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Carrot Cake


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week

Howdy All :joint:

Time to give back a little.

A friend of mine travelled to the States back in the 80's and returned with a recipe for a carrot cake. This recipe is, as it was, when she shared it with me. I haven't met anyone with a sweet tooth who hasn't loved it.

I make this cake fortnightly and substitute my cannabutter for real butter and friends have a crazy edible-infused night of poker.

I substitute the recipe's vegetable oil for cannabutter, using the Cannabutter in 7 Easy Steps method from the forum sticky, here - I add the equivalent of 1/2 an ounce of trim per each cake, which we divide into 10 pieces and everyone gets baked.

I also do carrot cake muffins :joint:

Double Layer Carrot Cake

  • 2 + 1/3rd cups Plain flour
  • 1 + ½ cups Sugar
  • 2 teaspoons Baking Powder
  • 2 teaspoons Bi Carb Soda
  • 2 teaspoons Cinnamon
  • 1 + ½ teaspoons Salt
  • 4 Eggs
  • 3 cups Grated Carrot
  • 1 + ½ cups Vegetable Oil
  • ¾ cup chopped nuts

Sift and mix dry ingredients

Add oil, eggs, nuts and carrot. Mix

Bake in 2 x 20cm round tins @ 180c fan forced (200c non fan forced) for 40 minutes (or until the cake pulls away from the edges of the tin)

Or, use muffin tins and line with muffin paper, same temperature but watch them, they'll cook quicker!!

Turn out on wire cooler to cool, while we prep the icing


  • 60gms Butter
  • 500gms Icing Sugar (not icing mixture)
  • 500gms Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • 2 teaspoons Vanilla Essence

Leave butter and cream cheese out of fridge in room temperature for a few hours before making icing; if you forget to do that you can put the packet in your pocket while you make the cake, then your bodytemp will soften it enough to allow easy and NON-LUMPY icing (I always forget to pull the cream cheese from the fridge so can attest to the accuracy of this method)

If you use margarine instead of butter you won't need to worry but butter needs to be softened too, and dang it just occurred to me that people use microwave ovens, so I guess you could nuke it and screw that hard firm package in your pocket, but for me I like it

Mix ingredients together until fluffy and smooth

Ice one cake then sit other on top of the iced one, and continue icing the top layer until all covered

Or if making muffins, be liberal and....

Enjoy :yeahthats

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Well-known member
I like carrot cake and that some great .i think i'll have to ask my buddies baking wife to make that since they are who i share my cookies with and my nugs by they are awesome freinds and deserve it fot putting up with me lol


Active member
I love carrot cake! I have a friend who's mom makes a maple frosting to use as icing on carrot cakes it's amazing flavor combo!


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
yo yort, dig in, don't be shy ;P

yo chuck my man (in a down under scrote scratchin kinda way), don't get fat hehe

I love carrot cake! I have a friend who's mom makes a maple frosting to use as icing on carrot cakes it's amazing flavor combo!

post the recipe here....if you can steal it ;P

My last couple a batches were made using recipe and muffin tins

They were farquing eggggsellent, was mostly that cannocopia bubba cross trim and it was nice


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
hi Lil'o, it's the icing that makes these great

if you like cream cheese you'll love it ;)


that looks tatsy!

the best part with carrots is they are the veggie with MOST sugar content after the sugar beet.

carrot cake :D

a non related banana bread i liked :D



no wuckin furries!
mmmmmm yum was just thinking today about how nice some carrot muffins would be too make....havnt had carrot cake since i was kid...and munched it down back then..

wish i had a grater ...grrrrrr...gona have to make banana and walnut muffins instead...and get a grater soon and another big bag of carrots...there ya just made me!...might even get some real lemon and zest it into the icing ...go crazy :D .HH. =]-~


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
nice ideas guys, thank for dropping by bonecarver and happyherb :)

I really love the icing, try out just a little bit on your cake recipe

hmmmm lemon zest, yummy in fruity cakes like orange cake too



i usually add some grated orange rind, and a tiny bit of orange juice - but also i add chopped pine apple to my carrot cake :D also i do add vanilla with the cinnamon, besides taht the recipe i got is similar :D



Mmm that looks tasty. Im usually one to just eat the frosting and ditch the cake.....but in this case :D