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yield measurement thread


Active member
im constantly searching for strains which will give me a good yield and im always stumbling about different kinds of weight measurements like:

-gr. per m2
-oz's per plant
-pund per light

and i find it kind of sad because partly those are information which dont help me!

so what do you think about a general way to have yield measured for everyones benefits!

i like the method jorge cervantes:


for example:

600w of light - 50 days of flower - 400g

600/400: 0.66gpw
30days/50days: 0.6per month

so that would result in 0.396 g/w/m

thats just a thought - if someone has a better idea for example including the square meters or something just post!

im interessted in useful yield information!

if you think this is complet nosense or this thread exists already - close it :nanana:


Overkill is under-rated.
Agreed, I like Cervantes' formula too, eliminates variables. I still hear a lot of grams per plant talk, but Cervantes still doesn't address veg time, or space used.

FWIW, I usually average between .6 and .73 grams per watt every 60 days, but trying to get to at least 1.0, or more!
the watts-grams-month equation takes into account the essentials and leaves out the BS. It is a simple quick and easy way to discern harvest volume in relation to energy expendature, weight and time.


Active member
Agreed, I like Cervantes' formula too, eliminates variables. I still hear a lot of grams per plant talk, but Cervantes still doesn't address veg time, or space used.

FWIW, I usually average between .6 and .73 grams per watt every 60 days, but trying to get to at least 1.0, or more!

haha yeah me too - 0.65gpw best so far but my goal is to step up to at least 0.8 the next round :nanana: and then break even!

so my best yield this far was 0.325g/w/m

so what do you think? makes a general formular for yield measurement sence?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I once got 1.8kg from 3.5m2 with just a 600 and a 400w in 55 days, in a lash up [ghetto and temporary, drip to waste rockwool] quick banker crop before we sorted a proper grow out, it was 1.8 g/w, but I used 3.5M2 to do it... however, IMO it was a far poorer grow than most 0.8 g/w grows, let alone others.

You must factor in the area into any figure, as this shows.

For the grow mentioned, we got this with a known low light variety, like Northern Lights was meant to be originally - from Flouro shelf gardening in Seattle......... Tom Hills Deep Chunk has this quality, Tom said so himslef, use a large area with your limited watts of light to get a large yield. If you do it in Coco pots, you can gradually spread out the grow as you go, maximising g/w.


Active member
I once got 1.8kg from 3.5m2 with just a 600 and a 400w in 55 days, in a lash up [ghetto and temporary, drip to waste rockwool] quick banker crop before we sorted a proper grow out, it was 1.8 g/w, but I used 3.5M2 to do it... however, IMO it was a far poorer grow than most 0.8 g/w grows, let alone others.

You must factor in the area into any figure, as this shows.

For the grow mentioned, we got this with a known low light variety, like Northern Lights was meant to be originally - from Flouro shelf gardening in Seattle......... Tom Hills Deep Chunk has this quality, Tom said so himslef, use a large area with your limited watts of light to get a large yield. If you do it in Coco pots, you can gradually spread out the grow as you go, maximising g/w.

WOW - did you report on this grow? that sounds very impressive to me :nanana:

so how can the growing area beeing taken into the calculation?


Active member
bump? ... everybody thinks thats shit? ...

the watts-grams-month equation takes into account the essentials and leaves out the BS. It is a simple quick and easy way to discern harvest volume in relation to energy expendature, weight and time.

havent said it yet: cool to have you here!


Active member
I'm more focused by how many i waste in manicure and tempt to reduce it to a minimal % of harvest.

For me a good yield is not necessary the final ratio but buds who don't lost all theyr weight in drying and manicure process. Same for seeds, i don't care to have hundreds of seeds in a plant if the half is immature.

one Q

I like the g/plant but just for estimations, but really just use GPW at the end of cure. The reason is is that if you have a seperate area for clone/veg/moms then you flower area is only ever flowering, not veging.

Then, you dial in what is the proper veg time or clone height and flower. The veg watts dont get counted b/c it's will be used anyway to keep mothers alive. So leave the cuts in the cloner a few extra days and plant them they may only spend a few days to a week in the CVM area, then off to flower.

If you get an average of xxg/plant then you have a base to work off to determin if youre getting better. Then you hit your celing determind by your watts.

I guess that would be totaly different if youre using 400w for CVM and Ks for flowering.:wallbash:

I will shut up and listen now.


IMO g/plant makes sense outdoors, Cervantes' method indoors if you're growing for profit, g/W for hobbyists indoors.


Active member
Why not take all the guess work out? I mean g/w doesn't take into account days flowering or hrs per day. Why not g/kwhr? So yield in g/ 1000w X 12hrs X 56days


Yeah, that makes sense if you want to take the veg phase energy consumption into account too. If it's only used for flowering though I'd say there quite little benefit in multiplying it by 12, a constant, but sure why not...

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