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7 or ten day detox/cleanser


New member
i have seen plenty on the last minute drinks and niacin and dilution. but has anybody tried any of the seven or ten day cleaners available on the market. i posted in the drug test guide but have recieved no replies.

my situatuion:
on papers, and failed once using dilution.
i am a mutliple use per day smoker like five plus sweets a day.
not braggin just the truth.
i passed wal-mart first check but i now realize that cut off must be higher than what they use.
I procrastinated quiting like an idoit and now i will only have ten days unless i can push it back (workin on excuse) then at the most 16 days of abstience before my test.
so i was thinking about grabbing one of the seven or ten day detox kits that i see at the head shop. but i don't believe in the drinks so why waste my money if the week detox is just as much bs as the last minute drinks.

funny thing is when i asked about my levels i was told they weren't high but enough that they think i have been smoking. did not get a straight number but i will ask before i take my next test. if i was below 50ng i might get my lawyer involved. although even testing dirty for casual contact means i violated becausei can't be around illegal activity. Now the reality is i had been blowing big dro daily up to twenty four hours prior to the test. (always give around that much time to try and give myself better chance, guess it didnt work) first check is easy i can blow and blow then dilute and pass. Not true with p.o. piss test.

so after two weeks will i be able to dilute below 15ng which is the lowest cutoff i have seen or should i grab one of the seven day cleansers. and can anyone say they actually work.

danny karey

Interesting thread man, I know nothing about what your talking about, but I mite need to somday.......Wish ya the best of luck!!


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I used a 7 day detox once and passed my test and even smokes a J on the first day. I also did some jogging the last few days and I think that helped. I also drank a lot of water the day before and of the test.


Active member
I've used Terminator Gold 60. It works well just follow directions, why do a week when you can do it in a couple hours.


i used to be involved in drug testing awhile ago. if its not an observed test i'd use someone else clean urine or at least use a small tube of urine to dilute

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I've used synthetic urine also, its a bit more nerve-racking. Mine came with a heating pad. I put the small flask behind my belt buckle against my skin and but the heating pad between the flask and my underwear. It worked nicely, if I had to do it again, I would use the fake urine, but some urine tests someone is watching you pea in the cup, full frontal. I'd recommend the 7-day detox for full frontal.


New member
yeah i have went to report with someone elses urine and the whole rig but they did not test me. Seems like it would have worked but if you get popped thats it, another felony and the original charge. just to risky unless its the only choice. but i do appreciate the replies. When i was reporting every week i was not smoking at all for a month and a half, the first sweet i blow was close to poppin a tab. So i just let that be my motivation for the week or so off. I know the next time blow will be like the first time. Which is something you miss when your tolerence gets to my level.


Active member
those drinks are a waste of money
They work and you can finish probation or get a job while smoking rather than go to jail or be jobless. Having freedom and income? That's pretty much what lifes all about so they're definitely worth it.


Those drinks are bogus.

Procrastinating on quitting is your #1 problem. Ever heard the term half-life? It means the levels of detectable compounds falls exponentially with time. Clean time is the single most important factor to passing a DT.

imho, the only thing other than clean time that has a significant effect is diluting. As you found out, diluting almost was good enough for you. Add some more clean time to your diluting and you'll be golden.

I also think vigorous exercise up until a few days before the test and then loading up on fatty foods and excess calories during the last few days can help. But this is much less effective than clean time and/or diluting.

Of course, substitution is far preferable, but if this is a test for the legal system that's often not easy to do. Well, sometimes it is (from the person who literally mixed concoctions for adulteration at the urinal directly in front of my probation officer as he tried not to stare too much at my junk), but you better be intimately familiar with their procedures if you want to pull off a stealth substitution.

fwiw, I took weekly (at least) DT's for probation for the vast majority of 5 years while toking mostly the whole time, as well as dozens of miscellaneous ones from time to time for jobs, home tests, etc. I've tried just about everything under the sun for passing UA's with varying success and lots of experimentation with techniques to see what has an effect and what doesn't.

btw, in my state at least, they are required by law to show you the test results which have to include the ng/ml cutoff level. iirc, any test for the legal system used to be mandated to be 25 ng/ml minimum for the THC cutoff (used that to get out of saliva tests that had a 15 ng/ml cutoff).

And lastly, more than 0 ng/ml but less than the cutoff is NOT a fail. Don't give them any reason. Definitely don't say it was casual contact because that would be admitting to something that you could be violated over. You don't need to explain it. It's not a fail, period. Just say, "I don't know. But you're saying I didn't test positive for thc, right." Because you didn't fail. But they know. So expect to be messed with - particularly more and more random tests to try to trip you up.


Those drinks are bogus.

Procrastinating on quitting is your #1 problem. Ever heard the term half-life? It means the levels of detectable compounds falls exponentially with time. Clean time is the single most important factor to passing a DT.

imho, the only thing other than clean time that has a significant effect is diluting. As you found out, diluting almost was good enough for you. Add some more clean time to your diluting and you'll be golden.

I also think vigorous exercise up until a few days before the test and then loading up on fatty foods and excess calories during the last few days can help. But this is much less effective than clean time and/or diluting.

Of course, substitution is far preferable, but if this is a test for the legal system that's often not easy to do. Well, sometimes it is (from the person who literally mixed concoctions for adulteration at the urinal directly in front of my probation officer as he tried not to stare too much at my junk), but you better be intimately familiar with their procedures if you want to pull off a stealth substitution.

fwiw, I took weekly (at least) DT's for probation for the vast majority of 5 years while toking mostly the whole time, as well as dozens of miscellaneous ones from time to time for jobs, home tests, etc. I've tried just about everything under the sun for passing UA's with varying success and lots of experimentation with techniques to see what has an effect and what doesn't.

btw, in my state at least, they are required by law to show you the test results which have to include the ng/ml cutoff level. iirc, any test for the legal system used to be mandated to be 25 ng/ml minimum for the THC cutoff (used that to get out of saliva tests that had a 15 ng/ml cutoff).

And lastly, more than 0 ng/ml but less than the cutoff is NOT a fail. Don't give them any reason. Definitely don't say it was casual contact because that would be admitting to something that you could be violated over. You don't need to explain it. It's not a fail, period. Just say, "I don't know. But you're saying I didn't test positive for thc, right." Because you didn't fail. But they know. So expect to be messed with - particularly more and more random tests to try to trip you up.

I agree with alot of what you said, except for the drinks are bogus.

My old drug dealer, by old i mean im on probation and dont smoke anymore, who coincidentally had the same PO (probation officer) as me used the drinks all the time and passed, and he was a heavy smoker considering he was pickin up lb's and shit.

But when i was smoking while on probation and passing, i would smoke for 2 weeks of the month and quit 2 weeks before i had to see the PO. I would slow down on the fatty foods, and drink strictly water. Then a few days or so before the test, i would eat some fast food a couple days, and drink atleast 1 Monster energy drink a day(for 2-3 days), and 1 the drive up to probation. If you look at the content of those drinks, they have a SHITTT LOAD of vitamins and things in them, and it pretty much dilutes your piss with things other then the THC metabolites. BTW im like 230, metabolites are stored in fat cells (thc metabolites are atleast)

Thats the reason for the fatty foods things, you burn off the tainted fats and put a layer of clean fat on top 2-3 days before.

It worked everytime until i started slacking and not stopping the full 2 weeks and not really doing the other things. I got caught up, went for violation, nothing happened, except i had to do rehab and now im doing aftercare once a week for 6months, but, 5 MONTHS LEFT on probation and god damn i can't wait for that day. march 10th...... i don't think someone could smack the smile off my face when that day comes.


Niacin will work to mask. My best friend was on house arrest with mandatory drug tests and never failed once. I use to smoke him out to keep up his spirits. All he took was niacin, it can't be the time released, the night before and the day of the drug test. He would pop like 4 or 5 of those bad boys and soldier on.

He never failed once.


I agree with alot of what you said, except for the drinks are bogus.

imho, the only reason people experience any success with the drinks is because the instructions for using the drink are causing dilution (you're supposed to drink a bunch of fluid in the couple hours preceding the test - i.e., dilution). The substances in the drink add no extra effect over water or any other water-based liquid drink. They only cost more.

It worked everytime until i started slacking and not stopping the full 2 weeks

the levels of detectable compounds falls exponentially with time. Clean time is the single most important factor to passing a DT.


Niacin will work to mask. My best friend was on house arrest with mandatory drug tests and never failed once. I use to smoke him out to keep up his spirits. All he took was niacin, it can't be the time released, the night before and the day of the drug test. He would pop like 4 or 5 of those bad boys and soldier on.

He never failed once.

Niacin is dangerous. It can seriously and permanently fuck your liver. Its effectiveness for flushing is debatable. I would not recommend anyone consume a substance in excess that can cause serious harm when its benefits are not clearly established facts (they most certainly are not in this case).

Anecdotally, there is reason to believe Niacin might help, but I absolutely would not recommend taking several times the daily recommended value and especially not for days on end.


Active member
i have seen plenty on the last minute drinks and niacin and dilution. but has anybody tried any of the seven or ten day cleaners available on the market. i posted in the drug test guide but have recieved no replies.

my situatuion:
on papers, and failed once using dilution.
i am a mutliple use per day smoker like five plus sweets a day.
not braggin just the truth.
i passed wal-mart first check but i now realize that cut off must be higher than what they use.
I procrastinated quiting like an idoit and now i will only have ten days unless i can push it back (workin on excuse) then at the most 16 days of abstience before my test.
so i was thinking about grabbing one of the seven or ten day detox kits that i see at the head shop. but i don't believe in the drinks so why waste my money if the week detox is just as much bs as the last minute drinks.

funny thing is when i asked about my levels i was told they weren't high but enough that they think i have been smoking. did not get a straight number but i will ask before i take my next test. if i was below 50ng i might get my lawyer involved. although even testing dirty for casual contact means i violated becausei can't be around illegal activity. Now the reality is i had been blowing big dro daily up to twenty four hours prior to the test. (always give around that much time to try and give myself better chance, guess it didnt work) first check is easy i can blow and blow then dilute and pass. Not true with p.o. piss test.

so after two weeks will i be able to dilute below 15ng which is the lowest cutoff i have seen or should i grab one of the seven day cleansers. and can anyone say they actually work.

I just got done with 18months probation, pissed clean every time. 14 days is plenty of time but take it serious. All of the drinks and clean crap is just to help you dilute. Do you like beer? Thats one hell of a diuretic and the more you piss/crap/eat/drink/ the faster your metabolism is gonna go and the faster you are gonna get CLEANER. I always got my piss test from CVS and i think they were all 15 cut off.

Go to your PO later in the day if you can, dont ever give the first or the last of the stream of piss, give em the middle.

Niacin doesnt work regardless of anyone saying it does. Its just not true and its been proven so.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
dilution is the solution
drink as much water/gatorade you can, just make sure your pee is yellow. take complex vitamin b the night before and the day of.
also i read that creatinine (what creatine metabolizes to) levels are something they check for to make sure that you are not diluting. make sure you eat alot of red meat for a couple days before you test.
dont take niacin the last day or so because they test for elevated levels of niacin. it also burns fat which u dont want to do.
dont do anything the day before the test so you dont burn any fat and release any thc metabolites and eat alot of fatty foods to lock up any that have been released

i mean if you are facing going to jail id be eating alot of meat and drinking mucho beer anyway. wouldnt you? ;)

i passed a probation test with 4 days notice (after smoking an 8th of headies and some hash) doing what i posted above (wasnt one of those gas spectrum meters, it was some kind of drop pee on multiple individual drug test strip things) for what its worth

They work and you can finish probation or get a job while smoking rather than go to jail or be jobless. Having freedom and income? That's pretty much what lifes all about so they're definitely worth it.
i failed a drug test the one time i used it. from my personal experience, they dont work. i wouldnt waste my money on them. the reasons you put are the only reasons why they even sell.

I just got done with 18months probation, pissed clean every time. 14 days is plenty of time but take it serious. All of the drinks and clean crap is just to help you dilute. Do you like beer? Thats one hell of a diuretic and the more you piss/crap/eat/drink/ the faster your metabolism is gonna go and the faster you are gonna get CLEANER. I always got my piss test from CVS and i think they were all 15 cut off.

Go to your PO later in the day if you can, dont ever give the first or the last of the stream of piss, give em the middle.

Niacin doesnt work regardless of anyone saying it does. Its just not true and its been proven so.
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admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
LOL. I don't smoke



one time i had to test for probatoin before i got my medical card. i smoke all night and got drunk saturday but i had 13 days till my next test. i drinked 2 big bottles of cranberry juce. i hit the gyme every day until 3 days before test. i took cretine every day and the day of the test. drink 4 two liters the next two days after i smoked. last 5 days i took cranberry pills and i passed.

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