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should i leave the country?

Jalisco Kid

Active member
Go to school. You can make it interesting as you want or as boring as you want. Learn languages,basic principals in life, hook up with interesting people,study abroad. Go to Davis and learn to grow and breed. A few more years and you will have it behind you and your whole life ahead of yourself. Don't worry about what your degree is in,few really succsessful people I know used their degree. You learn how to learn,how to process ideas,think out of the box. You can use your knowledge to serve a corporation or yourself.
Or you could end up some mean drunk, leaving in europe making money of others work with no friends.
It is a question only you can answer. Suerte JK


Yo man - I just recently withdrew from college myself. The way I see it: Say if I finished school straight up right now and I would retire at 65...I would much rather take however long I want off to figure out EXACTLY what I want to do with me life, find out what I want to spend the rest of my life doing, and retire when I'm say 67 - 68. Basically I'd want the 3 years of free time when I'm 20 and in the prime shape of my life to do whatever the wind brings me to do, instead of when I'm getting older and will be relaxing for a while anyway ;)


Don't worry about what your degree is in,few really succsessful people I know used their degree. You learn how to learn,how to process ideas,think out of the box.

Yes, I could not agree more with this statement. If the course of study is rigorous it will teach you to think logically and express ideas orally and in writing.

And this is no small thing. The ability to think logically is a skill that must be acquired. It is like any other skill, it must be developed and practiced. Like martial arts or music.

This and a strong work ethic will take you far. Employers will pay you well, because the ability to think logically and communicate your ideas is suprizingly rare.


Well-known member
finish school now, unless you're taking some lame-ass degree in a non-engineering subject, in which case it really doesn't matter, eh?


Active member
its more like im tired of the rat race man. I love life dont get me wrong, i just feel like there is something simpler out there. Growing weed near the beach, just chillen. Maybe open a little hostel or something if i can get my money right first.

no stress u know what i mean. no cell phones, no cnn nothing

all of the people saying "finish school" have a different mindset about your desired end goal in life.

yours is more similar to mine, see I dont need me no educashun to live on a beach with some nice island women, grow some dank, have an organic garden and live off the sea.

you dont need a community college degree in business administration to do a single one of those things.

honestly people need to change the mindset of "go to school, get a degree, get a good job and use the money from that job to live your life"

I say "live your life" instead.

if you have 10k right now, cash, I'll say that you could hop on a plane, have your own land, grow your own everything and be in total nirvana. by the end of this week you could be started... easy.... if that is what you desire of course.


The Hopeful Protagonist
I vote yes....leave the country.

I only wish that I was this smart when I was in college.


finish school, change your perspective on it into an insurance policy and not a future.

My degree is my fallback and it also helps me in my chosen career path as well.

it never hurts to have options, and you have more with the education than without it.


Active member
working to have a "safety net" is good n all, but spending your entire youth, young adult, adult, and then beginning senior years in a position you dont absolutely LOVE (even if its a GREAT paying job) to collect that fall back 'insurance' in the form of guaranteed money right? cuz retirement portfolios, stocks, and 401k's never crash right? and then when were at the ripe ole age of mid sixty's we get to let loose and party our asses off!! woo hoo!!!! I cant wait to hop on my jazzy scooter and go greet the new punk ass generation at the wal mart doors.

life isn't meant to hoard and amass belongings and die with a big pile of 'gold', you should live it and experience it and be involved in it (life), not merely a slave to imaginary numbers and dollar signs that rule consumerism which is the fuel for life today.


Active member
working to have a "safety net" is good n all, but spending your entire youth, young adult, adult, and then beginning senior years in a position you dont absolutely LOVE (even if its a GREAT paying job) to collect that fall back 'insurance' in the form of guaranteed money right? cuz retirement portfolios, stocks, and 401k's never crash right? and then when were at the ripe ole age of mid sixty's we get to let loose and party our asses off!! woo hoo!!!! I cant wait to hop on my jazzy scooter and go greet the new punk ass generation at the wal mart doors.

life isn't meant to hoard and amass belongings and die with a big pile of 'gold', you should live it and experience it and be involved in it (life), not merely a slave to imaginary numbers and dollar signs that rule consumerism which is the fuel for life today.

thanks for all the replys. i like this one alot.

its not about material things its about happieness.


thanks for all the replys. i like this one alot.

its not about material things its about happieness.

Tell that to someone without material things.

Money doesn't just buy material things. Money buys a place to live in a better neighborhood away from noise or pollution, it buys a home rather than an apartment, it buys the ability to raise a family with less stress, it buys better healthcare, better schools, it buys political influence, and last but not least it buys a good lawyer in case you ever get into trouble.

Your thinking about these issues will change as you grow older. The hitch is that by then it's kind of late to get your degree.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
considering how much paperwork is involved with any moving between countries, I wouldn't

check out the paperwork involved before you go thinking further and you can't just move where you want now a days. it's complicated and time consuming, and you better know that's what you want if you start it up...

my opinion anyway


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
Tell that to someone without material things.

Money doesn't just buy material things. Money buys a place to live in a better neighborhood away from noise or pollution, it buys a home rather than an apartment, it buys the ability to raise a family with less stress, it buys better healthcare, better schools, it buys political influence, and last but not least it buys a good lawyer in case you ever get into trouble.

Your thinking about these issues will change as you grow older. The hitch is that by then it's kind of late to get your degree.

I guess when your name's CASHMUNNY, this sentence fit's perfect to your name..


working to have a "safety net" is good n all, but spending your entire youth, young adult, adult, and then beginning senior years in a position you dont absolutely LOVE (even if its a GREAT paying job) to collect that fall back 'insurance' in the form of guaranteed money right? cuz retirement portfolios, stocks, and 401k's never crash right? and then when were at the ripe ole age of mid sixty's we get to let loose and party our asses off!! woo hoo!!!! I cant wait to hop on my jazzy scooter and go greet the new punk ass generation at the wal mart doors.

life isn't meant to hoard and amass belongings and die with a big pile of 'gold', you should live it and experience it and be involved in it (life), not merely a slave to imaginary numbers and dollar signs that rule consumerism which is the fuel for life today.

it takes zero effort to get a degree, and it takes hardly any time when measured against a lifetime.

insurance means something to fall back on if life doesn't work out the way you wanted.

don't limit yourself or you are the very same people you condemn as misguided.

it's all well and good to be anti-wealth, I myself am that way, but to say it's not how the world goes round is stupid stupid stupid. Ideals don't feed my kids.


Active member
Ya know Johnny, ourcee's post is dead on. Sounds like its your style.

However....your almost done with school. 2 years will go by fast, if you let it. Then you have your degree, and if you kept saving those two years, a good chuck of cash. You will still be young and a little wiser. Then you bail and have the time of your life. If you run out of money you now have a piece of paper that WILL help you get a good job so you don't have to work at McDonald's. I was lucky enough to travel to several countries in my late twenties, had the time of my life! And thats because I was a little older and a little wiser....and most importantly, I had a good job which enabled me to travel with the financial freedom you need to make the most of it!


ICMag Donor
its more like im tired of the rat race man. I love life dont get me wrong, i just feel like there is something simpler out there. Growing weed near the beach, just chillen. Maybe open a little hostel or something if i can get my money right first.

no stress u know what i mean. no cell phones, no cnn nothing

rats race because they want the prize at the end.

What's your prize?


Having the money to go to college is an enormous privilege and opportunity. College was the best thing that I have ever done for myself by far.

But it sounds like your mind is made up. Enjoy yourself, but please go back when you're done.



That 10 K and a passport will be all the Education you will need if you are Adventurous and Open Minded...

If not, all those Universities and degrees will be waiting, but now is the time to learn first hand about other cultures, before you get caught in a rut that offers nice things & secirity

:rasta: Go For It :rasta:


St. Elsewhere
Dude, look around you. Look at the job market. Thousands upon thousands of people are graduating right now and are UNABLE to land a job in their desired field.

Education is great and all, but that piece of paper don't mean shit when the system is in a slump.

Fuck school. Don't finish just because you think you are supposed to. Do it for you, or not at all.

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