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Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
Well of course they were, I think every grower calls the state police on themselves just to make sure nothing illegal is going on.

Heck, I'm gonna call the cops on myself right now, see if I can't get in on some of that good ol' raiding and seizing action.

Of course they denied it, and they fought it in court, and lost.

Gee, I wish a bunch of irresponsible folks would grow on my property, that would be swell. I always wanted to lose everything I own and go to jail!

if i read correctly, the first time plants were found they called the cops. this was another time and different place. there's no way of telling whether they actually were the ones growing it. i however believe they were.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the neg rep Smokey, just proves my point that you're doing something unjustifiable, and can't come up with a decent argument as to why.

You're the idiot, because my behavior isn't jeapordizing someone else's life, yours is. One of these days karma will catch you, or a pissed-off farmer will shoot you, and you'll have it coming.

get your panties out of a bunch. i would feel safe saying 80% of the people on here grow on other peoples property. i don't believe in karma so nothing will happen to me. thanks though.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
also, in 49 of the other states it's not legal to grow marijuana on ones own property. so we don't have the luxury of flaunting our nice big plants. we have to grow where we can with what we can. you can go fuck yourself too.


Active member
zenoonez: In the case of grows on public land and other people's land. do you still think that the marijuana grown there is the property of the grower in the same way his titled car is? just clarifying. I'm not saying that I don't think it is your property... but in the same way as your car? or, to use a closer example, in the same way as a corn crop grown on your own land? Both examples are legitimately defensible as your property. But is that guerilla crop?

you bring up the right to defend property with force of arms. do you view this as your legal right as a citizen of the USA or as your god given right as a man. If your answer is the former, then you'd have to agree that growing illegally on public or private land would, by the same law, negate your claim to the resulting "property." If its the latter... and you're just claiming the right to grow where u please and defend it by force of arms, you're opening yourself up to other people's interpretation of their god given rights. For example, i could justify my own right to "salvage" of your unattended crop on public land like flotsam on the open sea...


Overkill is under-rated.
also, in 49 of the other states it's not legal to grow marijuana on ones own property. so we don't have the luxury of flaunting our nice big plants. we have to grow where we can with what we can. you can go fuck yourself too.

Yeah, get all high and mighty in a vain attempt to justify your actions. Make it someone elses problem so you can use THEIR land and risk THEIR asses. Fuck everyone else, YOU are the most important person in the world.

No, Fuck you and your stupid mentality. 13 states have decriminalized medical marijuana, but YOU made a choice to stay in one that hasn't, so it must be someone elses fault you can't grow at your own place.

Take some fucking responsibility for your actions and admit you're risking someone else's ass for profit. People like you give growers a bad name, but you expect praise for your stupidity.

You've even posted in this thread that you would "bump and bruise" anyone on your land messing with YOUR plants, so I think you're just a dumb hypocrite and you oughtta be ashamed of yourself.


if i end up gettin some im gonna fill it with bright green and pink real paint.that way it cant come off, mabey a little glitter just for laughs.its gonna be real bad if its a cop though.i would love to see it in action.the only thing is this isnt going to keep the person from comming back.but thats the only downfall i see.

LMAO @ glitter ! Don't forget the skunk scent. Can't let the rippers go away all dressed up without perfume.

You'd have to set up video cameras, record that shit, and post it on you tube.

That would be hilarious. And I would die a happy man if it were a cop that got sprayed with pink paint, glitter, and skunk scent.


Active member
zenoonez: In the case of grows on public land and other people's land. do you still think that the marijuana grown there is the property of the grower in the same way his titled car is? just clarifying. I'm not saying that I don't think it is your property... but in the same way as your car? or, to use a closer example, in the same way as a corn crop grown on your own land? Both examples are legitimately defensible as your property. But is that guerilla crop?

Absolutely not. I am not a guerrilla grower, never have been, never will be, at least not in that sense. I do not support growing on other people's land or growing in national parks. I am pretty ardently against both situations. However, if it was grown on your property you have a legitimate claim against the individuals for trespassing at the least.

you bring up the right to defend property with force of arms. do you view this as your legal right as a citizen of the USA or as your god given right as a man. If your answer is the former, then you'd have to agree that growing illegally on public or private land would, by the same law, negate your claim to the resulting "property." If its the latter... and you're just claiming the right to grow where u please and defend it by force of arms, you're opening yourself up to other people's interpretation of their god given rights. For example, i could justify my own right to "salvage" of your unattended crop on public land like flotsam on the open sea...

I view the right to protect your property as an inalienable right given to you by your condition as an animal/human. You were born with the right to defend your most important property your physical person and all those less important pieces of your property. As far as this belief meaning that I am just claiming the right to grow where I please and defend that growing by force, I don't follow you. You should be able to grow whatever you want on your land as long as it 1. is your land and 2. doesn't harm others by its growing there. There is a fundamental idea here that I don't think people get on a deeper level. My property is MINE. Now I know we tell kids all the time to be nice and share but not being nice and not sharing is not a crime, it is a right afforded to us by our state of nature. Your property is YOURS most basically and absolutely, none of that crap about being held in common. If a grower is growing on other people's lands I have no sympathy for them and they should be very careful before they find themselves shot. If they are growing in national forests, shame on them for that and I believe that if they are caught they should be punished to the full extent of the law.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
i have plants on my land and others. i know the people whose land i use and what they don't know doesn't hurt them. putting 50 plants in one spot is just asking to get caught. therefore i spread them out in a 5 mile radius near my house. you can say what you will about someone losing their land but no one is losing their land over 8 plants. the coppers just zip down and pull the plants. at least that's what happens around here. if anyone thinks it's wrong, i do not care. i have been doing it for the last 10 years and will continue to do so.


Active member
I agree with you,zenoonez. i was just clarifying your position as I did not understand it from your first post as most of this thread has been dedicated to guerilla grows, which are generally on other peoples land or public land.

if you grow it on your own land, rippers beware. If not, my feeling is that you're taking your chances and have no right to defend with violence.


Active member
LMAO @ glitter ! Don't forget the skunk scent. Can't let the rippers go away all dressed up without perfume.

You'd have to set up video cameras, record that shit, and post it on you tube.

That would be hilarious. And I would die a happy man if it were a cop that got sprayed with pink paint, glitter, and skunk scent.

ill see what i can do :muahaha:

beer batter

why not just perfume they might walk slower threw the woods after getting skunked via trip wire you could put the glitter in w/skunk sent


Active member
ive got a while yet before i could give this a try, my season is pretty much over for now,im going to be attatching to a trip wire and tie it directly to the plant that way when it ripped out of the ground they are gonna get it, and hopefullt it ruins the plant on them.


ICMag Donor
Property is property. If you own it then you should have the right to defend it with necessary force. If you catch someone stealing your car what do you do? Try to stop them or let them take it? I for one try to stop them.

Property is just stuff. Making someone bleed for trying to take it might work for some, but not me.


Active member
Property is just stuff. Making someone bleed for trying to take it might work for some, but not me.

Property is property. You may think that "property is just stuff" but the point is that it is your stuff and if someone intends on taking it they are stealing YOUR stuff. Ownership is important to me. The things I own, I own because I want them. I don't care if someone else also wants them, they don't own them. If they want my car they can go buy one just like it or they can pay me more than it is worth and I would probably sell it. However, if someone wants to steal my property they are going to have a problem because it is my property and they are trying to take it by force or by stealth. The level of violence is predicated on their method. If I caught rippers in my garden I would discharge a shot in the air and tell them to come out with their hands up. If the didn't I would go get them at the point of the gun. If they decide to take my property by force they will be met with the harshest violence that I can possibly put forth because that is what is appropriate. Your choice to be a pacifist is just that, your choice. I respect that decision as it is yours to make. However, I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over shooting dead an armed ripper or shooting an unarmed one who refuses to comply in the leg. Simply put, they have no right to my property and if they think they do they are going to find out the hard way the error of their ways.


However, I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over shooting dead an armed ripper or shooting an unarmed one who refuses to comply in the leg. Simply put, they have no right to my property and if they think they do they are going to find out the hard way the error of their ways.

I'm not sure what the law would say about shooting an unarmed person in the leg. You might want to check into that. I've "heard" that shooting someone in a non-critical part of the body like that proves that your life was not endangered sufficiently to justify using that level of force and puts you at legal risk. I've always heard shoot to kill or don't shoot at all.

This is just what I've heard though.


Active member
I'm not sure what the law would say about shooting an unarmed person in the leg. You might want to check into that. I've "heard" that shooting someone in a non-critical part of the body like that proves that your life was not endangered sufficiently to justify using that level of force and puts you at legal risk. I've always heard shoot to kill or don't shoot at all.

This is just what I've heard though.

True, it can open you up to legal problems unfortunately. Perhaps I will just chase them down and beat them with the gun and claim that they were fighting against being detained. Lol. It is a sad state we live in when you can't wing someone rather than kill them.


ICMag Donor
Property is property. You may think that "property is just stuff" but the point is that it is your stuff and if someone intends on taking it they are stealing YOUR stuff. Ownership is important to me. The things I own, I own because I want them. I don't care if someone else also wants them, they don't own them. If they want my car they can go buy one just like it or they can pay me more than it is worth and I would probably sell it. However, if someone wants to steal my property they are going to have a problem because it is my property and they are trying to take it by force or by stealth. The level of violence is predicated on their method. If I caught rippers in my garden I would discharge a shot in the air and tell them to come out with their hands up. If the didn't I would go get them at the point of the gun. If they decide to take my property by force they will be met with the harshest violence that I can possibly put forth because that is what is appropriate. Your choice to be a pacifist is just that, your choice. I respect that decision as it is yours to make. However, I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over shooting dead an armed ripper or shooting an unarmed one who refuses to comply in the leg. Simply put, they have no right to my property and if they think they do they are going to find out the hard way the error of their ways.

I'm far from a pacifist. If I catch some creep in my house, or if anyone threatens the safety of me or my family, I won't hesitate to use deadly force. Here, you cannot use violence on someone who's in your yard (unless they are threatening with deadly force). They have to be in your house. I believe in protecting what is important to me, but violence over weed is silly IMO.

To each his own...


Active member
I'm far from a pacifist. If I catch some creep in my house, or if anyone threatens the safety of me or my family, I won't hesitate to use deadly force. Here, you cannot use violence on someone who's in your yard (unless they are threatening with deadly force). They have to be in your house. I believe in protecting what is important to me, but violence over weed is silly IMO.

To each his own...

Indeed to each his own. I disagree based upon my belief that the devaluation of property had been detrimental to our society. Think about it, you can always just go out and buy another... it is this consumer culture that I don't believe in. If something is yours it is yours and you should be able to defend it including wounding someone non-lethally.


No Plants???

No Plants???

Went to help a buddie with a harvest & no plants???:mad: Not chopped but pulled up..(I told him we should get the f Out of there & He should never go back to that spot):1help: I stayed low on my way out..