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Begging WWII Vet Yesterday


you guys just love to demean people don't you

Mr. Burgundy said:
The other day in Berkeley, I saw a guy that was panhandling running down the street, pretty fast I might add. This got my interest, so I decided to see what happens.

Turns out he was catching the meter maid, and he had to move his truck at the last minute.
What a piece of sh*t. It took everything in me to not follow this clown and kick the shit out of him.

Mr. Burgundy said:
My point was he was not using a HOMELESS VET sign.

jeremy said:
apparently he wasn't begging on the corner, he was running back and forth trying to get some change for the parking meter

he probably had 3 $100 bills in his wallet along with credit cards with $50,000 limits

he didn't have any change ... and he didn't want a parking ticket

how many places in the city will break a $100 bill? none ... even if you goto starbucks and get a coffee for $2.39 and attempt to pay with a benjamin the clerk will 9/10 tell you they don't have change for a bill

what planet do you guys live on?

ddrew said:
I disagree Jeremy, my understanding of this is he was begging money and noticed his truck was about to be ticketed, not trying to get change for a bill, where did you get that?

jeremy said:
my understanding is he noticed his truck was about to be ticketed, realized he couldn't change a bill, and ran back and forth begging for some change before the meter maid got to his truck. you wouldn't ask someone for a quarter to save you $35?

it happens every day in DC ... not worth getting the shit kicked out of you though

EDIT: i have re-read this thread and i still can't figure out which planet y'all are from

i read things for what they say ... i can't read minds

he didn't say anything about him looking homeless until now ... i figured he was in a 3 piece suit

i'm not saying there aren't people that need it more ... but because this guy didn't have a quarter in his pocket he deserves a $35 ticket?

you wouldn't do the same? come on man

just because someone is asking people for change means they are trying to act homeless? he needed some change ... not his ass beat


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Stir, stir, stir the pot...

Some of you guys are just being rude.

Stir the pot some more. Maybe it will bubble...

And maybe it will get closed down after bubbling over.



Original Editor of ICMagazine
Thank you resinryder....

Thank you resinryder....

Yesterday afternoon I was over on the other side of town in a shopping center.
As my wife and I were waiting our turn at the stop sign to turn onto the main road, I noticed a 80 to 85 plus year old guy sitting in a wheel chair shyly hold up a sign. It read, WWII vet. Hungry please help. He was clean, with a couple days worth of gray stubble, and looked embarrassed to be there. He struggled to get out the chair so I got out the passenger side I was on and quickly walked to him. I handed the old guy a 20 dollar bill, he smiled and said something softly I couldn't understand. I turned around to get back into the car. When we pulled up to the sign to make the turn, he had by this time stood up and was saluting me while shaking badly, crying, and mouthed thank you.
This guy tore my heart out. It's a shame that this is what things have come to.
Could it have been a scam? Could it be he was for real? I don't know. But I do know this. With no increase in social security for the next 2 years, cuts being proposed in excess of 500 billion to medicaid, and housing losses, I'm afraid this type of scene is going to become more and more common. I surely hope not!
Just thought I'd share this with you guys. I can't get the sight of him saluting, shaking, and crying out of my head as we drove away.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I like to do the same kinda thing whenever I can.


Active member
Back in my church going days, I used to pray, fast, read the bible a lot. When I was really into it, I would dream a lot. So one Saturday night I had a dream where an angel appeared to me and directed me to give money to someone. The next morning after church...and this has never happened before the entire time I'd been there...a dude shows up with his son...not to the service, but outside after service...out of the crowd of people, comes up to ME...tells me his story and asks for some money to feed him and his son. I immediately reached in my wallet and looked to see what was there. A $20 bill. I took it out and gave it to him. I told one of the church dudes what happened including the dream and he said "Sounds like you're the angel." I laughed.

~Abbie :joint:


Smokin on that serious...
i would have bought him 20 bucks worth of asprin, ensure, and vitamins. its kinda like buying a 40 for a bum instead of givin him a fiver, except its an old person.
i would have bought him 20 bucks worth of asprin, ensure, and vitamins. its kinda like buying a 40 for a bum instead of givin him a fiver, except its an old person.

Not trying to start shit just asking hypothetically...if someone handed you 20 bucks what would you spend it on...id probably go buy spend it on some nuggz to lift my spirits...:joint:.so why should i be a judge of what someone should buy.

also do Mcdonalds hamburgers have more nutrition than a beer?:2cents:

Mad props on the giving...takes some real character to give your hard earned money to someone who needs it more than you!


My grandpa was a World War 2 vet. He was captured by German soldiers and was held as a POW for 18 months. He was made to work on a potato farm and lived in a hole in the ground that the prisoners dug out.

He was rescued by American troops, but was fucked up in the head the rest of his life. He took this dagger and arm band off a dead German soldier, that I now keep. He lived a very difficult life and so has my Vietnam veteran father. Always support the troops, they deserve it.

- Jenn
