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Venezuela bans Family Guy cartoon

Big D

Authorities in Venezuela say they will punish TV stations if they continue to broadcast episodes of cult US animation Family Guy.

Justice Minister Tareck El Aissami says the show should be banned because it promotes the use of marijuana.


WTF is Venezuela's problem? First the Simpsons now Family Guy.


New member
i live here.... that minister is a joke... this government is really fuc.ekd up... you have to live it to beleive it.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
"A bag of weed a bag of weed
oh everythings better with a bag of weed
you don't need meth and you don't need speed
oh everythings better with a bag of weed!"

I have that episode on my phone, I'd play it at breaktime, after there'd be a bunch of sparkys walking around the power plant either singing that song or whistling it. :D


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
A bag of weed a bag of weed.... :D

If anyone HASN'T seen the family guy 420 episode, FIND IT! Funnier than all hell! :biglaugh: