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Weed in Denmark ?


New member
Hy,I'm move in Denmark,and maybe sombody cand tell me where to get somthing to smoke,i stay in Ikast.And sombody tell me that if i go the forest I had the chance to find somthing,not planted by somone,wild cannabis.But the climate here is inappropriatefor them to grow outdoor.What do you thing?


Think you will have a hard time finding wild cannabis in denmark, but you can grow outdoors from ca. april to october.
Getting something to smoke in denmark is not that hard, don't know about ikast but ok availability, and prices are around 3-4 euro for cheap hash up to 20 euro for special hash(20kr-150kr)
pot is a bit more scares but can be found from 1 euro up to 5 euro (5kr-30kr)
skunk can be hard to find and cost from 5-7 euro and as much as 20 euro (40kr-150kr)

hope it helps and welcome to denmark.


New member
Yes its help me..thank for reply,Ikast is near from Herning.I will go tomorow and maybe I will spot somone and ask for somthing,if I will get lucky I will find... :abduct::woohoo:.Thank again.
Hi, it is widely available, but you will need to get to know other tokers. You are only rarely offered weed by strangers here. Do not buy weed on the street, it is always bad quality.

Basically in Denmark you need to get to know people, or go to Christiania. Christiania is in Copenhagen - it is a small town in copenhagen, they sell openly and you can get top quality hashish, hash oil and skunk there. Everyone (Danes who are born here) knows about christiania. :)


New member
hy,yes I heard about Christiania,but I stay very far from Copenhagen.When I will move in my hause I will do some indoor,but il takes like 4 mounth until then.And now I stay like 5 km from town..and its hard to make new friend...:wallbash: .


Active member
Hi, caddylac. sometimes the danish train company DSB has some tickets called Orange-tickets, where you pay 100-150,- for going back and forth in DK, in one day, so that's OK cheap if you really really need to get to Christinia, and the ticket can be used for the bus and Metro/subway also. Or else try in bars or something like that, ask the weedtypes, if there is any... Maybe you'll get lucky and a not so nervous and paranoid dane will help you out.


New member
thank Quiet_Riot,if i don't find enything else Christinia will be my final option,and thank for the tip whit orange tickets,i didn't know abot this and is really cheap.Maybe tomorow I will go to the town to see if I find somthing,thank again.


New member
I have been make a new thread in Dabish forum,but nobody answer me,and they deleted,what paranoia people :dance: .I thought they are more friendly.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
And we thought people read the TOU when they joined....like they're supposed to....Dude, you coulda been banned....


Hey caddylac, I have spent time in DK over the summers and it was very nice (just for summer though! haha).

when doing research over dk I came across Christiania and it seems that area will be your best bet. From what I read a few months ago, they were doing raids on Christiania - perhaps a fellow dane can chime in if those are still going on. If there still is a heavy police presence and raids going on, then it could be more risky for you.

You have GOBS of cannabis support in Christiania though. There are actually many websites made by people in Christiania that are weed related, including a guy named smokey werner who has all sorts of pictures of massive masssive smoking events in Christiania. His website is http://www.jointen.dk/

I would check out websites first, search for christiania websites and you may come across an e-mail contact with a friendly individual willing to help out. I'd try anything like that if I were in your position. This way, you could establish at least a contact or a friend in the area who knows enough to help you out.

So you're out in the Danish countryside? Its a beautiful sight that I miss greatly by now.
Denmark is really an interesting place, I'd like to go back sometime.


Talk about Bad Kharma.
you could have slipped on a banana peel and gone for a ride.
tried smoking said banana peel? ah ha ha. pot luck Christiania!


Copenhagen is one of my favorite places in the world. What could be more fun than taking one of the free bicycles the city offers and riding to Cristiania for some Lebanese hash, and then riding back over the bridge to Nyhavn. Ahhh, great memories.

Cristiania has the best hash market in the Western world. Enjoy it :joint:


Living in Copenhagen i frequent "staden" (as the locals call it) every now and again and have been for the past 10-15 years. Only two or three times have I actually seen raids there, and only once have I turned on my heel only to come back a few hours later to find the market open again.
If you need any advice on navigating the market there, you're welcome to throw me a pm. You will definitely get the best service if you know how to shop. ;)


New member
Just ask some locals at a bar.. if they notice your from another country they will prolly help you :) hash is everywhere in DK even in the smallest towns.. or maybe you could go to 'thy' should be a chance to get some good stuff there aswell :p


New member
Caddylac sorry for OT but were did you live befor? And Pm me if you want some advice might be able to help ya.


Active member
Ask some off the local drunks, they properly smoke and are not so closed as many danes are and they will properly give you are nicer deal that some smart ass young star

Or come to christiania and get the best or worst from marokko ect ....


Cannabis 101
Copenhagen is a great city i remember Cannabis growing from the rock cracks in christiania ahhh what a great city hash was good but the herb was a little seedy and funky.... stick with the bars of hash! at one point they would sell it openly now you have to talk to the guy standing by the corner with a smile ;)