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Foothills Filter w/ 240cfm fan Exhaust???

sorry i gave you my old dimensions. my grow space is actually (4ft L x 2.3ft W x 6ft H) so 55.2cu ft. I checked out the website and it says "with a 240cfm fan" i had the feeling they were saying the fan is 240cfm and NOT as a combo, but you may be right, hope you are!
Hey Switch-one,

I was thinking about getting the same foothill filter you got... My grow is still a paper project. FreezerBoy told me the same thing, but what made me back out was not the lack of CFMs. But the noise 58dB. And the fact that being an axial, which makes it have problems with back pressure made me think about durability of the fan.

I don't know the filters but I think when they say 240CFM they mean the combo can do it. Not the fan is a 240CFM attached to a filter (which will reduce the CFM rate of the fan)

The S&P that freezer showed me seemed much more robust and people say it is quiet for little cabinets.

I am now thinking in buying a S&P TD-150 (running it in low) or a S&P TD-125 (running it in max) and a 200-300CFM filter from foothill (just the filter).

And another thing, and please correct me if I am mistaken. You grow area will be a little more than 63 cubic feet, right ? With 240CFM you would be exchanging the air 3.77 times per minute. Unless you are in an area where you have low room temperature, and the heat from your 400HPS is desirable I think you may run into way higher temperatures within the grow than in the room.

I am not that experienced. Won't argue with anyone about it but it is my impression.

How loud is the noise of your foothill filter, right now ???

i always thought the formula: LxWxH= CU FT and then CU FT/5 which gives you ur minimum cfm rating, then multiply this min. cfm rating by five to get max turnover rate cfm fan.

4x6x2.3=55.2cu ft

55.2cu ft/5=11.04cfm needed.

this is why i thought the 240cfm (including the back pressure would have been sufficient)

this is foothills example:
[SIZE=+2]EXAMPLE:[/SIZE] [SIZE=+2] [/SIZE] [SIZE=+2]12 X 12 X 8 = 1152 CU FT[/SIZE] [SIZE=+2]
[SIZE=+2]1152 / 5 = 230 CFM NEEDED

please correct me if i am wrong.
nevermind thats for depleted co2 calculations

4x6x2.3= 55.2cfm NOT cu ft!!
so i want to exchange it at least 4 times

4x55.2= 220.8cfm correct?


New member

As you showed they do an example of 230CFM for the whole room. That's why I think the combo is rated to 240CFM not just the fan... But only they would know that for sure... :)

So if you have your AC running all day, you should not run into problems.

You are taking the standard air exchange rates as the example, of 1 full air exchange each 5 minutes. A lot of growers do not run with AC and have to rely in air exchange to keep the temperature inside the grow as close to the external temps as possible.

I live in a very hot area, and will not be using AC. Here I will only get near the adequate temps on the winter, even though I can get some day of temps higher than the adequate. So I am aiming at least 6 air exchanges per minute. Very different than 1 exchange every five minutes, don't you think ??? :)

Again I have little experience (only one grow so far). I am only telling you what i have been reading on the forums...

Hope this helps...


anyone of this board actually use this model or other carbon filters with built in axial fans?
tomarrow is the big day. decided to try it with the 240cfm fan and scrubber. going to keep my closet open during the lights on period. ill keep everyone informed so people have a heads up on this specific product.....

wanted to thank everyone for thier input and advice very much helpful...

if anyone has any inputs or ideas that they would like to share please feel welcome.....

what if i hooked this up to a modded stanley blower. will this effect my scrubber for the worse? I saw people on the forums using it with their setups and scrubbers but i want to make sure it will work with my scrubber



Green is Gold
Bump. Yeah hopefully the OP will come back and tell us his experience using this filter. So far I haven't needed to use one (I grow in a spare room, not a cab) but I will be having new neighbors shortly so I need to be more stealth about things from now on. I was looking at the foothills and would really like to hear some feedback on whether it is worth buying or not. Thanks!


I've been using a foothills filter for about 6 months now. It works surprisingly well for the amount of carbon in them. I don't remember what size it is, but it was rated for 200-300cfm i wana say its 6x18? If you guys really wana know lemme know and ill measure it at lights on.....

I'm using a speed controller with a 6" cap valueline 440cfm fan. I have it turned up about 2/3rd of the way and there is no noticable smell at the exhaust...however there is a huge smell in the room. Its 6x7x8, and only has one 600 in it now and 7 or 8 plants (all at different flowering times, a few are almost done, a few just started flowering.

With that said. On days its really hot n humid (over 80%rh outside and over 60%rh downstairs) you can smell funk on the exhaust. Its actually caused me to buy a new filter. We're going with a PROfilter 50...as that will take care of 1200 or 1800 watts no problem and its refillable.
HEY GUYS. OK i have been using this fan and carbon scrubber for sometime now. for odor control it works great. for cooling lights, this WILL NOT do the trick. for ventilation, again this will not suffice.

after everything is said and done, i am happy that the odors are killed off and it does a great job.

my next, more organized and properly funded grows i will be using a can-filter 50 with a 6" inline centrifugal fan. this will help kill odors and cool my new 600w hps light efficiently.

anyways i hope this helps everyone out.

i wouldnt suggest anyone buy this fan/filter combo if your looking to vent, kill odors, and cool a light, it wont work out, period.
Hey Switch-one,

I was thinking about getting the same foothill filter you got... My grow is still a paper project. FreezerBoy told me the same thing, but what made me back out was not the lack of CFMs. But the noise 58dB. And the fact that being an axial, which makes it have problems with back pressure made me think about durability of the fan.

I don't know the filters but I think when they say 240CFM they mean the combo can do it. Not the fan is a 240CFM attached to a filter (which will reduce the CFM rate of the fan)

The S&P that freezer showed me seemed much more robust and people say it is quiet for little cabinets.

I am now thinking in buying a S&P TD-150 (running it in low) or a S&P TD-125 (running it in max) and a 200-300CFM filter from foothill (just the filter).

And another thing, and please correct me if I am mistaken. You grow area will be a little more than 63 cubic feet, right ? With 240CFM you would be exchanging the air 3.77 times per minute. Unless you are in an area where you have low room temperature, and the heat from your 400HPS is desirable I think you may run into way higher temperatures within the grow than in the room.

I am not that experienced. Won't argue with anyone about it but it is my impression.

How loud is the noise of your foothill filter, right now ???

yes, it is quite loud, its not good for venting or exhaust, due to the axial fan and freezer boy rightly pointed out that the back pressure makes this fan/filter combo useless. if odor and just odor is an issue this will work out great.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Hey Switch,

THANK YOU for coming back with a progress report. Sorry we couldn't have been more helpful but, know that your report WILL help others. You did good. Rep points for you.


hey switch. I was looking at the same fan on ebay and wanted to know about your experience with the combo. I am using a 150 hps in a stealth dresser with dimensions 28''x20''x3' and wanted to know in your experience would it be suffecient as a exhaust as well. I had almost made up my mind and then got scared reading this thread. Granted my grow is alot smaller then yours I still would like to know about the quality of the fan.