHARM.. thats the reason.


Active member
all i know from living in la is that we are down to get down when it goes down.... april 29th 1992


red cross is a "non profit" its CEO also makes about $650,000 a year. show me ONE co op that is claiming 'not for profit' and a salary that is ANYWHERE NEAR red cross'.

they claim they are "for profit" merely because there is money changing hands.
excellent point. i could elaborate but im sober :( been dry in the north east of europa for a while now. try 2 mths. yeah. im out of the loop to say tha least. be well and keep the fight up. nationwide prohibition lift shall soon come.
shake er ez


all i know from living in la is that we are down to get down when it goes down.... april 29th 1992

Why is it that LA residents can riot over New Jack City, Boyz N the Hood, Rodney King, and Lakers Championships, but not for a racial injustice that's actually 100% bullshit? Oh now I remember 99% of Los Angeles residents are ignorant self absorbed douche bags. I live in LA and I am fully prepared for:

Civil Unrest
The return of Michael Jackson in undead form
Full scale city riot
Alien revolt (Illegal)
Taco truck Strike

First aid, water, food, and a few other items is all you need to get down with the get down.


Active member
Kiffen - you are funny, "Michael Jackson in undead form" lmao. What you said is true however. I live in Cali also and I am just so disappointed in the bullshit going on. Can anybody name a pharmacy that is "non-profit"? How about a liquor store? NOOOOOO.

Stupid pigs, stop messing with the rights of the people of California. Go back to your pig pens and start arresting people that actually do harm to there community.


why do they even care? Counties in the Bay Area are not concerned about this so called supreme court ruling. If they tried that in SF people would not stand for that and would boot the DA from their office. there are more important things that a DA should be doing, than messing with a pot clubs. I agree that the un-licensed ones should be shut down, but you open a business for profit. who cares if its from selling pot as long as you pay taxes and are licensed to do so.....

wast of time IMO


Active member
That recent tender was for profit growing, selling and distribution tho... It seemed from the article they are accusing those not growing of fouling foul of the scheme maybe that's why they get away with it in that tender.

Takes the piss though surely even a coop has the right to pay its staff for their time, return any investment they have made(product, cash, time), pay rent and service charges etc.

Are are they not arguing this? IMO if the books say there is money left over in the bank at the end of a financial year and it's not for expansion for the benefit of it's members then I can see a point, personally I'd use any left over cash to help those who can't afford their supply and I'm sure a lot of coops must do this.

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