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13 leaf fingers

This Male plant is bagseed, but resembled ruderalis when first started (Very short, thick stem, wide fat leaves). Now, several months later, it has morphed into a plant with some wide fat 5 fingered leaves and some long thin 13 fingered leaves, rock solid stem structure and internodes every 2 to 3 inches.

Does anyone know if this is genetic or environmental?

Is having additional leaf fingers a desired trait?




Plant Whisperer
I have a trainwreck cut that does something like that :joint:

I have no idea why or if its desired :2cents:


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    TrainWreck Leaf 007.jpg
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  • TrainWreck Leaf 020.jpg
    TrainWreck Leaf 020.jpg
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high 420! that is an interesting TW cut :rasta: but it only has 9 fingers. The fingers themselves split into multiples farther down the leaf.

With mine, it has 13 individual fingers that are unsplit.


Someone was saying that having more than the usual set of fingers shows that the plant was happy and had all what she needed. Having 3 fingers all of a sudden shows that the plant endured some sort of stress.
Might be a legend. Curious if someone can shed some light on it.
I found that most mutants were males, I read a japanese ( english ) paper on this, on how males are usually the mutants, I've seen crimped leaves, 13 well formed leaflets and some malformed leaflets, the main stem split in two, three branches by nodes, some 4.

I'll have to try and find this pdf.


I found that most mutants were males, I read a japanese ( english ) paper on this, on how males are usually the mutants, I've seen crimped leaves, 13 well formed leaflets and some malformed leaflets, the main stem split in two, tree branches by nodes, some 4.

I'll have to try and find this pdf.

I'll agree it's usually the case, but not always. In the past 2 years I've had 4 mutants 3-male 1-female. In two the fingers of the leaves were even numbered 4-6-8 etc. That looks weird I assure you!


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i have 1 plant with this leaf pattern and its a female,
not all leaves show this some show 14 even 15 "fingers" (im not sure what the actual term is blades?) but only some leaves show this most are normal so im not sure whats up really
here is a picture:


It's just an anomaly, or fluke if you will. Even in the same strain from the same parents occasionally one is a little different than the others. Evolution perhaps. It happens in all nature, plants, animals and people.
ToughGirl - I've never heard or seen even numbered leaves until today, thanks for sharing!

It is probably just an anomoly, but would you keep the male pollen or trash it? (I'm a pollen chucker and trying to figure if this should be avoided like the plague or sought after)


ive seen in afew peoples grow diarys posting with this leaf patern, it could be bred into plants, but unforciantly they show up rarely and usually with different people, that it is hard to breed towards it.

a leaf patern like this in my opinion would use light better as it creates smaller fatter leaves at the bases of the other leaves.

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